A/N: I know it's been forever since I updated. I want to apologize. Personal stuff got in the way of my writing and I hit a major creative block with this story. But now that things are getting better I am going to update. Watch out for new Chapters soon.

Quinn ran out of the science room to get to Jesse. She wasn't sure why he was so upset about her kissing a guy. "Damn he runs fast." Quinn thought.

"Jesse… Wait up!" Quinn yelled down the hallway as she caught up to Jesse. Even though Quinn was a cheerleader she still was having issues catching her breath. "What's wrong?" Quinn asked with a confused tone.

"It's nothing… forget it… okay?!" Jesse said with a lot of venom in his voice. " But the look in his blue eyes said different. He looked away from Quinn and kept walking out the door and into the parking lot.

Quinn kept walking to keep up with him. "No… it's something. Please don't shut down on me. We have gotten so close." Quinn said with tears in her eyes. She did not want to lose him in her life. So many men have come and gone and she did not want him to be another.

Jesse saw the tears and let down his guard. "Why…why did you kiss him?" Jesse asked Quinn with sadness and confusion in his voice.

"I didn't… he kissed me. I wasn't even interested in him. He is new at the school; I wanted him to feel welcome. I know what it's like to be the awkward new kid at school. Besides I have another guy in my sights." Quinn confessed.

"You should probably go to class. Don't want you getting into trouble." Jesse said.

Quinn nodded and ran back into the school. Thankfully she remembered to put her bag in front of the door so she could get in.

Later at home:

Jesse and Quinn continued their Buffy the Vampire Slayer ritual that they started. Every night they would sit down in the living room and watch the show until they got tired enough to go to sleep. While watching the show; Jesse decided he wanted to tell Quinn how he felt about her.

"Hey Quinn, Do you think we can talk?" Jesse asked while he put the show on pause.

"Shoot." Quinn said eagerly. She wasn't sure what he wanted to talk about. She only hoped that he wanted to tell her that he lied about not loving her like that.

Jesse took a deep breath in and started talking. "I… lied about not liking you like that. I was just scared. I haven't been in a relationship since…well…since Rachel. I didn't want to mess up again. I hope that you still feel the same way. But seeing as since you like another guy then I guess my chances are slim."

Quinn was so shocked yet excited that he did feel the same way. "You are so stupid. I was talking about you. You are the one I have eyes for." Quinn decided she was going to quote Buffy. "Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping...waiting...and though unwanted...unbidden...it will stir...open its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us...guides us. Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. the joy of love...the clarity of hatred...and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd truly be dead." Quinn hoped that she had cracked his shell a bit so Jesse could let her in.

Before Quinn could say anything else, Jesse kissed her full of passion and love. Quinn kissed him back with matching passion and love. The two decided to take it upstairs so Judy and his Uncle wouldn't catch them.