Chapter 8

Hotch and Rossi waited in the lobby both looking equally unhappy. One angered beyond reason, one displeased. When he saw Reid and JJ enter the building Hotch wasted no time in getting over to him.

"What happened?" he asked as calm as he could. A hint of anger hidden in there.

Reid turned his head away.

Hotch clenched his fists "Reid. A word." when the boy looked at him he gestured with his head for him to follow.

JJ rubbed Reid's back and left him to join Rossi. Reid followed Aaron Hotchner into another part of the hotel. A hallway away from the others.

"What. Happened?" Hotch asked in a tight voice.

"The elevator got stuck. The lights flashed off for a minute and I got scared. I started crying. Morgan tried to comfort me but I couldn't get myself to calm down." Reid smiled inwardly to himself at how that flowed out of his mouth without one stutter. Without one pause.

Hotch gave him a death stare "That's not what happened".

Reid frowned "What?".

"He was threatening you. Prentiss heard-"

Reid cut him off. "With all due respect Prentiss doesn't know what she heard. Morgan wouldn't threaten me that's BEYOND ridiculous. Morgan.. threatening ME? He goes out of his way practically every day to make sure danger DOESN'T come to me!" he laughed as if he needed to to point out the absurdity.

Hotch didn't flinch. Didn't even react to what Reid was saying. At least not outwardly, Reid thought. He himself thought he sounded pretty convincing how the hell could that encore NOT put the nail in the coffin? After all it was true. Morgan wasn't going to hurt him. He knew it. He just wanted answers.

Prentiss called Hotch from the lobby and Reid had never been so happy that she was part of the team than in that moment.

"This isn't over" he said sternly before taking off in the direction of the lobby.

Reid walked over to the wall and leaned himself against it and threw his head back. What a night.