AN: wow, I've gotten a lot of responses about the belt, which has me wondering if maybe I should maybe do a prequel to Come On and include the entire story of TeeTee's favorite piece of leather... Either way this will be the final chapter of Come On. I hope you all like it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. XoXo, Speaking Slow

Tegan slept through the night, close to her sister, her soul-mate, for the first time in years. When she woke up, she found Sara's eyes open, watching her intently.

"Tegan" she whispered hoarsely. "Did you mean it?"

The look in Sara's eyes told Tegan that Sara needed to know the truth about her feelings, all of them, so she took a deep breath and began telling her everything. How over the years, Tegan had listened to her sister through walls, envious of the other woman, how she knew that no matter what, she couldn't ever be really happy with anyone else because at 15 she realized that she was in love with Sara and how it killed her every time she saw her sister with anyone else, especially when she was with Emy.

"Yes, Sara" Tegan finally said, cupping her sister's cheek in her hand. "I meant it when I said I love you, and I meant it when I said I would never leave you. My lungs would stop working, I would die. I love you that much."

A tear slid thoughtlessly down the younger sister's cheek as Tegan confessed her heart. Sara had wanted to know that she wasn't the only one who was completely in love and now that she did, it opened a new flood of emotion that she couldn't hold back.

"Sasa?" Tegan choked out, "Did you?"

Looking at her sister, her TeeTee, she saw that beautiful heart that had been broken over and over so many times and could only let out a small sob and nod while she wrapped her thin arms tightly around Tegan's now quivering frame. "Forever" she whispered, finally, once again exhausted from the flood of emotion she had just felt.

From that point on both women knew that it would be hard, they couldn't let it be obvious that they were in love. No one would understand. They weren't even sure how it worked but they did know that come hell or high water they would keep their secret and their promises to each other for the rest of their lives.