Syaoran felt a tug on his shirt; a gentle tug just on the hem. He turned around, his eyes softening when he saw her lying there so peacefully. Her eyes were closed in sleep, her blond hair fanned out around her face on the pillow, and Mokona lay in the crook of her arm against her side. Syaoran smiled a gentle smile looking down at her and removed his princess' hand from his shirt. He held her hand between his own, marveling at the softness and warmth of it.

Outside, the Piffle World had fallen into sleep. The sun had set long ago and the moon shined bright hanging in the sky.

Syaoran blushed slightly as he realized that he'd been staring at Sakura's sweet sleeping face. He leaned close, putting her hand back on the bed and whispered tenderly to her, "Good night, sweet dreams."

Before he knew what he was doing, he leaned closer to her. Before he could stop himself, he gently pressed his lips against her forehead.

Syaoran blushed a bright red. He turned hurriedly to leave, but some sighing from the bed stopped him from opening the door. He turned around to face her yet again, afraid she had awoken. Her eyelids were still closed.

Good, he thought, she's still sleeping. Instead of turning to the door and leaving like he should have, he still stood admiring her sleeping form. She sighed again and whispered, "Syaoran-kun…", and turned onto her side, still deep in sleep and clutching the sleeping white Mokona to her chest.

Syaoran's heart skipped a beat and he could have sworn he saw her smile. He blushed even brighter.

He wanted to stay to watch her sleep, watch her dream; but his eyelids started to feel heavy. He let out a breath that he hadn't been aware that he'd been holding and turned yet again to the door. He closed the door as quietly as possible and caught a glimpse of Sakura through the crack of the door. The sheets were wrapped around her long legs and moonlight spilled over her, making her look every bit the princess she was back in their world. "Sweet dreams," he whispered to her again.

The door clicked shut and he walked sleepily to his room. He lay down in his bed, but sleep refused to come immediately. He thought about the softness of her skin against his lips, her soft hair tickling his upper lip, the warmth of her skin, the sweet scent of her breath as it blew across his neck…

Before he could question his actions or his feelings for the princess sleep had engulfed him. His memories of himself and Sakura back at home flitted through his dreams the entire night; and through out all of his sweet dreams, a small smile graced his lips.