Heat: ha! I told you I would be in this again!

Me: *rolls eyes* ya ya go back to bugging CCL will you? Anyway were on to the next chapter! Pilots will be introduced! Equal number of votes but don't worry the snipers will be introduced as soon as possible. ;)

Falcon: oh and she want's to thank everyone who reviewed and everyone who read this on acounta your all making her feel like a million bucks because apparently this is 'amazingly popular for an oc story'

Me: *grins like a maniac* thanks so much people! now on to the fic!

Falcon sat, perched on the wing of his star fighter, well not his star fighter, his 'baby' as he liked to call it was still docked aboard the 666ths starship Requiem. Probably gathering dust wile he sat here with this… replacement ship. Though he was defiantly taking the change of transport better than some of the pilots. Baron had spent nearly 3 hours cursing when he found out that his 'precious' Richthofen-242 would not be joining them on the Resolute. Baron may have been there formation leader, but he was far from the most level headed of the group.

Heat walker into the hanger bay and Falcon groaned internally. The piro-technician waved to him and before Falcon had a chance to find a good escape rout his brother was standing next to the starship the pilot was sitting on.

"What do you want Heat?" Falcon glared down at him from the fighter. Heat flashed him one of his unit famous grins and flicked his lighter on and off. Yep he wants something. Falcon resisted the urge to grown.

"You seen Zigz or Swish?" the piro smiled.

"Nope." Falcon said easily. He had actually, but there was no way he was telling him that.

"Liar." Heat frowned. Falcon flipped off of the wing of his fighter easily and stood before Heat, arms crossed. Letting the piro-technician have a good look at him.

Falcon was slimmer than most troopers, pilots usually were. His dark brown hair hung just to the tips of his ears and a set of short white bangs highlighted his forehead. He had several freckles tattooed across his nose and he wore a typical brown flight suit. All the pilots had outfits like it, though in all different colors and patterns. He frowned deeper when he saw the 'devils' Heat was looking for come up behind him.

Swish and Zigz where what Falcon called a 'matching set'. Swish had black hair with a white strip Zigz had white hair with a black strip. Swish had a white flight suit with black graphics. Zigz had a black flight suit with white graphics. Swish had a helix tattooed in the right corner of his face Zigz had a jagged line tattooed in the left corner of his face. Even there personalities perfectly complimented one another's. When Swish was angry Zigz was level headed. When Zigz was drunk Swish was sober, and visa versa. The only thing that stepped off of this balance was the fact that Zigz' name was actually Zigzag but no one ever called him that unless they wanted something.

"Hay Zigzag, Swish!" yep Heat most defiantly wanted something.

Falcon looked around. If he was lucky he could find Hawk or Baron, he'd even listen to Hurricane ramble on about planetary weather reports, if it meant getting away from this train wreck.

Falcon finally spotted Hawk on the other side of the hanger and hurried over to him. As he retreated from the scene Falcon could just make out the sound Zigz talking.

"Sure thing Heat weal be happy to-"

"-Fly you and the others planet side." Swish finished.

Falcon wasn't sure how the gunship pilots did that every time, but they always finished each others sentences, always knew what each other were thinking, always. It some times amazed him that they weren't named Yin and Yang or Lock and Load or even Lift and Offs. Falcon shook his head and jogged the rest of the way over to Hawk.

Hawk was slightly broader than Falcon, though still on the slim side. His hair was short, brown with black tips and he had a red rats-tail that came all the way to in-between his shoulder blades. He had an army green (currently oil stained) flight suit. Hawk was cursing loudly and messing around with something beneath the hood of his F-358.

"How's it going?" Hawk shot Falcon a murderous look.

"How do you think its going?" he asked sarcastically kicking the offending piece metal in front of him. "This hardware is kriffin ancient!"

"No its not. You're just used to all of Wrench's upgrades." Falcon rolled his eyes sometimes he felt like he was the only mature one in there formation. Hawk tossed one of the handheld power converter's at him and Falcon caught it, sticking his tongue out at his brother. Ok so maybe 'mature' wasn't the right word…

"You going to give me a hand with this piece of osik or what?" Hawk folded his arms across his chest and glared at his brother.

"If you wanted help brother, you should have just asked." Falcon teased. He grabbed the other power converter out of Hawks hand and they set to work on the engine. Who said Wrench was the only one who knew how to modify a fighter?

Heat flicked his lighter on and off absently as Zigz and Swish made the final cheek over of the gunship. Is they were back on the Requiem they wouldn't have taken so long. But both pilots instead that Skywalkers 'Shabla primitive equipment' couldn't be completely trusted.

"What are you doing?" Heat jerked his head around and grinned at the young trogruta who had come up behind him.

"We're heading planet-side." He gestured behind him to handful of men he had managed to get to come along, most from the 666th but there were a couple from the 501st who had agreed to give it a go. Ahsoka raised her eyebrow.

"And do you have permission to do this?" She folded her arms and tried her best to look authoritative. Pretty funny considering she was a full head shorter that Heat. The piro-technician smirked flicking his lighter on and off nervously.

"No…" he grinned. "You wanna come?"

"Excuse me?" Ahsoka looked a little surprised by the invitation.

"Come on." Heat coxed flashing another million-dollar grin. "It'll be fun." Ahsoka's nose scrunched up slightly in thought. Finally she shrugged.

"Why not?" she should probably keep an eye on them… and who knows? This could actually be fun. Swish and Zigzag hoped up into there seats.

"All ready-" Zigz began.

"-To go." Swished finished for him. You could tell they were grinning even behind the protective glass.

"All aboard!" they chimed in unison. The collection of men (and Ahsoka) hoped up into the gun ship's trooper transport.

"Is this everyone?" Zigz asked trough the ships intercom system.

"Ya someone's missing." Swish agreed.

Just then Zero hoped up into the transport, typing furiously on his handheld computer and his usual brown leather backpack slung absently over his shoulder. Heat opened his mouth to say something but Zero held up his hand to stop him.

"I'm only here to make sure we don't have a repeat of what happened last time you got drunk without me." Zero didn't look up from his handheld. "I highly doubt the bartender has fully recovered psychologically."

"Whatever you say brother." Heat replied rolling his eyes. The sound of Zigzag and Swish talking back and forth in their 'half finished sentence' sort of way, acted as background noise as the transport slowly lifted off the deck and took off planet side.

Ok so here you met Falcon, Hawk, Swish and Zigz (AKA Zigzag) there's also been a mention of wrench who you will all meet later. ;) the other two pilots, Baron and Hurricane, will be introduced in either the next chapter or the one after that. I got a completely equal number of requests for snipers and pilots, so I promise as soon as I finish this… subplot the snipers will be introduced :) also I got a request for more Zero so there will defiantly be more of him. If there are any of the 666th that you particularly like just let me know. I want to find out which of the guys you people will want to see more of in the future. :) as always please review!