This isn't an update of the original story, and I'm sorry.

OKAY GUYS. also semi spoilers for the new movie

Since this story was so popular, I've decided that, with the new movie, I'm going to rewrite it on my new account (Which is That jamesguy, or thatjames person. One of those, I don't remember. I have a Marked fanfic on there now. Should be easy to find, the story will be called 'Dragon Halfling ReWrite")

There's going to be a lot of changes and enhancements to accommodate for the new movie cannon, so no more hiccupdad. There might be a lot of new characters, and the old ones will be updated. More interactions and more fleshed out cannon and OC characters to look forward to.

I'm sorry I couldn't finish this story, and I can't promise that this new one will be finished either, but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway. (By the way, I would have done this anyway, but I didn't plan to do it so soon. I went back to reread the story and I saw all teh reviews for it and my heart melted D: so now I wanted to get started right away...)

The fanservice will still happen, but it'll probably go up on my deviantart account (Hajaki-rahakivoni) so I can finish the story before spamming everyone with brother on brother porn or other stuff. I'll let you know in updates whether or not a fanservice thing has been posted in case you can't wait for the actual story to finish.