A/N: Hi there! So sorry! Moved back to the States, and stuff happened that I lost track of time for the story! Sadly to say its getting harder to write these, no motivation. I may or may not take this down to re-write it, I feel like I can make these better than what it is. So many ideas in my head just hard to put them in words at times! Short side of this, Major Writers block!

Don't own any rights to Bleach, Sadly!

Please take three seconds to Write a Review it would help me out a lot! Thanks! Those who do already. ~bows deeply~ Thank you!

Chapter 10

Settling in the car Ichigo turned the radio on and rubbed his mop of orange hair looking around as he placed his seatbelt on. Looking At the others and pulled out from the drive way following the other car. He played with the knobs before finding nothing and turns it off. Sighing knowing this was going to be a trip that was very long. He closed his eyes and drifted into a light sleep, everyday the snowball found it harder and harder to fall asleep. Blackness over took his body as he felt colder, pain stuck his arms and legs, placing fear into his heart. Not really wanting to wake up, he didnt want to feel this way any more, he just wasn't able to coupe with it. After a few hours he was woken up, he looked around with a pale look plastered on his face. He took in sharp shaky breaths before recalling where he was, embarrassed on what just happened.

"So, you ever gone to the beach?" The berry asked on a soft voice.

". . . No. . . But I did read about them...and saw a picture of it.." Toshirou spoke in a cool, calming voice. Waving in and out of his speech.

Ichigo was worried on his little snow angel, so young and so hurt, how is his mental state? The berry shook it out of his mind as he drove down the road and turn some music on, the corner of his eye he watches the younger male. He kept holding onto his arm, sleeping turned to him waking up in a panic, almost like he was sucked back into the world of pain.

Shunsui kept looking out the window waving at the bubbly Strawberry blonde hair women, who was frantically waving back at him. The two made faces back and forth, Gin kept poking the women as Toshirou looked idly out the window, mostly bored. The bored male jabbed at the berry pouting a little.

"Heyyyy can we turn it onto rock or something? Pleaaassseee?"

Ichi chuckled and looked the the snowball then nods, turning the music over to rock, blinks as he gained an American raido station, he laughs softly and turns it up, playing in the car was

After an hour past both cars pulled up to the beach and parks, both party's hopped out and moved around, getting used to using their legs. Pouting since it took way too long to get there they moved their stiff, aching legs around. Ichigo smiled and reached into his bag looking for a small bottle, lightly bit his lip as he started to dig deep in the bag. Grunting at how a bottle HE placed at the top manage to wonder all the way down in the bowels of the bag.

Gin and Shunsui padded off and found a spot for the group, Jushirou brought the cooler out and sets it down. Ichigo Started to place sunscreen on his body and watched his love, Toshirou looked off at the water, he went to move, one second he was able to see the next second pitch black. Sending him into a world of fear for a brief moment.

Squeaking the male went to push back to gain air, figuring out who it was he muttered something into the womens breasts, large tick marks popped on his head. Ichigo squeaked and moved to help his love. Who was still struggling to gain the needed air.

Ran snickered and pulls back, tilted her head to the side and flashed a brightest grin of all times to the small male. Who by that time grew more and more tick marks on his head, his face was bright red and then spoke in a firm, loud voice.


The busty women tilted her head in wonder what was going though the smaller males head. She watched as his face was bright red, then his eyes turned a little cooler, sent shivers down her back. Okay so he might be a tiny weeny bit mad! She snickers more and bolts for the water, that way he could not yell at her! One for her none for the male! She moved passed her Fox face lover and takes his hand pulling him to the water with her. She splashes him a few times before swimming out to the deeper water. The male followed after her like a race of some sort.

The berry chuckled and ruffles the male hair holding him close, helping to put the sunscreen on his back, his fingers gently went over the males scars. The Snow ball shook a little when it was hit, slowly relaxing. He didn't want to ruin the day so he gently took the bigger male's hand and tugs gently for him to stop. Looking up with soft teal eyes.

"Let's go to the water...Please?" He spoke shyly, a faint blush went over his face.

Grinning the berry nods, "Alright sounds like a plan."

Both males went down and headed into the water, Toshirou kicked his sandles off near the place they set up, he thought it best to keep his shirt on as he made it to the water. It was warm, but cool at the same time, to him it was perfect, not too hot and not too cold. Win win! He looked around and watched the others swimming around and having a good ole time. He turned his head to his brother who was setting up a grill, blinking he moves over to check it out.

"Need a hand?

Jushirou looked up and smiles gently at his brother, happy to see he wasn't as jumpy as before he shook his head. He just had finnished right before the male made it to him. Looking around and smiles.

"I Just finish setting up the grill...But I do need a hand in cooking if you would like to help!"

The younger male nods and moves listens for his words on what to do and what not to do, he looked up and watches the berry swim, his tone body seem to repel the water when he stood up, unknowingly a blush rush across his face. He watched him grow closer and blinks a few times patting his body before speaking.

"Do I have something on me?" The berry looked down to make sure his swimming trunks where still on his body. Sighs happily that it was.

He flushes harder noticing that he was caught staring at the male, he moved and helped his older brother again, he went pale, and very quite. Felt like something was off, like this was all a dream, and that he would wake up soon to feeling pain again, it made him scared. Not that he was going to show that. He already made himself look like a fool he wasn't going to do so more!

As Tousen moved around he went to talk to the caged male, something felt off, something not good. When he made it too the the Cell he hit the bars, his ears perked, hearing the door push open. He broke into a cold sweat and moved to his Captain. Panting, he pointed over to the cell. Both Tousen and the head captain rushed to the cell, taking a look inside of it. No signs of bodies, no signs of struggling, no break out marks on the lock.

Both males paled and looked around and rushed to check each cell, looking all over the place. They went to the back and checked in on his stuff, it was gone too. They worried more and sighed knowing the worse had happen. Sickness went to their stomachs they heard the males treats when he was in there. They Knew what was going to happen if he was not stopped! Now he escaped and now there was nothing in the way of him and what he is wanting!

"It's Empty! Sir! He escaped!"

"Don't just stand here get the word out! He needs to be stopped! He might kill the boy!"

He bowed his head and rushes off to the phone dialing it and waits for the person on the other line to pick up, he spoke rushed since it was bad news. He was worried, what if that was his kid he was running too? He knew the male would not go after his kid but, it still worries him to think on it!

"We need to but a block out for the following person. Hitsugaya Sora, has Escaped! We need to get him back NOW!"

A/N part 2~ Sorry for the short chapter! Next one will be longer! I promise!