Chapter 10- Kurenai's P.O.V

I felt my eyes immediately squint as the blinding light from my window shinned in on my eyes. I shifted my body in the bed as I reached behind me. I frowned, as my hands grasped nothing but empty sheets. I sat up quickly and looked to the stop next to me to fine it empty. I looked to the clock.

It was barely the creak of dawn and Anko was gone. Maybe she had just gone to the bathroom. I released a heavy sigh as I laid back down. I ran my fingers through my hair as I stared up at the ceiling and waited for her to return. The apartment was completely silent and I allowed my eyes to drift shut once more. Before I knew it I had fallen back to sleep.

I woke up fifteen minutes later and quickly sat up once more. The bed was still empty and the apartment was still silent. I threw the blankets off me as I tossed my feet over the side of the bed. Where did she go? I stood up with a sigh and made my way out into the living room only to find it as empty as my bedroom.

I crossed my arms to try and shield myself from the sudden cold that I threw myself into as I peaked my head into the kitchen. Empty. I frowned slightly as I looked to Anko's bedroom door. It was closed tightly. I hadn't been inside of it since Temari moved out and I don't think it would made any since for Anko to be in there. She slept in my room with me after all. I bit my lip as I shifted on my feet. What would it even mean if she were in there? Sleeping in her own bed? The bed she hadn't slept in, in months. Would it be some kind of signal that we needed space from each other? That we need to…break up?

I released a heavy sigh to try and calm myself back down. I was thinking way too much. There was a strong possibility that Anko wasn't even in there. She could be out doing something with Naruto or something. But that wouldn't make any since seeing how the sun just came up almost an hour again.

I rolled my eyes at myself and walked towards the door. I was just standing in the hall like an idiot. I took in a deep breath and turned the handle to the door. I stopped in the doorway as I spotted Anko. I didn't know if I should be relieved that she wasn't at least sleeping in her bed or not. She sat at her desk working on one of her projects, dressed in one of her long t-shirts with her hair down around her shoulders.

I crossed my arms again as I made my way over to her bed and slowly sat down. "What are you doing?" I whispered as my pulled my bare feet up to be tucked under my butt. I watched as her face relaxed. The concentrated look in her eyes disappeared as they snapped over to look at me. She offered me a small smile.

"My finals are coming up." She said with a shrug of her shoulders before she looked at the piece in her hand. "And I realized with everything that was going on my grades had begun to drop." She mumbled and frowned slightly. I felt a frown tug at my own lips. I felt like this was kind of my fault. Her grades wouldn't be dropping if I had been a better girlfriend.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I looked down at my lap.

"It's not your fault." She said and I looked up at her once more. We stared at each other for what felt like forever. Though we had made up, I guess if you'd even call it that, things were still really tense between us. Like there was something that needed to be said that hasn't been said yet. She sighed heavy as she pulled her eyes away from me and turned back towards her desk. "It's kind of hard to believe that I actually made it into my second year." She mumbled and I nodded my head in agreement. Our first year with Asuma made it hard and this year was no better but at least we was half way through it.

"Two and a half more years and we'll be done with it." I said with a slight shrug of my shoulders and I looked back at my lap. I heard Anko release a small sigh and I'm sure she was probably thinking the same thing I was. Was we going to last that long? Would we still be together two years from now? Would we even still be friends? Still living in this same apartment. I bit my lip as I felt the thought of us not being together cause a sinking feeling in the bit my stomach. I released a shaky breath as I closed my eyes for a moment.

"You know a lot of relationships have there breaking points." She mumbled through the silence and I opened my eyes to look at her. She was still frowning slightly as she worked on the piece in her hand. "And a lot of relationships don't survive them but a lot do and I think we have." She said before she looked up at me. "And things seem a bit weird right now but I really, really thing we survived our breaking point Kurenai." She whispered and I watched as her eyes softened, pleading with me to believe that we survived it like she did.

"Anko." I whispered and I watched her jaw line clench, like she was fighting everything in her being not to cry. I stood up and made my way over to her. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and she turned in her chair to face me. She wrapped her arms around my waist as she buried her face into my torso. "I love you." I whispered as I bent down to be eye level with her. I cupped her face in my hands and looked her in the eyes. "I love you so much." I whispered again before kissing her softly on the lips.

She deepened it as she titled her head and I allowed her tongue to slip pass my lips. I felt a small moan work its way up my throat as I felt her grip my hips. She gave them a small squeeze before her hands drifted lower, down to my thighs. She slipped them to the back of my thighs were she squeezed again before yanking me towards her as she stood up. I immediately wrapped my arms around her neck as she picked me up, wrapping my legs around her waist.

It only took her two steps to get to the bed where she laid me down gently and held herself above me. She pulled away from me and pushed herself up slightly. I cupped her face again with one hand before running it through her hair. I watched my own hand. Her hair of course was shorter then mine and not nearly as thick but I'd like it if she grew it out more. I've told her once before. She leaned down to kiss me again and I stopped her. Her eyes locked with mine.

"You know we'll fight again." I whispered and watched as she frowned but nodded her head. "We'll have really bad fights like the one about my parents. I know we'll fight about my parents again." I whispered and watched as her eyebrows knitted together and her jaw clenched against my palm.

"I can deal with your parents. I promise not to start anything with your mother. I'll be good with her I promise." She whispered and nodded her head. I nodded my head as well but I know it's not true. If its one thing that Anko can't back down from it's a fight, especially a fight that deals with me.

"And you'll leave again." I mumbled. She sighed and I watched as she closed her eyes before she shifted slightly so her head was leveled with my chest. She laid her head down and I looked up at the ceiling as I allowed her head to rest there. "Who knows how long you'll be gone the next time and maybe you won't even come back." I said and felt my shoulders shrug. She wrapped her arms tighter around me.

"I'd always come back." She mumbled and I nodded my head with a roll of my eyes because who knows that for sure? I'm sure she never plans on leave when we fight but she always does. "I won't even leave the apartment. I'll just come in here till I calm down or whatever." She mumbled.

"What if you cheat on me again?" I asked and felt her entire body tense. Her head shot up so she could look down at me.

"Fucking hell Kurenai. I wouldn't cheat on you! Not fully anyways." She shot back as her eyes narrowed into a glare. I felt my eyes do the same because that didn't make any sense. Did she really think it was going to make me feel better that she didn't cheat on me fully?

"I'm sure you didn't plan on it the first time."

I watched her jaw clench and her nose flare. She blinked a few times before pushing herself up a bit more and rolling off of me. She sat up. I sighed as I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair. The last thing I wanted to do was fight with her but if we kept this up that's exactly what would happen.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"I know."

The room was silent for a few moments and I sat up so I was sitting next to her. "Think you'd ever pick your mom over me?" She asked and I looked over to her. Her eyes flickered up to meet mine. "I mean I wouldn't want you too but if she made you choose." She said and I bit my lip as I looked down at my lap. My mother was a bitch but she was still my mother. She raised me and I believe she raised me right but Anko…I loved Anko.

"I don't know." I whispered and looked to her quickly. Her face didn't change and she simply nodded her head. "These 'what if' scenarios are hard huh?" I asked and watched as a small smile came to her lips before she chuckled and nodded her head. I allowed a small smile to come to my lips as well.

"Hell yeah." She sighed before she ran her fingers through her bangs. "But I guess I'm glad we're doing them." She said as she moved back on the bed so her back was against the wall. She brought her knees up to her chest. I watched her for a moment before scooting up next to her and copying her position.

"I guess I am too." I said with a nod and there was a beat of silence.

"There's a lot of mistakes made in a lot of relationships and those who don't learn from their mistakes usually fail." She said and I nodded my head in agreement when she looked over to me. "I learn from my mistakes Kurenai. All the time and doing-…Doing what I did with that girl was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I promise you I've learned from that mistake." She said with a nod of her head, her eyes serious. "I'll never cheat on you again." She whispered and all I could do was nod my head. She's told me almost every hour after she came clean about it, that she'd never do it again but this is the first time that I believed her.

I released a heavy sigh as I leaned my head against her shoulder. She rested her head against mine. "You were right about what you were saying about all relationships having their breaking points and I think we had a lot of things happen lately that would have broken a normal couple." I said and I felt her chuckle rather then heard it.

"We're not normal?"

I smiled a bit and shook my head. "I think we're far from." I chuckled and she joined me. "I just mean I've never had a relationship like this one and I think it's special. I think your special and I want to be with you for as long as possible." I said and felt her nod her head. "So I think we can survive any breaking points in our relationship cause you know there will be more then just one." I said and she nodded her head.

I released a small sigh. I turned my head into her neck. I brushed her hair out the way and kissed it softly. She titled her head to give me better access. I began open mouth kisses and I heard her sigh. I moved my kisses higher until they were along her jaw line and I stopped at the corner of her mouth and placed a small kiss there. I pulled back slightly and allowed her to turn her head towards me. She titled her head as she pressed her lips to mine.

The kisses were short and sweet as she cupped my face. I turned my body towards her as I took a fist full of her shirt. I shifted back and away from her. I watched as her eyes traced my face before she reached up to brush a curl away from it. I uncrossed my legs as I leaned back on the bed, pulling her with me by her shirt.

She settled in between my legs like before and kissed my lips once more before she kissed her way down my neck. I wrapped my arms around her and allowed her to kiss along my collar bone. "Can we stay in here all day?" I asked as she slowly pushed up my shirt. She ran her hands across my bare skin before answering.
