You Can Run…

Chapter 1

He saw the body laying there, the blood was everywhere, especially on his hands. He knew no matter how much he tried to cover the evidence it would never go away. It would consume him the rest of his days until it eventually devoured all of him, killing him.

He slid down the wall not caring that this action caused the broken glass to cut deeper wounds into his feet. He looked around the room, not recognizing the place.

With a small whimper, Seeley Booth realized his life was trashed, and completely empty. There was no place for him to go anymore, no one he could see. Booth was alone. And the worst part was, he didn't know how he even got here.

Booth let out a loud agonizing wail as that face flashed before him. Screwing his eyes shut, He screamed and sobbed. "Parker!" Booth cried out, his voice barely recognizable. "It's not you, please not you." His stomach clenched again, and he let himself vomit. Hoping this time he could rid the parasite gnawing at him.

Trying to regain control even for a moment, Booth crawled on the floor looking for a phone. Not caring or even really noticing the glass ripping his skin further. The fiery agony was already filling his mind, the scent of dust, heat and desert clouded him.

Panic rising, his breathing shortened, Booth knew he wasn't going to make it; he felt the darkness and was fading fast. Grasping the small object in his hands, Booth only uttered her name. "Bones….Help…" he thought. "Bones, come to me, I need you." With that Booth blacked out.


"Booth, Booth I'm here... please come back. You have me. Tell me where you are!" Brennan clutched her phone and was pacing frantically through her apartment.

She had been there, on the phone with him, from the start. She heard the commotion but couldn't make out what exactly was going on

The shouting, the anger, the sound of glass shattering and probably what was furniture being tossed. She couldn't make out what Booth was saying. All she knew was that she had to find him; she had to get to him.

Brennan grabbed her coat, and keys only pausing when she heard soft sobs on the other line. Pools of tears welled in her eyes; she understood the pain he was in. But more than understanding, she felt it too.

"Booth, I'm here, tell me where you are. I can get to you, help you." Brennan tried desperately to keep her voice soothing, comforting, maybe he would hear her.

Then finally she heard him.

"Bones…Bones…Bones…" His voice was soft, raspy from tears, "I can't do this, why couldn't I save him?"

"You're a good man Booth! You did your best. Please Booth let me help you!" There was desperation in her voice now.

"I couldn't save him. I should have been there sooner. It's my fault this happened. I chose wrong and he died for it."

"No! Booth, it's not your fault. Never your fault, you did what needed to be done. Tell me where you are! Please! Booth, listen to me, I'm here! I've been here the whole time. As you said, I'm the only one!" Brennan was pacing again, frantic, needing to find him before it was too late. If it wasn't already too late she thought.

"Booth listen, just tell me where you are." She couldn't tell if he even knew she was on the line. She heard him mumbling again. "BOOTH!" She screamed as loudly, "Tell me where you are!"

Booth had been rambling, holding on tightly, afraid to let go. "His body is here, I can't get rid of the blood. It's just too much. He was so little…. So much blood from someone so small… He should still be alive, I couldn't save him. Why would God do this? Why would he take someone so young? Why not me, why not me…why not…?"

Brennan realized where he was and that he hadn't heard her at all. He was lost in all those events. Wiping her tears away, she raced out the door and towards the elevator. Determined to get to Booth and help him somehow. Then she heard him again, the panic and desperation in his muffled and strained voice. She couldn't make out what he was saying, but she could tell by his voice that he was hanging loosely by a thread.

The sound of the gunshot rang loudly through the phone. Brennan paused, confused and shocked momentarily, until she realized what happened.

"Booth?" silence met her "Booth?" a little louder, but still met with silence.

"BOOTH!" she yelled falling to her knees.

No no no no... She thought, now it was too late. This is how it ends.