Truth is she is a little bit jealous that Puck's paying so much attention to Mercedes now. It would be nice, if he could take a break from his babbling about Super Mario Brothers, and ask her how she's doing, if she would like anything. No boy has paid any form of attention to her as soon as her bump became visible, in fact they steer clear of her in the halls and that is what she is sick of. No even Puck can look at her lovingly, caress her anymore. It's like her bump is a guy-repellent, no one wants to go near her.
None of this would have happened if she hadn't let herself be fooled by Puck's sweet words. It was kind of nice at the time, tasting the forbidden fruit and all, but she shouldn't have let it go so far. She's should have stopped it when the slight twinge of guilt in her abdomen first appeared. But she hadn't, and now she had the big freaking bump to prove the fact that she wasn't Quinn Fabray, good girl anymore. She was Quinn Fabray, expectant mother finding herself drawn to the guy who had got her into the mess in the first place.
But she doesn't want him, or anyone else to find out that she has slight feelings for him. She can't like him, that will just complicate things. Her affection for Finn made her lie and break his heart in the end, and she doesn't like that she could do that to her baby, and herself, change her mind about adoption just because she likes – loves- Puck, kind of. He would convince her to keep the baby and make their own little family with him, and she would be stuck in Lima forever, raising her baby while Puck ran around scoring chicks. She can't do that to herself, or her baby. They both deserve a better future, or at the very least a semi-bright outlook.
She doesn't want Mercedes to have her heart broken though, despite the fact that she knows that her friend definitely has the needs to protect herself and has no expectations of the relationship, unlike her. If she entered a relationship with Puck, she would demand so much that he would eventually grow sick of her presence and leave her by the curb. It would never work, no matter how much they both wanted it too. They were just too different, and too many hearts were threatening to be smashed when it didn't work out in the end.
She wants her baby girl to think of her biological parents as happy, carefree people who just made a big mistake and had to pay a big price. She doesn't want that imagination to be clouded by the fact that her parents couldn't even last in a relationship with each other, despite the fact that they loved each other. Puck might one day be the guy for her, but right now she just can't see how it could possibly ever work out, even if they did try.
Quinn shakes her head, casting one last quick look at Puck before she tries to banish all thoughts of him from her head.
Just a little thingggggy to get me back into Quinn & Puck, okay? Reviews would be very very nice!