Here is the conclusion to this story. Emily and Henry see each other! Thank you for all of the Alerts and Reviews for this story.

Two hours after eating breakfast, Emily fell asleep on the couch. Rossi received a text from JJ saying that they were on their way to visiting Emily. He had replied to her that Emily had just laid down to take a nap and that it would probably be better if they just walked in instead of ringing the doorbell or knocking. JJ agreed and promised that she would send him a text when they arrived at Emily's condo.

Rossi looked up and smiled as Emily's front door opened to reveal the visitors. He scooped up Henry into his arms and asked him, "How are you doing, buddy?"

"Good," Henry answered. "Mommy said that we could come by and visit Aunt Emmy. How come you're here? Is she okay?" Rossi felt his heart melt at the sincerity in the little boy's voice.

"She's fine, Henry. She's just taking a short nap on the couch and I was here to help her out and keep her company," Rossi answered.

"That's good," said the little boy. "Aunt Emmy needs all of us. I drew her a picture after I ate breakfast. Mommy did you remember the picture?"

Henry looked towards JJ with a questioning look that made JJ giggle before she held the paper up for him to see, "I got it right here, baby."

"Let's go into the kitchen," suggested Rossi.

"How is she doing?" asked Will as he sat down at the kitchen table.

"A little better from when she woke up this morning," Rossi answered. "She's been asleep for about a half hour now. I don't expect her to be sleeping much longer."

"Nightmares?" asked JJ.

Rossi nodded his head. "Afraid so."

"I had bad dreams last night," said Henry, "but Mommy and Daddy came into my room and they hugged me and told me that it was all just a dream and not real. Did you do that for Aunt Emmy?"

Rossi nodded, "I did."

"Good. 'Cause Aunt Emmy needs someone to be nice to her because Patrick hurt her."

As if her mind could hear and understand the conversation that was taking place in the next room, Emily started to be plagued by an all-too-familiar nightmare. The group in the kitchen could hear her cries and pleas. "Leave him alone, Patrick. He's just a child. Don't hurt him."

"I got this," JJ said as she stood up from the table and hurried into the living room to her friend's side.

Emily continued struggling through her nightmare. "Stop it… You're hurting him."

"Emily, it's just a dream. You need to wake up, honey," JJ called out to her, as she sat on the table in front of the couch.

Emily abruptly sat up as she screamed, "HENRY!" She hid her face in her hands and started to cry as she mumbled, "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"Em, it's okay. It was just a nightmare," said JJ as she tried to comfort her friend.

Emily looked up at JJ. "JJ?" she questioned.

"It's alright, Em."

"I'm so sorry, JJ. I tried to protect him. You have to believe me."

JJ felt tears fill her eyes as she heard the anguish in Emily's voice. "You did, Em. You protected Henry."

Emily shook her head. "No. Patrick hurt him and I couldn't stop him. He's dead and I couldn't save him! How can you sit there and be so comforting when I caused your son to be in so much pain. You should be mad at me and telling me that you never want to see me again."

"No, no, Emily that was all a dream, a horrible nightmare. Henry is fine. You saved him. You sent him up to his bedroom and Will got to him and Henry was not hurt. He's okay, and you saw that he was okay right before you went to the hospital to get checked out."

Emily shook her head, "I saw him laying on the floor."

"It was a dream, Emily. I can prove it to you. Henry is here. Do you want to see him?"

"Henry's here?" Emily whispered, tears still running down her face.

"He is," JJ gave a comforting smile to her friend. "Henry, come join us," JJ called out towards the kitchen.

The sound of little feet running announced his presence just before the shout, "Aunt Emmy, you're awake!"

"Henry!" Emily smile widened as the boy ran towards her and jumped on the couch next to her. Emily held onto him as tight as she could. "You're alive."

Henry giggled, "Of course I am."

"I thought Patrick hurt you," said Emily as tears filled her eyes.

Henry shook his head. "He was scary, but I ran to my room just like you said. I could hear you yelling downstairs, but you said to stay in my room till you or Mommy or Daddy came and got me, so I stayed there. I was very scared but then Daddy came home and it was all over."

Emily just hugged him again and the other adults had small smiles on their faces at the innocence of the young boy. "It was just a nightmare," whispered Emily.

"It was," said JJ as she moved to sit down on the couch next to her friend and pulled her into a comforting embrace. "Henry, why don't you go and get the picture that you made for Emily."

"Okay," said Henry as he removed himself from Emily's grasp and ran to the kitchen.

"You okay?" JJ asked Emily.

Emily nodded as she looked towards the doorway that Henry just left from. "It was so real. I thought…I don't know what I would have done if anything happened to him Jayje."

"There is no need to worry about that," answered JJ.

"She's right, Emily." Emily looked towards the two men in the room. She hadn't even realized that they were there until Will spoke. "He's alright. You made sure of that. Our boy is safe because you sent him up to his room before Patrick could get into the house.

"You okay, Em?" asked JJ.

Emily shook her head as she looked at the cast on her arm. "I think it will take some time, but I'm going to be fine. With some help, everything will be okay." Emily took JJ's hand in her own. "I don't know how to even begin to thank you for pushing me to see what was going on with Patrick. You saved me from being hurt worse than I am. We've all seen how bad domestic abuse situations could get. I thought it was only one time, an isolated incident. It was your support, all of your support, that helped me through this, and I have no doubt you will all be there, by my side, as I continue to heal. You guys are more than my friends, you're my family. I haven't felt so close to people in a really long time."

JJ reached up and wiped the tears from Emily's eyes with her thumb before she repeated the same motion to her own eyes. "And you are family to us, Em. You do what you need to, to protect the ones you love. I said that to Pen after I shot Battle in the BAU bullpen. Even if it didn't come down to having to shoot and kill Patrick to protect you, being there to give you the emotional support that you needed was enough to give you the choice to stand up for yourself."

"We will always be here for you, Emily," said Rossi as he sat down at Emily's free side on the couch.

They turned towards the doorway as they saw Henry running back into the room with his picture clasped in his hands. "See, Aunt Emmy, I drew you a picture."

"I love it," said Emily as she let a wide smile appear on her face. Everything is going to be alright now. She can move on and heal, both physically and emotionally. Patrick can't hurt her anymore. She is healing.

I hope that you've enjoyed this. Let me know what you think of it.