Maho: Hi it's me! After a long time RimaNagi4Ever gave me an idea! Thankiez! But it's going to be a short chappie sorry!

"Almost done..." said a concentrated Kashino as he almost finished his drawing of Mr. Choco replacing the statue of liberty as he sat under the cherry blossom which bursted with color.

He was at the last curve when, "Kashino! I made you Mont Blanc for before you leave tomorrow!" yelled Ichigo as she placed a plate beside him and knocked his hand . "Ah, Gomenasai!" (I'm sorry)

There was a HUUUGGGEEE scribble all over Mr. Chocos face. "ICHIGO! BAKA!" he yelled.

"Ah! The devil!" she yelled as she ran away.

Ichigo's point of view

I ran out of the cherry blossom park, sobbing with all my might. "He... Ah hates me!" I cried out between sobs. I ran to the nearest restaurant I knew and sat down and cried.

"Ah... Hey are you ok?" a kind voice said.

Maho: Ugh... Sorry. I'll make a longer chappie next time but I have to work on Make Your Choice! later. Bye.