Disclaimer and warning: See chapter 1.

A/N: A lot of the information in this chapter came from several human relationship and safe sex web sites.

Previously - Sam hogtied Freddie at school, and everyone received a spanking for one reason or another. Carly and Freddie had a sexy dinner, and Sam and Spencer watched them flirt all evening. Freddie is naked and with his arms tied behind his back, he couldn't brush his teeth, shower, or shave. Therefore, Carly helped him and they almost had sex. With all that sexual stimulation, Freddie suffered from blueballs and Carly and Sam gave him some relief. Carly and Sam talked about how sexy Freddie has become. Freddie tells Carly that he is a nudist and they talked about his lifestyle. Freddie asked Carly to be his Domme, she said yes. Carly and Freddie gave Sam an orgasm. Sam spanks Freddie. Carly and Freddie talk about why they are together. Carly asks Spencer to mentor Freddie in the art of sex. Mrs. Benson joined Carly, Spencer, and Freddie for lunch to explain Carly/Freddie Dominance/submission relationship to Spencer. Mrs. Benson starts to teach Carly on how to be a Domme. It's now the next day.

Chapter 13


Monday morning, 30 May 2011

Relationship Day 3

FROM: Freddie MESSAGE: Spencer n my mum jst had d sx tlk W me. thyre headin yr wA. gud luk.

"Oh my God." I was wondering when Spencer and Mrs. Benson would get together and have the sex talk with us. "This is about to get weird."

Mrs. Benson is the first through the door, "Good morning Carly." Spencer just looks nervous.

I am on the end of the couch. Mrs. Benson sits at the other end and Spencer sits in the end chair. I turn the TV off and pull my knees up onto the couch and turn to face them.

Mrs. Benson starts off, "I know public schools don't have a good sex education program, the teen birth rate proves that. We joke about sex all the time, and it is in almost every aspect of our society, but teenagers and adults have a very difficult time talking to each other about real sex. And our multi-media society puts out a lot of bad information about sex and not much good information."

I nod my head yes.

"I was shocked, but happy, that you asked me yesterday morning about mentoring Freddie in the art of sex. Sex is something we have not ready talked about before."

Mrs. Benson continued, "Most parents don't like talking to their kids about sex. Therefore, kids learn early on to feel guilty about normal sexual interest and not to talk to their parents about them. I want you and my son to feel free to talk to us about anything. Let's start with the basics. Do you have sexual fantasies, have you masturbated, or do you think about sex often?"

"Yes to all three," I immediately answered.

Spencer asked, "Can you be a little more specific. This isn't an interrogation; I want to know how you feel about this."

"All right, well," I began, "I think about sex all the time, unless I am working on something. I can look at someone or something, and my mind starts to wander, and then I just start getting hot." I give a little laugh, "it can get pretty distracting sometimes."

Mrs. Benson asks, "When you say you think about sex, what kind of thoughts are you having?"

I pause before I responded, "Well, obviously about boys. However, since the taco truck accident, I think about Freddie a lot. Over the last few years, he has grown into a good-looking guy. Sometimes I want to fool around with him and I think about Freddie when I play with myself."

Mrs. Benson asked, "How sexually active would you say you are?"

"I am not very active. I've kissed and made-out with a few boys, but they never amounted to anything." I pause slightly, "I definitely wish I was more active than I am, but I'm so busy with school and iCarly. Until last Friday, I was ... unsure about what would happen if I make a pass at Freddie. I have this reputation of being a good girl and I couldn't publicly act on my desires, so I have to keep my feelings to myself. Then when Sam tied up Freddie, he looked so hot, and I started making out with him in the school hallway. I almost surrender to an erotic side that I didn't know I had in me. Later that day, the play-it-safe Carly through caution to the wind, and I learned that being a little bit naughty is fun."

Spencer is looking at me with a little bit of shock in his face, "It makes me so proud we can talk like this. Shame and guilt are not very good at stopping teens from having sex, but they are very good at stopping people from talking about sex. If a teen can talk about these experiences to an accepting adult, we can get pass any fear or guilt and talk to each other if a problem develops in the future."

"As a mother, it's never too late to have a good open relationship with you and my son, and so that in the future the two of you can talk to me or Spencer about anything."

"Freddie sent me a text just before you came through the door. Did you talk about condoms and stuff?"

Spencer nods his head. "Freddie and I are going shopping for condoms later. And since we are talking about birth control, I ask Mrs. Benson to set up an appointment with one of those special doctors."

Spencer wants me to see a gynecologist, "Freddie and I have not done anything," as I pull my knees in tighter. "What can the gynecologist do for me, I'm a virgin!"

Mrs. Benson reaches over to grab my hand. "Carly, having a gynecological exam isn't a punishment. This is just a checkup of your reproductive system, just like the checkup you get from your dentist. I just want you and my son to have a healthy, and in the future, productive sex life."

"But Mrs. Benson, you want a stranger to look and touch my private parts?"

"That will be between you and the doctor. Since you have not been sexually active, and if you have no issues you need investigated, it's likely this visit won't involve an actual exam at all, but will be more like a checkup from your regular doctor. This may just be a consultation, where you and the doctor just talk. I will set up an appointment with my gynecologists. During the visit, she will give you a prescription for birth control; she will brief you on how the pill works, and how to take it. So don't have sexual intercourse until after we talk with the doctor."

Spencer starts smiling. "Good to hear that the doctor is a woman; I just don't believe a man can understand what a woman has to go through, because he does not have the right body parts. Most importantly, Mrs. Benson and I want you to know you and Freddie can talk to us about anything. We will be honest, and if we don't have all the answers, we can find out together."

"Spencer and I want you and my son to have a satisfying sex life. Those teenagers who ended up with an unplanned pregnancy, it was probably the lack of communication that contributed to their irresponsible sexual behavior."

"I am too young to be an uncle. The lack of good information, and misinformation, leads many teenagers to ignore the possibility of pregnancy until it happens. If children believed they could talk to their parents about sex while growing up, they may have gotten a perspective that could have delayed the pregnancy until they were ready for the responsibly of raising a child."

"And I am too young to be a grandmother. Most parents don't talk to their teenagers about sex or talks to them only in terms of don't do it. Most teenagers are going to engage in sex whether or not their parents know about what is going on in the relationship."

"Ideally, young people would wait until marriage before having sex, but then I would be a 30 year old virgin. This wasn't happening when I grew up, this isn't happening now, and it isn't likely to happen in the future. But young people should wait until they are fully prepared to deal with the physical and emotional effects of sex."

"As a mother and a nurse, I am concerned about yours and Freddie's health and well-being. I can't understand how teenagers today can be willing to take the risks involved with sex, often without any type of protection. Remember, I work in a hospital, and I see the effects of unprotected sex every day. Many teenagers don't believe the consequences to be serious. There's also the natural human tendency to think that it will never happen to me."

"When we were over in Mrs. Benson's apartment, Freddie told us he is a virgin, so we don't have to worry too much about Sexually Transmitted Diseases."

Mrs. Benson immediately adds, "But pregnancy is another matter. At a time when teenagers need help the most, they feel they must handle it alone. Had they been able to talk to their parents about the pregnancy, they may have been able to plan what to do next. Do they decide to have an abortion? If they decide to have the child, will they put the child up for adoption? They may rush to get married, and most of them will end in divorce. No matter what happens, a teenage pregnancy will have a significant effect on the rest of their lives. And if you keep and raise the child, it is like being grounded for 18 years."

"Being a responsible guardian involves us being able to talk about sex, which we have not really done. I will not ask you or Freddie if the two of you are sexually active, because that is personal between the two of you. I will not issue ultimatums about curfews, grounding, and other controls on your whereabouts unless you break a house rule. If you and Freddie are out together, I will trust you to do the right thing."

"Have you and my son been making out?"

"We have done several things that are sexual in nature. Friday afternoon, I came on to Freddie, but Sam interrupted us. Saturday morning, we had several opportunities to have sex, but something stopped us each time. Sam said we have been flirting all weekend."

"You remember Sam and I had dinner with you and Freddie Friday evening. We saw you two flirting all evening. Then I asked Sam to keep an eye on the two of you over the weekend, and to interrupt if necessary. The reason parents worry about their kids making out is they know that one thing can lead to another very quickly."

I start laughing, "That explains a lot. You had Sam spy on us!"

"Yes. You and my son should not be doing anything unless the two of you talk about it first."

"With every woman I date, we have to make a decision about how far to go. That decision could become one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and can determine what your future is going to be. I hope you and Freddie will talk about it before you're in that situation. I know you'll make your own decisions, and we've tried to give you information that would help you, but it's complicated, and we're prepared to talk with you as much as you want."

"The truth is, we can't control what you and my son do sexually, but if we can establish a trusting relationship, you can talk to us without fear or embarrassment. While we genuinely believe you should abstain from sex during your teenage years, this should be your decision, not our demand."

"Mrs. Benson and I agree on how important sex is in a person's life. We have no problem with intelligent people helping each other enjoy physical pleasure, as long as everyone involved understands the implications and consequences of what they're doing. Carly, you have any questions?"

"No, not at this time, but you two have given me a lot to think about." I reach over and hug Mrs. Benson, "Thank you. This talk went a lot better than I thought it would." I get up, hug Spencer, and tell him, "Thank you. You are the best big brother in the world." I step back, "I am sure Freddie is thinking about what you told him."

Coming next Friday: The door opens, "Good evening Carly. Come in, take your shoes off, and have a seat on the couch."

A/N: I decided to break the "iLifestyle" book into several smaller books. The relationship between Carly and Freddie will continue in "iScene."

A/N: Hi Boris Yeltsin

"Maybe I can give you some ideas for other Creddie stories?" I developed a timeline of Carly and Freddie's future together, then I wrote the chapters, but the future is always subject to instant revision and there is room between some chapters for more stories.

"Spencer and Mrs. Benson together, LOL." Like when they were engaged in "iChristmas," not going to happen in my universe. They can work together to make sure Carly and Freddie don't make any big mistakes. does not need another teenage Carly is pregnant story.

"Wonder if we'll find out about who Freddie's father was." Yes. In Chapter 11, Mrs. Benson stated, "When his father was killed in the line of duty…" but she didn't give any details. More details will be in Chapter 2 "iAfternoon" of book 3 "iCommit" that will be posted on 6 May. I have a draft of another chapter where Freddie tells Carly about his father.

"I heard about this nudist painter in 1968 who'd eat her own hair. She died from that." She may have had a mental disorder.

"Ever seen 1000 Ways to Die?" I have seen a few episodes. I enjoy reading the stories at darwinawards dot com and snopes dot com.