This is just a quick one-shot. Has HB, but she's not really present. Super OOC. Rated as such just to be safe. Please review!

She listened to the satisfying shatter of her glass hitting the floor. The pain in her heart was just barely being masked by the anger she was feeling now. Together they created a volatile mix. Dealing with cruel, conscienceless murderers all the time was starting to get to her. How could people do this to other people? It was irrational and wrong. And no mater how many murders she solved, there were always going to be more.

She reached over to grab her phone off the counter next to her. The ice blue of the buttons stared back at her. Out of habit, and intoxication, she dialed the familiar number and waited.

"Booth." His voice was still heavy with sleep.

"Hey Booth."

"Bones…are you okay? Do you know what time it is? Hannah and I are trying to sleep."

The pain that had been masked earlier came flooding back at the mention of her name. "I miss you Booth." Her words were slurred.


"No. You don't. You don't because you have Hannah now." She sneered at his girlfriend's name. She was becoming uncharacteristically irrational now. The alcohol had taken her desired effect. Even if she was drunk, she could finally talk to him and tell him how she really felt.

Booth sighed before he responded. "Do you want me to be honest Bones? I do miss you. There are times when I see Hannah and wish she was you. I guess I never really moved on. But Bones, I really am happy with Hannah." He could hear her crying on the other end, but chose to say nothing. It broke his heart, but she wasn't one to have her weaknesses pointed out, not even by Booth. And he can't leave his girlfriend in the middle of the night to go see his 'partner', no matter how much he wanted to.

"Right." The pause was heavy. "I should go." She tried to hide her tears.

From who? There was no one here. She was alone. Her sobs got heavier, no longer being held in, and tears poured from her eyes. It got worse when she realized Booth hadn't said anything. The old Booth would have been at her door as soon as he heard her crying. Not this time though. Things have changed. She dismissed him ready to forget her lapse of judgment and try to get on with her life.

"No, wait Bones. This is hard for me too. I…I still love you. Always have I guess, but I don't want to leave Hannah, Bones. It may not seem like it, but this is really hard for me too."

"You know…I think about you a lot." She admitted, sound almost ashamed.

"I think about you all the time Bones. Look, I love you, but I love Hannah too. It's a different kind of love, but I do, really, and she loves me too. I'm the kind of guy that needs that." Again, he was throwing it in her face that she made a mistake.

He took a deep breath. He could tell his words were hurting her. Being with Hannah wasn't just because Brennan didn't love him. It was a definite part of it though. He needed love, that was his purpose, and he got that with Hannah. He didn't want to hurt Brennan, but it was the truth. Well, he tried to tell himself that was the truth. That he wasn't just settling.

"I gotta go Bones, before Hannah wakes up." He cursed himself for saying that. "I'll see you tomorrow." The last words were a promise of sorts as he hung up the phone, not bothering to wait for her reply.

Brennan heard the dial tone, but didn't hang up. "I do love you Booth." She walked to her room, phone in hand, and wrapped herself in the blankets on her bed. Her tears lulled her to sleep, but she got no relief in her dreams.

Booth hung up the phone and sighed. He realized how hurt Brennan must have been to act so out of character like that. With another sigh, he turned back to leave the living room he had occupied during their conversation. He stopped when he saw her standing in the door, an expressionless look on her face. He didn't know whether to be scared or relieved.


I might do a continuation, but I'm not totally sure yet, but for now it's just a one shot. Please review :D