"This seat taken?" Jason asked approaching the blonde haired woman

"Why? Did you come to make me feel bad about Spinelli?"


"Then it's not taken." He couldn't help but smile at her when he sat down

"So, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you, I got a tip you'd be here."


"Yeah, Steve made her tell me so they could uh…"

"Continue having sex?"

"I uh…" A blush rose high into his cheeks making Maxie laugh for one of the first times since Mac had been shot

"Why were you looking for me anyway?" Her voice broke the comfortable silence the two shared on the docks, staring out at the water

"You remind me of a girl I used to know. She was smart, funny, beautiful, happy."


"You could say that. But that side of her disappeared when she thought she needed a man to make all those things happen. The wrong man or better yet men."

"What happened to her?"

"She ran."

"She was scared."

"She got smart, but she never realized that there was always one person there for her. When everyone turned their back on her, he was there."

"What did he do?"

"Helped her walk away from it all. And now she's back to being the strong, independent woman he fell in love with. I want that for you Maxie and I know you can have it. I also know a man who would be more than happy to give that to you."


"Matt Hunter."

"You honestly think that Matt would want me?"

"I think he's in love with you."

"Thanks Jason." Maxie jumped up after kissing his cheek and rushed toward the stairs, "Hey Jason?"


"The guy did he ever tell her how he felt?"


"Was he you?"


"You deserve to be happy Jason and so does she. I think you're the one to give that to her."

"You don't know who I'm talking about."

"Maybe not. But because of her you've talked more to me today than every other conversation combined."


"I love you Jason ya know that?" She paused as his face turned more serious than she had ever seen. Maybe that was going too far but he had been more of a friend to her than almost anyone in her life, he deserved to hear it.

"I love you too." He replied making her smile as she went to tell Matt the same words.

"Jason Morgan giving out love advice? Things have changed a lot in 7 years."

"Brenda." The mobster breathed out her name, too scared to say it loudly. Afraid she would disappear like she did in every dream he had of her

"Are you just gonna sit there or are you going to give me a hug?"

"I can't."

"You can't?"

"You'll vanish like you always do and tonight I just need to hear your voice."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"You always say that and it's always a lie."

"Oh Jason." Her voice broke saying his name, taking a step toward him

"Please Brenda I just need to hear you. Please don't come close only to leave me."

"I'm not going to leave you Jason."

"Brenda please…" His plea was interrupted by her arms being thrown around his neck. After a moment of waiting for the exchange to end making him return to the reality without her, his eyes lit up. She was here. It was real. Brenda…his Brenda was hugging him. Returning the embrace he sat her down on top of his lap.

"You're here." He murmured into her neck

"So you dream about me huh?"

"Every night. Sometimes they're so real that I wake up believing you'll be there beside me."

"I can make that a reality." Jason pulled away from her to look in her eyes after her response

"Do you want to?"

"Absolutely." Jason's answer was to mumble into her shoulder, "What did you say?"

"I said I love you." He said after a moment of silence on his part

"You better. I didn't fly all the way back from Italy for a handshake." The mobster let out a chuckle when she was finished, "Oh and I love you too."

"Good to know."

"I thought it might."