Author's Note: Many people have been asking for the last chapter and here it is. Sadly, it's the last one D: But, everything must come to an end. I hope you like this chapter and you liked the story. Thanks for everyone who has stuck with it. Please tell me what you think about it! I don't bite I promise :]

Now onto the last chapter of this story…


Dean looked out the window waiting for someone to come back and get him. It was annoying to have to rely on someone to get him from his bed. It was like he had almost died or something… Oh wait, he had. Dean grumbled as he waited for Sam to come back from the bathroom. He wanted to leave this place. He hated hospitals and Sam knew that. He wanted out of here now. "Finally, get me outta here," Dean said as soon as Sam walked through the door still whipping his wet hands on his jeans.

"Hold on, let me get my wallet," Sam grabbed his wallet and left the room with Dean sitting in the bed once again mad at Sam for leaving him alone.

He looked out into the hallway and didn't see anymore. Dean pulled back the covers and swung his legs off the side of the bed. He waited for a moment until the dizziness went away. Once the dizzy spell as over, he stood up and slowly shuffled over to his bag. It was sitting ten feet away but to Dean who was still in pain and weak from not eating, drinking, and being injured, it seemed like three football fields length.

After the "long" trek across the room, Dean found his bag and grabbed his jeans and long sleeve shirt. He took off his white shirt and slid on his long sleeve shirt. It pained him but he didn't mind. He just wanted to be back in his regular clothes. He quickly changed pants before anyone came into the room. Now all he needed was for Sam to finish the paper work and then he could be out of here.

"Dean we can le—" Sam stopped seeing Dean in the middle of the room dressed and ready to go. "I thought you couldn't get out of bed."

"That's what the doctor says but I'm more then capable of getting myself outta bed damnit," Dean responded.

"Whatever, c'mon, let's go then," Sam grabbed Deans bag and his laptop bag. He swung his laptop bag over his shoulder and held Dean's in his hand.


"I missed you," Dean beamed as the Impala came into his view. "Thank God you're alright and no one towed you." Dean muttered running his hand over the hood of the car. He stopped in front of the driver's door and looked in his pockets for his keys. He frowned when he couldn't find them. "Dammit Sammy, do you know where my keys are?"

Dean looked up to see Sam holding his keys in his hands. "I took them. You're not driving."

"Give 'em to me Sammy," Dean placed his hands on top of the car.

"No, you're weak. You need to lean against the car for support. I'm not letting you drive," Sam walked over to where Dean was standing and looked down at his older brother.

Dean glared at Sam. "Fine but only for a little while."

"Whatever," Sam muttered climbing into the car.


Dean had just woken up from a very short car nap. His neck was stiff and he was thirsty. He heard Sam talking on the phone and decided to listen to his conversation. "Yeah Bobby… Everything's fine, we're back on the road again… Yeah… Uhh… I'll let him know." Sam turned off his phone and placed it back in his pocket.

"What was that about?" Dean yawned.

"Bobby just wanted to know how you were and to tell you to be careful and quote unquote, tell the idjit to do nothing stupid."

"Tell him I say I'll keep that in mind the next time you decide to take a detour."

"Hey you were the one who agreed," Sam offered.

Dean snorted. "I didn't want to go! I just wanted to get to the next town. I'm not listening to you next time."

"Fine be that way, bitch."

"Jerk." Dean was going to remain silent but his thirst took the better of him. "Do we have any water?"

Sam glanced in the rearview mirror. "Yeah there's a couple bottles back there."

Dean reached back to the backseats and grabbed the water bottle that was closest to him. He uncapped the bottle and downed it in three swallows. He looked back for another one but decided it was too much effort to get the other bottle.

Sam whistled impressed. "You must've been thirsty."

"You'd be thirsty too if you had been in my situation."

Sam rolled his eyes and continued to drive down the highway.


They pulled over to a rest stop because Sam knew Dean needed to get out and stretch regardless of what he said. He shook Dean awake and forced him out of the car. Sam was surprised that Dean hadn't told Sam that he was driving yet. It was going to come shortly. It always did.

Sam stood in front of the brochures that were attached to the wall. He grabbed a couple free ones and headed over to the Impala where Dean was resting against the hood of the car. He sat next to Dean and flipped through them. "Hey Dean, let's go to the Grand Canyon, Ohio Caverns, and maybe Mammoth cave."

Dean looked at Sam. "You better be joking."

"No I'm series, here look," Sam handed Dean some brochures. "Grand Canyon we've never been to. It sounds like fun. Ohio Caverns I've heard is pretty cool along with Mammoth cave. Let's go, it won't hurt us."

"I'm not going on your little detours anymore." Dean replied standing up. He went to the passenger side of the car.

"C'mon man, it'll be fun."

"Bite me," Dean grumbled climbing into the car while Sam laughed.

"I was joking," Sam said driving to the exit ramp.

"You better have been 'cuz I'm not going through that whole finding each other hell again. No thank you."

"Whatever you say Dean," Sam smiled.