My Mind Forgets to Remind me, you're a Bad Idea

Disclaimer: Disclaimers are pointless, you all know I don't own anything.

Authors Note: First of all, thank you all for the wonderful names, they were a huge help! But more importantly, I thank you all for writing in about the Hermione being spelled "Herminoe" I'm such an idiot, and I have no idea what I was thinking. I know I haven't updated in FOREVER but I'm here now, which is what counts. One other thing, disregard what I said about Ginny's dress in the last chapter, I totally forgot what website found it on, thus I also forgot what it looked like, so just kind of go with it.

Chapter 3

Hermione Granger never thought of herself as a girly-girl, but never a tomboy. She was always too concerned with her studies to worry about frivolous things such as clothes, boys, and make-up. Which is why the night of the dance, she came to Ginny almost crying out of frustration because her curls would not allow her to put them up in bun, they insisted on bouncing all over the place.

"Calm down, Hermione. I know just the thing." Said her best friend Ginny soothingly.

The red-head waved her wand around Hermione's head several times, until finally her bush-like hair fell in soft, silky waves. Hermione watched as Ginny's nimble fingers parted and combed her hair, the final product was amazing. Hermione's hair was swept up into a graceful bun with her bangs parted to the side, while several curly tendrils hung right in front of ears.

"Here, one more thing, don't move an inch." As Ginny moved to her trunk to look for God knows what, Hermione thought about how different she looked, her face almost glowing with the light makeup Ginny had applied, while the rose colored drop diamonds glittered and sparkled as they caught the light, dangling from her ear. Ginny returned, handing her a pair of purple silk elbow length gloves, that matched the waist band on her dress perfectly.

"Borrow these, they were my Mom's, so I need them back." Ginny smiled as she admired her friend in front of her. She gave Hermione a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"You look beautiful, now wait here while I get dressed." Hermione sat on the end of Ginny's bed, browsing through a Gladrags catalog, watching as the thin models twirled in there outfits, laughing.

"So what do you think?" Hermione looked at her bestfriend and smiled, her dress was a one shouldered teal-bluish-greenish layered taffeta and silk dress. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun, a diamond encrusted hand band held her bangs off her face. Too put it in short, she looked stunning.

"Shall we go wait in the common room?" Hermione asked, eager for Draco to see how nice she could clean up.

Harry came to escort Ginny first, and couple after couple left the common room, yet still no Draco. Not surprising she thought to her self, really though, what could she expect from him. She silently cursed herself for thinking that he might actually make an effort to change. She was such a fool for falling for the show he had put on last week, to think he had actually made a change for the better! Just as she was about to head down to the dance, by herself, completely embarrassed, a certain blond haired, grey-eyed boy walked through the door. Fury blazed in her eyes as she noticed Draco sporting a rather smug expression.

"What the hell is that face! You're an hour and half late, and I was about to go down there by myself, and explain to Mcgonagall how you stood me up!" she hissed, stepping closer to him. He moved closer, leaving an inch, possibly two, between they're faces, she could smell the Fire Whiskey on his breath.

"You know, you're cute, when your angry. The way your eyes flood with, what's the word-" He rubs his temple and snaps his fingers.

"They flood with indignation, and I love it" A rush of color went straight to Hermione's face. She slapped him. Hard.

"You little bitch!"" Draco swore, rubbing his cheek.

"I will tell McGonagall that you caught a cold, and were unable to attend. Get some sleep, so your hangover isn't as bad." She said, walking briskly out of the room. You stupid, stupid, foolish girl. She thought, walking down the staircases, thoughts about what had just happened raced through her head. He did call you cute, although he was drunk, and directly after you slapped him in the face. Hermione mentally sighed, wishing that the ministry would just leave the younger generation alone, instead of insisting on controlling almost every aspect of there lives. She entered the ball room, and a mixture of jealously and embarrassment shot through her, she watched as slightly awkward, but still happy looking couples danced. She made her way over to McGonagall, lightly tapping her shoulder.

"Ah, yes Hermione, I just about to come looking for you, I know you of all people would most certainly not ignore your responsibility to the magical world!" she paused

"Tell me where is ? He does realize this is mandatory?" The last part of the professors sentence was more of a statement than a question.

"Of course Mam', he just caught a rather harsh cold and was unable to attend, he sends his apologies, but I'm afraid he was just to sick to leave the bathroom" Hermione watched as McGonagall's face twisted into a look of suspicion.

"Sick you say? Well we will see how he feels tomorrow, but excuse me I must attend to the party, try to have fun maybe dance with Ronald, he doesn't look like he is really having the best of times" Hermione watched as McGonagall puttered off, and her thoughts led back to the satisfying moment when her hand made contact with Draco's smug, little face. She exited quietly, not trying to draw attention to the fact that she was dateless. She dropped by Ginny's room and took off the gloves laying them on the end of the bed, her eyes met those of a stranger in the mirror, a stranger that when you saw them on the street would stop and think "I bet she has the perfect life, perfect family, perfect friends, just perfect everything."

"Not even close." She muttered to the reflection, she turned and briskly exited the room.

AN: I know the chapters are short, I generally average about 1000 words, but anyway if you see any other dumb mistakes, please let me know, so I can fix them.