




"Yes Noah!"

"No Rachel!" He mocked as the duo stood in her bedroom



"Fine." She reached up and began to unbutton the button on her shirt one by one.

"Rachel I refuse to.." Puck stopped when she slowly opened her top, sliding it off even slower with a smirk.

"Damn it Rachel I can't fight when you're getting undressed!"

"That's the point Noah." Rachel stalked toward him. He leaned down to kiss her but she pulled back to look in his eyes. The evil gleam in her eyes was doing nothing to help his condition.

"Fine! Okay fine! We'll sing the damn duet!" Her smile of victory was enough to make him rip off her clothes.

"Yay! Now we need to practice for the song immediately."

"Oh hell no babe. You don't get to stand there and tempt me and then not follow through." The football player picked her up with ease and tossed her on the bed.

"Noah!" Her giggle made him smile.

"Sorry babe we have more important things to practice right now." She rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him down to her.