Some background info on Bailey: Bailey already knows Larsa from when she grew up in Archades as a child. Their families were friends so they became very close. Her family moved to Rabanastre when she was ten and she hasn't seen him ever since. She became good friends with Vaan and Penelo when she moved to Rabanastre.
"Bailey! Bailey get your lazy butt out of bed!" I ignored the annoying voice that undoubtedly belonged to Vaan, and willed it away. I groaned and rolled so my back faced him, pulling my pillow over my head. I heard slowly fading footsteps exit my room and thought I was being left alone to sleep.
Yes! It worked! He's gone! Or so I thought, but as usual I was wrong because I soon felt a bucket of bone-chilling water being poured all over me.
"AHHHHH! Vaan you are so DEAD!" I could have sworn people on the other side of Rabanastre could hear me judging by the way Vaan winced and quickly covered his ears.
"God woman you scream like a banshee!" he said.
"Well sorry I didn't know I'd be waking up to an ice cold shower this morning!" I retaliated.
"This morning? This morning? Bailey it's almost lunch time! Penelo's been gone for four hours!" I just stood there glaring at him and him at me, which only lasted about 20 seconds before we both burst out laughing. Neither of us could stay mad at each other for long,and these trivial types of fights happened all the time.
Come to think of it, I met him not long before his parents died. They were always so nice to me, and treated me like a normal kid, even though I had more money than them. Just recently Reks, Vaan's older brother who I may have had a tiny crush on, died too. My parents, along with Penelo's, were victims to the plague. Now we're just street kids, all the money my parents had was taken by the Empire when they died.
"Come on Bailey. I heard Old Dalan might have some information on how to break into the palace." Vaan said. For obvious reasons I hold resentment to the Empire, and Vaan and I have a plan to take back some of what's ours.
"Okay, okay! Just a sec." and with that I shoved him out of my bedroom and locked the door. I had to get dressed. I just wore standard Rabanastran clothing (skirt, top, and ankle boots); my clothes from Archades are all too formal and unconventional to wear around here. I dressed in blues and purples, my favorite colours. I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling out any tangles. It was sandy brown and hung straight in a short bob (the same as Mjrn's).
"Bailey, get out here or I'm leaving without you!" Vaan called from the other side of the door.
When I stepped out I heard Vaan whistle from behind me. I rolled my eyes as I walked outside. He came up behind me and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the street.
"You look nice today." He said. I rolled my eyes again, and punched him in the side. He laughed and pushed me aside saying, "That's not very lady like, Bailey."
I snorted and put my hand on my hips. "Who told you I was a lady? Remind me to punch their face in later!" I joked, grabbing some strange fruit from a vendor who wasn't watching. Vaan did the same. We munched on our breakfast all the way to Lowtown.
Looking around Lowtown, I remembered the old days of playing games and doing 'sky pirate training' with all the other kids. The kids that ran around now were just the same, and a lot of them idolized people like Vaan, Penelo, and I, which was convenient when we wanted them to do favors for us.
When we talked with Old Dalan, he gave us direction on what to do and a Shade Stone. We had to take it to the Nomad Village, so off we went.
At the Nomad Village
"Can I keep them? Please, please, please Vaan?" I asked, holding up a Giza Rabbit.
Vaan sighed "No" he was obviously tired; I mean this was like the hundredth time I'd asked. I kept asking but he ignored me and talked to this girl about getting a sun stone. That pissed me off! Why is he talking to her! I am way prettier than she is and he can just stand there ignoring me? For HER? Wait why do I care it's not like I like him!
Someone called my name, breaking me from my thoughts. "We have to make this," Vaan tossed the rock from Dalan up in the air, catching again, "into a Sun Stone. It'll take a bit of walking, so put that animal down and lets go."
I huffed, setting the Rabbit down. "Fine lets- Penelo?" I said, shocked to see her when I turned around.
"What did you say?" Vaan asked, sounding more than a bit alarmed.
"Vaan? Bailey? Is that you?" Penelo said, turning to face us. Vaan and I just nodded. "Wait you're not getting into trouble, are you?" she looked at us accusingly.
"No! What would make you say that?" I said clearly uncomfortable with the situation.
"Good then you won't mind if I tag along?" she smiled
"Of course not." Vaan said, obviously just as uncomfortable as I was. Penelo walked on ahead and Vaan and I stayed a few feet behind.
"Vaan we need to do something! Is she finds out about the robbery we're screwed!" I whispered.
"I know that but what do you want me to do!" he whispered, getting louder.
"Hurry up guys!" Penelo sang at us. We hurried along so as not to seem suspicious.
Five big shiny rocks, a crippled child, and a lot of walking later and we had ourselves a Sun Stone. We said our farewells (finally!) to Penelo and went back to Lowtown to see Old Dalan for the next set of instructions on our brilliant plan.
xoxo Miss Baby Face