Title: Do Not Ignore This

Pairing: SasuSaku

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of Keri Smith's ideas or published work, or Dash & Lily's Book of Dares.


He didn't want to respond to it. Really, he didn't. Of course, he probably should have thought of that before he picked up the offending item. He even should have thought about that before he changed his mind about dumping it in the trashcan next to the door on his way out. But nay. He picked it up, and that was it. It got shoved into his little emo-school-boy bag and it stayed there until now.

"Dude...it's lime green."

"Really? Lime green? Thank you, Dobe, for without you I would be doomed to a life as a color blind college student." Sasuke said sarcastically.

Naruto rolled his eyes at his best friend's comment and slurped up some more of his cafeteria paid for ramen noodles before speaking again. "It's just not like you...I mean...you don't do colors besides black and the pasty whiteness of your skin."

Sasuke ignored the insult and the urge to correct Naruto by telling him that black was a shade and that white was a tint, not colors, but he opted to inspect the aforementioned topic of their conversation.

It was a lime green notebook.

Sasuke had walked into his class (poetry class...this is what he deserved for deciding on an English major) and sat down in his usual seat—in the far left, middle section—far enough from everyone else while still considered as a participating student—and there it was, sitting on the table top. It was obnoxiously bright with no real design or pattern on the surface. There was no price label on it, yet it looked like it had never been opened.

At first, Sasuke was angry that it was there (because he was Sasuke and Sasukes don't like surprises or interruptions and this notebook was both at the time) and just shoved it to the seat next to his before sitting down. But as the class went on and he grew bored of the subject of a dead poet who was really over examined in his opinion, his eyes drifted back to the notebook.

It obviously belonged to a girl because of the bright, un-manly color. Though, he noticed, there were no doodles or words scrawled on the front (because he is narrow-minded and, as Naruto says, asexual, so he does not realize that not all girls profess their heart's desires on their notebooks). The book was a mystery to him.

He reacted on impulse once the teacher dismissed them. He grabbed it and shoved it in his bag all in one movement.

"It's totally a girl's." Naruto said through a mouthful of broth.

Sasuke frowned at his friend's lack of table manners and the fact that he had had the same thought (because it can't be a good thing if he and Naruto are thinking alike).

"Hn, you don't know that."

Naruto shrugged. "Yeah, I don't, but who cares? Just toss it. Or turn it into the teacher or something since it obviously belongs to someone."

The second one sounded too much like middle school for Sasuke to do. He picked up the notebook and his plate (lasagna) and made his way towards the trashcan by the large cafeteria's exit. As he moved to throw the plate away and adjust his falling Jansport backpack back onto his shoulder, he dropped the book. He bent to pick it up when he noticed something written on the now visible—it fell open—cover.

Dear Applicant,


This is in no way an attempt at molestation, abduction, or anything else that is bad and that could possibly be running through your mind right now.

This notebook is empty, aside from this page and your first challenge on the following page, but my aim, and hopefully yours too once you finish reading this introduction, is to fill this book with continuous activities. What kinds of activities you may ask? That all depends on whether or not you accept this challenge. That's right, challenge.

My name is Sakura Haruno, and I am a student here at Konoha U. I am majoring in medicine, but one of my elective courses requires me to keep a journal of sorts. There are no rules to this assignment except that I must fill up a notebook with thoughts, drawings, recordings, or something along those lines. I've never been good at keeping journals or diaries as a child, so luckily I'm allowed to be creative with this. I also must show growth of some sort, so I figured, what other way to show growth than a blossoming relationship?

No, I'm not looking for a romantic relationship with you (because I'm not that creepy, or a lesbian if you happen to be a girl) but I'm hoping we will at least be mutual friends by the end of this.

So, here are the rules:

If you accept this task, you MUST (emphasis on must) complete all challenges that are issued to you.

After you complete the challenge, there will be a note at the bottom telling you where to leave the notebook so that I may find it. Make sure you leave it in that location.

After completing a challenge, write one of your own as well as a location as to where I should leave this book once I complete it.

Got it? Great! If not, then please leave this notebook somewhere else so that another person may have a chance at helping me complete my assignment.

Okay, so your first assignment is on the next page (if you accepted). Hope you have fun with this as much as I will!

Sasuke smirked at the extensive message on the cover before picking the book up and pushing the door open.

As he walked back towards his dorm, he kept glancing at the book in his hand. He didn't have to answer this Sakura's request. She said in her note that he could leave it in another spot so that it would be someone else's burden.

But as he unlocked the door to his dorm, threw his bag at the foot of his bed, and sat down at his desk with the notebook open and a pen in his hand, he found that he couldn't ignore this girl's request.

He had a challenge to complete.


Okay, so this was originally going to be a one-shot, but Cherry Itishi convinced me to make it into a multi-chapter story. So here's hoping that it goes well!