Kisshu: Mew Bubblegum is a little upset, so she's not going to talk until after the chapter is finished. Why is she upset, you may ask? Honestly, she doesn't want this story to end. She had so much fun writing it in her sleepless nights. Yeah... I sat with her at the computer through endless hours of typing stories and listening to anime music and nintendo music (I never wanna do that again -_-) Still, will it be a happy ending for me, Pai and Taruto? Or will my father and Crystal have their way? Ichigo, if you please.

Ichigo: Mew Bubblegum does not own Tokyo Mew Mew and would like to thank the origianl owners for creating it. Anyways, if she did then we wouldn't be having this epic story!

Kisshu: I knew you'd grow to like it.

Ichigo: Shut up!

Chapter 12: A fate worse than death?

Taruto reluctantly pressed the hyperspace button and they warped further into space. Mew Minto sank down to her knees and battered the floor with her fists. The tears flooding down her cheeks, blushing red from her anger. Mew Pudding looked out the window and say nothing but the twinkling stars in the far distance. They were nowhere near Earth or even their solar system.

Kisshu dugged the sword deeper into Deep Blue's neck. The old words from five years ago danced into his mind.

"I will never allow you to have Ichigo. I will fight for her with everything I have!" Kisshu shouted.

Deep Blue held down his hand and the blast skated off Mew Ichigo, Pai and Mew Lettuce. Mew Ichigo sat up and looked over at Kisshu and Deep Blue. Her bubblegum pink eyes took in the terrible scene before her.

Five years ago, a boy named Kisshu saved my life. I never thanked him, for I was dead after saving my life for Masaya. I had left Kisshu heartbroken, but he seemed pleased that he died in my arms. The moment he tried to kiss me, I was so unaware of what was going on... I didn't put his best interests into view, I was only thinking of Masaya and how Kisshu was so badly injured. To this day, I'll never forget the happiness and sadness Kisshu brought me. He had trailed so much after me, and always I refused his wishes. His wishes of us being together, his wishes of his little Koneko-chan, his little kitty. I grew so used to those names that now, I've grown to like them so much. Kisshu, my dear, I speak only to you now. I beg for forgiveness in my terrible actions over that time we spent together. I beg you not to do what you did all that time ago. Don't repeat history...Please!

Mew Ichigo's mind warped through the memories of that final battle, between Deep Blue and her.

"DIE!" Kisshu shouted and raised his sword, getting ready to plunge it.

"NO KISSHU!" Mew Ichigo shouted, springing up.

It all happened in such slow motion, but when you look at it again, it happened so fast. Mew Ichigo dashed to Kisshu. Her footsteps echoing in the midst. She reached out her hands and pushed Kisshu out of the danger. Deep Blue lunged forward, thrusting his sword towards Mew Ichigo. A bang in the sky grabbed no one's attension, for they were all staring at the twisted end to a final battle. Two shadows; one leaning a sword into the other. Deep Blue threw the body off his sword. Mew Ichigo slid accross the floor, and Kisshu teleported himself to catch her. He knelt down and supported Mew Ichigo's weak body. Blood stained her once shiny, pink dress, that was now torn with cuts and bruises that had been applied to her body. Mew Ichigo choked.

"K-K-Kisshu..."Mew Ichigo struggled herself to speak.

"Ichigo..." tears gathered in Kisshu's golden, sorrowed eyes.

"It looks like it's the other way about this time..."

Mew Ichigo gave him a brave little smile and Kisshu chuckled slowly, though it was very painful.

"Ichigo... I should tell you seomthing, that I should have told you when we first met..." Kisshu's tears slithered down his face and onto Mew Ichigo's cheek.

"Wh-what is it, kitty?" Mew Ichigo chuckled a little, using the name that he had always given her.

"Ichigo, why is this so damn hard? I've got to say it... It's now or..." Kisshu paused wishing not to say the last word, "...Never..."

"Don't worry... I've got plenty of time."

"Ichigo, I-I-I-... I love you!"


Mew Ichigo raised her head towards Kisshu's lips. She stopped for a moment and Kisshu tensed as he thought she was gone, but realised she was still breathing.

"I'll tell you a secret... I think I love you too..." Mew Ichigo whispered.

Kisshu gasped a little. Then, Mew Ichigo parted her lips and brushed them against Kisshu's cheek, leading towards his lips. Just as she got there, they touched a little then, Mew Ichigo grunted and fell back down into Kisshu's arms. Her bubblegum eyes locked into those golden eyes, as she blinked for the last time and took her last breathe. Kisshu guided his left hand over her face and he cried into her chest, softly. He held her tighter than even before. Mew Ichigo's body was so flimsy, she was like a ragdoll that had never really lived, but that only Kisshu had imagined she did and thought of a love blossoming. Kisshu wailed and wailed as he wept into the dead Neko Mew. Mew Lettuce helped Pai stand up. No one had noticed how the world had completly fallen a part around them. The Mew Aqua was taking over, causing destruction all over the world. No, no one noticed. They were all too caught up in the moment of a death.

"ICHIGO!" Kisshu's heart heaved against his chest as he screamed the Mew's name.

He looked up at Deep Blue, rage and horror growing in his eyes. Kisshu slowly, picked himself up from the ground and summoned his swords to his sides.

"Killing me was fine... Killing Ichigo, now we reach a different matter," Kisshu's voice had calmed with motovation and determination.

He walked at a casual pace, towards Deep Blue.

"One on one, Blue Knight, Aoyama Masaya, Deep Blue. Just you and me, no one else!" Kisshu kept his glare on Deep Blue.

"Selfish, human like behaviour!" Deep Blue cursed.

"No..." Kiyo stood up from the fading mist.

He walked over by his son and gave him an approving smile. He put his hand on Kisshu's shoulder.

"I have never supported my son, and now I know I should have. He'll fight for anything, if it's worth fighingt for. This young girl here, she is a power possessed by him and no one is going to get in his bloody way! DO YOU HEAR ME?" Kiyo began calmy, but with the rage, his voice raised.

"I agree..." Crystal limped out from the mist and stood by Kisshu's other side, "It's pointless... If the world is a crumble of mess, then how will our people be able to stay here?"

Kisshu glanced at his father then at Crystal. His family was... Supporting him? Pai and Mew Lettuce stood at either side of the group and glared at Deep Blue.

"You just can't take everything like that! There will always be someone here to stop you!" Mew Lettuce gritted her teeth.

"Love always triumphs over hate!" Pai hissed.

"Thank you, everyone, but I have to do this on my own," Everyone stared down at Kisshu, since he was the smallest of the group, "You have to go... Can't you see the world is disinergrating and you all need to be in that pod and far away from here when I finish this guy off."

"But Kisshu-"

"I'm sorry, Pai, Ichigo needs to be avenged and I will be the one to do that...Afterall, Masaya did ask me to take care of her. Now I need to do that in the afterlife."

Pai nodded, he understood Kisshu's words. The three aliens and Mew Lettuce stepped back away from Kisshu and left him to stand on his own. Kisshu turned his head back.

"Take care of him Lettuce!" Mew Lettuce nodded at Kisshu, "Crystal... Take care of dad and dad... don't be a pain in the arse to her," Crystal and Kiyo chuckled, "Pai! Don't be so down and act like a pratt, will ya?" Pai gave one of his rare smiles and they all disappeared into the darkness.

All that was left was Kisshu, Deep Blue and Mew Ichigo's dead body. Kisshu turned himself back to Deep Blue and held up his swords... Ready to battle to the death.

Kiyo and Crystal had teleported to their own spaceship and set it up, all ready to leave.

Pai and Mew Lettuce had teleported to the escape pod and Pai slipped himself in the small compartment door. Mew Lettuce looked back over the destroyed city. No screams for help could be heard, just pure silence. Mew Lettuce bowed her head. They must all be dead... She had to do something too. She had to tell Pai about using the Mew Aqua in reverse.

"Pai... What if you could use the Mew Aqua in reverse, what would happen?" Mew Lettuce looked to her lover for guidence on this subject.

"If we did that then, the world would restore to its normal self again. No one would be dead, well at least I don't think so," Pai replied, pressing in some keys.

"Then that's what we do!" Pai looked at Mew Lettuce, not understanding what she ment, "We use it in reverse! There is a way to save the world!"

"There is?"

Mew Lettuce smiled as her plan formed in her head. She dashed off down the broke street, with Pai flying after her, not sure what was going on.

"Lettuce, what's your idea?" Pai puzzled.

"We just have to use the Mew Aqua in reverse and use it to help the world, instead of destroying it! It worked before!" Mew Lettuce grinned, huffing through the forcing wind.

"But how do we do that? We don't even control the Mew Aqua."

"Simple, when Kisshu kills Deep Blue, we just take it from his body. He is the source, so there has to be Mew Aqua left within his body for any of it to react."

"I see, and here I thought I was smarter!"

Mew Lettuce chuckled and they continued to race through the streets.

Kisshu and Deep Blue's swords clinked together as she thrashed them about, sparks flying everywhere. Kisshu slashed Deep Blue's arm, while Deep Blue plunged the sword into Kisshu's leg. Kisshu fell back onto Mew Ichigo's stone cold body. How did she get so cold? Kisshu thought to himself. He hobbled up onto his feet, leaning on his good leg. He hopped back over to Deep Blue, only to bashed to the ground with the blunt end of Deep Blue's sword.

"I told you that you couldn't win," Deep Blue smirked.

"What makes you think that you've won?" Kisshu sniggered.

In a flash, he teleported himself above Deep Blue and landed on his back. Kisshu held both swords and plunged them into Deep Blue's back. Deep Blue slapped Kisshu off his back and let him roll to the ground. The swords were still firmly in place in Deep Blue's upper back, puncturing his heart and lungs. Suddenly, beams of blue shone out of Deep Blue's body. Kisshu grabbed Mew Ichigo's body and held her close to him. The Mew Aqua was pouring out of Deep Blue's body. Mew Lettuce dived out to catch the last drop that she could get. She cupped her hands and an orb of Mew Aqua fell into her hands. Suddenly, she screamed in pain. A sword had slashed her, right accross her stomach area.

"Lettuce!" Pai dashed over to catch her.

Lettuce handed Pai the orb of Mew Aqua. He took it but looked at Lettuce with so much concern. Pai locked his lips into Mew Lettuce's. Mew Lettuce closed her green eyes and breathed in the sweet sent of Pai.

"Pai, I love you," Mew Lettuce muffled through the kiss.

Pai then felt the stop of the breathe in his mouth and Mew Lettuce' body fell down to the ground, echoing in Pai's ears. Pai touched his lips, in all disbelief to what had happened.

"Call that... Payback..." Deep Blue winced as more beams shot through his body.

"Lettuce! NO!" Pai screamed, tears lining his face.

He hovered over Mew Lettuce's body, but clung to her hands. He held the Mew Aqua orb in is hand and glanced at it.

"Were you really worth this piece of shit?" Pai cursed.

He turned away from the Mew Aqua, in disgrace.

"I didn't even get a chance... To say I love you, to you, Lettuce," Pai continued to weep over the slashed body.

Deep Blue yelled in all his pain as the Mew Aqua burst his body open into small particles of Mew Aqua. They soared up into the air, gathering all togther. Pai looked at the last piece in his hand.

"Make a wish... Any wish... And it'll come true... Then, I wish on this last part of Mew Aqua, to make the world right again and bring back all who we lost..." Pai let the orb float out of his hand into the stary sky.

It made its way up like a drifting bubble, to where all the Mew Aqua particles from over the world was gathering.

"The last beings on Earth, aren't even human," Pai chuckled to himself.

{A/N: Cue song: Teru no Uta, english version}

Far, Far Above the Clouds Soaring with the Wind,
A Falcon Flies Alone, Silent as the Sky,
I Hear His Lonely Cry,
Never Can He Rest,
I Walk with You Along a Empty Winding Road,
We're Far from the Ones we Love, and Never Can Return,
Never Can we See Again, the Countries of Our Birth,

The dark blue sky revolved into a calming blue state, the particles stirring the mixture between the colours. Kisshu and Pai gazed up.

When Will I Ever Find a Place to Call My Home?
Sadness Circling Like a Falcon in the Sky,
When Will I Ever Find a Way to Speak My Heart,
to Someone Who Knows, What it is to be Alone?

A glow of pink rose from Mew Ichigo's chest, as did a green one did from Mew Lettuce's. They churned together making another small bubble.

Far, Far Above the Clouds Against the Setting Sun,
A Falcon Flies Alone Silent as the Sky,
I Hear His Lonely Cry, Never Can He Rest,
I Long to Spread My Wings and Fly Into the Light,
Open This Lonely Heart to One Who Understands,
When Will I Ever Find, a Way to Speak My Heart?

The bubble floated up to join the gathering Mew Aqua in the air. Kisshu hugged the body of Mew Ichigo tighter, not wanting anything else to be stolen from her.

When Will I Ever Find a Place to Call My Home?
Sadness and Loneliness, a Falcon in the Sky,
When Will I Ever Find a Way to Speak My Heart,
to Someone Who Knows, What it is to be Alone?

Kisshu and Pai remained silent and as they stared up at the beautiful sight. As the bubble of green and pink light joined the middle of the mixture, the Mew Aqua exploded into many different colours and shimmering dust glided down over the world. The ground grew back to its former self and the buildings rose up from the ground. People stood up, slightly dazed by what had happened to them. Pai and Kisshu looked all around them as a crowd gathered. Kisshu blinked. He didn't understand why they weren't saying anything about him looking so odd. Then, a fair haired girl walked out and start to clapped her hands, a few people copied her and then the circle of people uproared into a fiery cheer of beauty. Pai's mouth dropped, as a another girl ran up to him and hugged him. She rested her head on his upped arm and smiled graciously at him.

"You helped us, didn't you?" the girl's voice was sweet and melodic.

"I..." Pai was lost for words.

"Don't worry, we all know what you and those girls did to protect us all."

The girl released Pai and wandered back into the cheering crowd. A tear dripped down from Pai's right eye and slowly made its way down to his chin. It dripped of his face and onto the cheek of Mew Lettuce. Everything around them was built back up to its former glory and soon the soon shone through the delicate clouds that fluttered around in the pinky sky. Pai looked down the peaceful beauty before him. He stroked the side of her face and a small smile crossed his face.

"From ear to ear, right?" Pai chuckled at his human expression, "We need to learn to live in much peace together."

Pai leant down, raising Mew Lettuce's head towards him and kissed her most passionatly. A surge of colour soared through Mew Lettuce's body and her eyes flickered open. Then he body radiated a bright green colour and she pulled away from Pai's lips as her body rose up. Her Mew Mew outfit dissolved but the streamers that grew from her head curved around her green, glowing body. Her hair of pleats danced around and shattered into long flowing hair. Lettuce fell down into Pai's arms. Her glasses were gone for she could already see without them and her streamers fluttered around Pai as she smiled at him. Lettuce was only wearing a white, buttoned up shirt and a small pleated skirt that stopped just before her knees. Pai stood up, with Lettuce sitting in his arms. Lettuce flung her arms around Pai's neck and nuzzled him.

"Lettuce, I love you," Pai finally grinned.

"And I'll always love you too," Lettuce continued to smile at him.

Kisshu's heart lept. If Pai can bring Lettuce-chan back, then I can do the same with Ichigo! Kisshu thought. He held Mew Ichigo's lifeless body in his arms, supporting her head. Suddenly, a pair of feet were before the two. Kisshu looked up and saw Masaya. His mouth dropped.

"I thought... I thought..." Kisshu struggled at the sight.

"I was dead. So did I... Until this beautiful colour shone over me," Masaya smiled looking up at the pink and blue sky.

Kisshu looked down at the ground again, tightening his grip on Mew Ichigo.

"I failed to protect her... She wouldn't let me do what I did back then, but I could have survived! I could have saved her!" Kisshu grew angry at his own actions.

Tears poured down his cheeks and his shoulders quivered. Masaya crouched down and put his hand on Kisshu's shoulder. He was shocked that Masaya was smiling at him.

"You love her, don't you?" Masaya blinked at Kisshu.

"Yes..." Kisshu nodded.

"You brought her back last time. I'm sure you can still do it again!"

Kisshu nodded determindly. He stood up with Mew Ichigo in his arms, bridal style.

"I'll make the pain go away, Ichigo, my love," Kisshu gazed at the sleeping girl.

He locked his lips in with hers and Kisshu could feel a new power radiating through his body. I feel it... I know... It's working... Maybe, just maybe, there's hope for us still, Kisshu thought as the kiss surged through his body, touching his broken heart. The pieces floated up and connected back together in his chest. Kisshu's heart was whole, once again. Kisshu opened his gleaming, amber eyes to notice that Mew Ichigo wasn't moving. He slowly pulled his lips away from hers. He whispered Mew Ichigo's name in her ear a few times, but still, nothing happened. Kisshu's heart sank. He lay Mew Ichigo's body back on the ground and Masaya and he gazed down at her. No one was going to win this battle of love, if the one they love is not there.

"Ichigo..." Kisshu and Masaya said in unison.

They both glanced at each other then back down at Mew Ichigo.

"WHY?" Kisshu tossed his head back and screamed up into the sky.


Pai was dressed in a white suit, with a red rose in his breast pocket. Stood next to him was a shimmering girl in a white bride's dress. Streamers were floating around her ankles. She looked up towards Pai to reveal a pair of gleaming, green eyes.

"You may kiss the bride," the vicor nodded, closing his book.

Pai took the girl into his arms and thrusted a kiss apon her lips. Everyone cheered as they happy day had arrived.

"Go Pai! Lettuce,d on't lead him astray!" Kisshu winked at the couple as they left into a spaceship outside the the village church.

The new couple waved goodbye to their old friends as the spaceship took off in flight and headed into the shimmering sun. Kisshu wandered over to the pier that looked over the glittering ocean. It had been two years since Ichigo died. Kisshu leaned his arms on the bars and sighed, contently. He watched over his friends as they danced around the beach. So much had changed. Pudding and Taruto were both seventeen now and having a good steady relationship. Ryou had came back from England after working with the British Mew Mews and decided to ask Zakuro out. Minto hadn't changed all that much, she had become a world famous ballerina. Pai and Lettuce were off on a three year tour of space, to study new races. The Earth was also so different. The aliens and humans all lived together now. If you saw an alien walking in the street and shouted there was an attack, people would think you as crazy because the aliens were one of the most peaceful beings on Earth. The Mew Mews had evolved. Their features that they held as Mew Mews were permanant, but no one seemed to mind.

Kisshu breathed in the sea air. Life hadn't changed much for him. He still thought of Ichigo everyday. He never found love like that again, because he knew that one day, he'll meet her again and they just pick up from where they left off. He smiled at his friends below on the beach, kicking the sand acting like they did when they were all so young.

"Because one day... We'll all be like that again, just somewhere else," Kisshu focused his amber eyes on the cat girl like shadow that stood only a few feet away from him, "Ichigo?"

-Das Ende

Mew Bubblegum: No! It's over! I'm actually gutted because I had so much fun writing this, I hope you had fun reading it. There was happy times, there was a lot of sad time and there was mixing relationships. It all comes down to how much we need each other though. :) The sequal, I have started typing it and I can tell you that it is called Where Angels Cry. I will put in the summary that it is the sequal, just in case you can't find it!

Kisshu: The sequal is gonna fail, epicly!

Mew Bubblgum: Do you want your happily ever after or not? I can easily kill you off. *Snaps fingers*

Kisshu: *Falls lifelessly on the ground*

Mew Bubblgum: Idiot *Snaps fingers*

Kisshu: Okay, I'll stop moaning. Just let me read over it all ready! I'm impatient, I or WE must read it now!

Mew Bubblegum: In time, in time... Thank you everyone who has supported me through this fanfic and actually I'm surprised by how much you started to demand it. Thank you. If you want, please check out my other stuff too. It's all Tokyo Mew Mew right now, but I have more ideas for this anime than any other. I'll take requests too, just PM me if you have any. I really appreciate you, my reviews. Bye Bye!^^

Taruto: For the last time! Review it of Lose it! ;D

Click the damn button! It's right there, you know you want to!