Hi! This story is dedicated to Wave whose story gave me the idea. Don't worry, I love you all. Anyway, I won't really be updating soon, since I do NOT have a computer of my own. I use my brother's. Expect me updating a month from now. Sorry. If I finish this story-IF- I'll retype I Wanna Tell You I Love You, so don't run away from me Keari, who subscribed that shortie.

Misty's POV

You know why vampires do horrible stuff?It's because of humans. Wait-the victims call the trouble? Well, sort of. Has anyone ever told you not to believe in vapires? That is one reason. The other reaon is this: even though vampires are believed to be fake, some people are still scared of them. Notice I put 'believed'. Do you like it when people are afrid of you-or even worse, don't think you are real? No? That's what vapires are suffering. If people have never gotten these ideas, vampires won't kill their prey.
My name is Misty Waterflower, age 11. I live with my best friend, May Maple, since my parents are divorced and I can't choose whether to live with Mom or Dad. Besides, why only live with one parent? With me, it's two parents or none. Anyway, how do I know all that vampire stuff? Someone told me. Unfortunatley, that someone is a vampire, Ash Ketchum. It happened a month ago.

So short... Tough cheese. Oh well. R&R, please. Suggestions and comments accepted.