Prologue- The Ideas behind this story ((NOT PART OF THE STORY))

Hey guys. LynxbyLynx here. I figured I'd go through some of the general warnings and stuff in this area. Explain something's to you. Though, if you EVER have any questions-please ask…I'll try and explain as the story progresses too. Now, this would be my VERY FIRST attempt at TNBC fan fiction. I don't know why I've never tried one…I love the movie…have the special edition cd~ Double disc one with the remakes of some of the songs by other artists. Some are pretty good. ((Like Sally's Song redone by Fiona Apple))

I've been reading a lot of NBC fan fictions on the site…and got to thinking ((WARNING: Me thinking isn't always a good idea…but in this case…)) I'd read some stories about Lock, Shock and Barrel. AS TEENAGERS. And an idea occurred to me…If everyone was already putting Lock with Shock…or Barrel with Lock…Why couldn't I also manipulate the storyline for AFTER that…and throw in some of my own characters while I'm at it. So…Here's what my muse 'Stitch' started to whisper into my ear….

((SPOILER ALERT-but I feel I need to explain what you guys are about to get into))

Let's have Barrel wanting to be with Lock…./shrugs/ Dude kind of seems like he'd go like that…and have Lock wanting to be with Shock….and then…have SHOCK…((And the SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME…and I have to ruin this for you guys))….wanting a relationship…with Lock's cousin Rift-Raft.. ((My made-up whose also a girl)) WOW…Didn't see that coming…Yes…This will be about bi-sexual people….homosexual people…You've been warned! I mean, you aren't one of 'oogies boys' without being…a little…strange right? Well, I'm planning on bringing the oogie boogie back! MWAH HA HA HAA! And maybe having Halloween's finest trick-or-treaters…attempt to ruin another holiday…but Oogie's calling the shots…Plus…I'm going to develop Rift-raft…Now…as far as the RATING will go…I might have to bump it up…depending on what my brain thinks it wants to write out…I really want to try my hand at writing certain things…but I think I'll stick to bad language…and 'sexual' references…Yes I said it…but that's what this thing it here for…TO WARN YOU OF WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO GET YOURSELF INTO!

Do not flame me…and make little comments about how I'm not warning you guys and blah blah blah…If you don't like it…There's this little red x in the upper right hand corner…I'm pretty sure you know by now how to USE IT….And if you do like it…PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review…I want reviews…begging for them…Just drop a line by saying your reading this…or what you think…or what you might want to see…or how OUT OF CHARACTER I've made too many of the characters…etc etc…you know~ That stuff. I don't think I will get to the MATURE level of rating…but if I do…or I think a chapter is…I will change the rating…Trust me…Well…You've been warned…Off you go to enjoy the first chapter…/waves you along/