AN: First of all .. Happy New Year
Then, HUGE thanks to Dispatchvampire for the Beta – I appreciate it more than you can imagine – and for the encouragements !
Thanks also to BuJyo – she knows why ! This is post " Father goes to a bar " … Hope You'll enjoy it cause it's going to be quite long .
Chapter 1 : Tears in Heaven
Because I know, I don't belong, here in Heaven.
Mary got out of the water and under the shiny Mexican sun, her red bikini tightening against her curves.
She headed straight to the man laying on his back, on the beach.
"Ready for another round, kitten?" he asked.
"Never thought you'd ask so soon after next one. Let's go."
They were kissing hard as they stormed into the room they shared, her bra already almost gone. His mouth on her neck, lingering to the collarbone….
That's when a phone rang.
Mary's phone.
They both turned their heads in surprise. She was on holiday, no one but Stan had the right to call her during her holiday.
"Let it go, kitten, we have better things to do"
"I'll just look who's calling, gimme a sec." Stan. "It's my boss, I need to talk to him. If he's calling, it's important."
"More important than what we are about to do?"
She didn't answer, just looked at him with a glare which said everything.
"Stan the man, what's up?" There was a blank before Stan began to speak.
"Mary, it's Marshall …" his voice was full of emotion.
"What, Doofus can't handle a bunch of my witnesses while I'm gone?" said Mary, trying to pretend she didn't know what was coming up.
"He was shot, Mary."
"What? When? How? I'm on my way." She stood from the edge of her bed and began pacing the hotel room.
"A few minutes ago, in the torso apparently, while escorting a witness with Charlie."
"With Charlie? What the hell? I need you to find me a seat on the first …"
"You're booked on the 6:00 from Cancun to Dallas FW, and then head back to Albuquerque." Mary and Marshall might knew their witness, but Stan knew his inspectors too.
"I'll be on it. Update me, Stan, as soon as you know something."
"I will."
She started packing while hanging on the phone, pacing through the room to collect her clothes. She did not seem to pay attention to the man still standing in the doorway.
She grabbed a pair of jeans, underwear and a top from her suitcase, then headed to the bathroom.
"Kitten, what's going on?"
"Problem at work."
"I need to go back. Flight is at 6:00 AM."
"Which leaves us around 12 hours before you go." He understood the needs of having to cut vacations. "There's a lot we could do in 12 hours."
She stared at him in disbelief. "No, it just means I will have to wait 12 hours before boarding, because there is no other flight."
"But maybe I could…"
"Don't just stand here and start packing, you've got to go, too!"
"You booked me a seat?"
She stared at him, stunned. "Do I look like a travel agency? You found your way here easily, you'll find your way back. I'm out of this hotel in 30 minutes max, and so are you. Or you stay and you pay for it. The room will be all yours."
"But Kitten …"
"You know you were just a one-shot, don't you? No intention of further development with you," said Mary, while zipping her jeans. "I need to make a call and I'll be gone. Take your time but don't forget to leave tomorrow."
"A one-shot? How come? After all we've shared?"
"We only shared sex, Faber." Mary was staring at her phone, looking for a number. "And it wasn't even that good. I just needed to forget … never mind."
"Your precious Marshall? Come on, he's nothing, just an average boring man …"
"Don't you dare talk about my partner like that!" said the blond woman. "He is, in all ways, a much better man than who you are. Than you'll ever be. And, as I said, I'm done with you. Go back to Denver and your beautiful office."
"What you mean, "I'm done with you"? Can't I come to end this in Albuquerque?"
"No you can't. This little party is over, and be sure it won't happen again."
"Come on, kitten... One day I'll show up at your door and you'll be more than happy to have me there to distract you."
Her hand already on the doorknob, she turned to face him.
"You come to my door after today and I'll make sure to have you arrested for harassment of a law enforcement officer."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Try me. I'm done here. Adios, Faber."
The wrath in her eyes made him say no more words. Not even goodbye when she closed the door, her suitcase in her hand, letting him in swimsuit, alone.
Marshall was in pain.
Pain from his wound in the torso.
Pain from his wound in the heart, from when Mary left.
Pain for her too, as he knew she ran away to do what she did best. To make a cowboy. So he would have liked her to pick him better this time. It hadn't been difficult to find out who was with her in Can-fucking-cun.
He was right now in the ambulance, being taken to UNM Hospital's ER. God, again. It'd be better to get a standing reservation for him or Mary, that would be cheaper. He knew it wasn't like the last time for him, with Horst. The bullet was located in the shoulder, and he was taken care of by the court's paramedics a mere seconds after being shot.
Just another scar to add to his personal list.
That's the last thing he thought about before drifting into oblivion.
That's all for today … do not hesitate to review to let me know whether you like it or not.