Happy halloween!~

The rain fell softly on the rooft of central command. Lt. hawkeye sat at her desk, finishing her work and keeping her superior officer in line. "Oh come on hawkeye! let me have a break! The dark haired man pleaded with his first lieutenant.

"Sir, you know as well as i do that your'e never going to becmoe fuhrer with that attitude." she replied. Roy slammed his head on the desk making riza shake her head. He looked up and stared at her, the way her hair was so neatly put up, her eyes and how they sparkled, then realizing she was staring back he freaked out and looked away.

"Well sir, what are you gonna be for halloween?" The blond man spoke, his traditional cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Vampire." roy cooly replied. "What about you all?"

"Batman!" Jean exclaimed vigorously.

"Are you freaking serious?" furey stopped what he was doing to stare at jean. "Im going to be robin!"

Jean stared "Weird, what about you falman?"

"Not telling." He said boldly.

"Me neither, you'll have to wait till the party at hughes' place" Breda smiled gleefully.

"Ok... and what about you hawkeye?"

"Not sure, guess you'll have to wait." she stated blankly. Roy thought about what she would be. 'guess i'll have to wait till tonight' he thought. 'It's time to party!'

roy took yet another sip from his coke sullenly, his foster mother wouldn't let him drink till eight.

" I dont want to see you drunk yet roy-boy." his foster mother served the other guests professionaly and jabbered to others. Roy sat and sighed as his friend hughes piled in one by one and trying to fix the collar of his vampire costume. He chuckled to himself when he saw havoc and furey arrived dresses as batman and robin. But nearly choked when he saw grummin in a sexy cat costume.

Roy flinched when rebecca shrieked. '' Oh my god!" she cried, realizing the cat costume she wore was

the same as grumman.

"Oh now it's not that bad is it?" he asked.

"Im...so embarressed."

Bred pushed his way throught the door in his overly sized hot dog costume, falmsn as the hot do salesman in tow. Ed snd winry dresses as pirates, Alphonse following them in in a iron man costume.

"Well now, where is my grandaughter?" grumman looked around "She should be here like everyone else."

"I wonder what her costume is." havoc wondered.

" Oh i know what it is" rebecca grinned, "But i ain't telling."

"Well royboy, do i finally get to meet this hawkeye you always talk about?" madame christmas inquired as everyone else grinned at roy.

" Uh i- uh- don't know what you mean?" his foster mother realized the moment was perfect to embarress him.

"Oh roy, you know the pretty, blonde lietenant you constantly daydream about, you knoe, the one you're so in L-O-V-E with" She smiled innocently.

ED snickered at roy's blush "ooooh, the colonel has a crush on his lietenant! roy and riza sittin' in a tree! k.i.s.s.i.n.g-"

"Who's sitting in a tree?" riza asked. Ed screameed.

"Where the hell id you come from?"