well what do we have here...

Instead of finishing my Kuroshitsuji fic, here I am making a Vocaloid fic.

I blame the plot bunnies they're the ones who attacked my brain and beat it up with ideas!

anyhow I hope you enjoy even though this is just the beginning

Oh! please don't forget to R&R!


Song 0: Prologue- SILENT GOODBYE

~~~~KAITO'S POV~~~~

Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz

Kaito sat up and grabbed the vibrating phone from the bedside table. Cursing the person calling him at this hour, he flipped the phone open and placed it at his ear.

"Do you know what fucking time it is? Someone should better be dying." he hissed.

"Oi Kaito where the hell are you?" a voice answered. Mikuo's voice to be exact.

"Mikuo, what the fuck can you possibly need at this moment? It's like fucking 3 in the morning" Kaito asked angrily.

"What the hell don't tell me you forgot; today's the day we're going to Tokyo! So get out of bed an-" Mikuo's scream was cut as he slowly dropped the phone.

Kaito sat on the bed frozen with the phone on his lap; he could still hear Mikuo screaming through the phone.

'Oh fuck, I did forget about today, oh shit, oh shit, oh sh-'his thoughts were interrupted by a small movement on his left. He turned to look at the sleeping figure next to him.

"Fuck" he muttered as he looked at the mass of blonde hair that covered the peacefully sleeping face of the only person he loved most in this world. His eyes traced the thin eyebrows, closed eyes, pointy nose and the partly opened lips while his fingers traced the smooth expanse of the sleeping boy's chest, his fingers ghosting over the little love bites he had placed earlier.

Smiling sadly, he picked up the phone and placed it on his ear.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes" was all he said, as he snapped the phone shut, not caring if Mikuo was listening or not.

Then, he got up, got dressed, left a note then left.

****That Morning****

~~~~LEN'S POV~~~~


"Ugh" Len grumbled as he tried to find the stupid alarm clock and turn it off.

"Kaito, can you turn the stupid alarm clock off, please" Len moaned and reached out to pat Kaito but felt nothing but sheets and air. He quickly opened his eyes and sat up, his eyes scanning the room for his lover but couldn't find any trace of the blue-haired man.

"Kaito" he shouted, thinking that maybe the man was downstairs. He didn't get any response, he was starting to get worried but then his eyes caught something on the bedside table. It was a blue paper folded in half, with his name was written on the outside with the sloppy handwriting that he recognized as Kaito's. He smiled to himself while opening the note in his hand; his smile fell as he read the message written inside, then tears started to fall from his eyes as he realized what the message meant and he sat there crying while pondering on what he might have done wrong.

The note lay forgotten in his hands as the message inside was left in the open for the world to see.

I'm sorry. Goodbye.


pretty short, huh?

well don't worry it's just the prologue

there's more where that came from because the plot bunnies are here!

don't forget to R&R

no R&R, no update! (just kidding, or am I?) :))