Chapter one
I don't even bother to look around the pub. It's a Monday night, which means it's labourers or hard drinkers throwing back their paypackets by the glassful. I don't fit into either category, and when I first started coming to the Tavern at the start of every week they payed me alot of attention. A lone female on a crutch and in a leg brace swimming in bourbon was an easy target, but after so many weeks of my sharp tongue lashings, they finally leave me be. That's all I wanted.
I signalled to my favorite bartender,"hey Sam, can I have another?" He nodded in response and I motioned to let him know I was going to make a detour to the ladies room.
The Tav wasn't really a bad place. On the weekends all the local piss heads came and danced while swallowing whatever chemical concoction was the new rage. At the other end was a bistro that served nice food and housed a small room with a few delapidated games. I walked away from the bar and around the pool tables, heading for the one stall restroom tucked away in the back corner.
After I used the facilities I washed my hands and looked in the mirror. The small window that opened onto the parking lot let a small breeze in and touseled the strands of dark hair that had fallen from my messy bun. My fingers ran under my eyes, looking for some recognition, but there was none. I used to get told how expressive my eyes were but the dark brown orbs staring back at me had no life in them.
As I lamented over my reflection I heard rustling and voices through the window. A drunk sounding man was guffawing at whatever his equally enebriated friend was saying. I couldn't make out their words, but as I turned to return to the bar I heard a third voice.
"Get off of me you pigs!" a shrill female voice called out before her cries were muffled. Before I realised the absurdity of my actions I opened the door to the bathroom, rounded a corner, and hobbled with my crutch out into the parking lot.
Two dirty men were huddled in the corner looking and smelling like junk yard dogs scavenging for fresh meat. All I could see of the woman were her shoes which had probably been a very nice pair of heels before she was dragged into this mess.
I called out,"What the fuck do you thing you two are doing? Let her go."
They both stopped and turned to take me in. Each kept an arm on the woman who was looking at me with large eyes and a small trail of blood running down her face. Finally the larger and somehow uglier of the two slurred,"oy yeah. Whetr yougun do bout it ya fuckin crippled bitch?"
My lips turned up in a cruel smile, I was too drunk to be scared,"Well,asshat, I'm going to use my metal-reinforced leg to kick you and rupture your testicles and maybe break your knees. Then I'm going to climb on top of you and use my crutch to choke you. And it's long enough, I'm sure I can get both of you at once. Try me."
I'm pretty sure even with how drunk they were I would never have made it, but I was counting on them being bullies and not willingly accepting a challenge. The smaller man already released his hold on the small lady and when the big one looked as if he was considering my proposal I stepped forward, trying to look as fluid as possible.
The effect worked and the two drunks stumbled around the building and out into the night.
Satisfied that they were really gone I turned back to their intended victim. I hadn't noticed before how tiny she was! She was maybe five foot tall heels included. Her short dark hair was sticking up in all directions, but by the amount of product in it, it was like that before the attack. I carefully walked to her, taking measured steps so I didn't scare her.
"Are you ok? Do you want me to call an ambulance?"She shook her head no and only then did I notice that her whole body shook. "Let's get you inside. My name is Bella and I'm not gonna hurt you ok?" She nodded and gave me her arm so that I could steady her with my arm not used with the crutch.
Somehow we hobbled in the door and to the ladies room. I turned her around and patted the sink as a signal for her to jump up which she did. At least it looked like her injuries were minor.
"Ok I'm going to wash your face darlin..." Her big blue eyes became even wider at my endearment. "What, did I say something wrong?"
"Jasper," She said in a voice barely above a whisper.
"Who's Jasper?"
"My husband. He calls me darling."
I smiled at her revelation,"Is he from the south?" She nodded and gave me a small smile,"Well me too. If it upsets you what should I call you?"
"Oh it doesn't upset me Bella. We're gonna be great friends. I'm Alice."
Oh great, I saved the crazy chick.
I got Alice cleaned up. Luckily she only had a few scrapes and a cut on her cheek from being backhanded. Tonight was just another reminder of how my life ended up where it has. People always came into my life with bad timing and usually worse intentions. I sat Alice down at a table and decided to drown my thoughts in more alcohol.
Slowly I made my way back to the table, holding a tray with my bourbon and an orange juice for my crazy charge/BFF, depending on who you asked. As I reached the table she folded a small cell phone away and took the tray.
"I called Jazz, he's going to come and get me. I'm so happy you get to meet him, I mean of course you were going to meet him I just didn't expect it to happen this fast which is weird because I usually know stuff but I guess I didn't see tonight happening or I could have avoided it but then I wouldn't have met you so I guess it was good that I didn't see that huh?"
My hand reached for my bourbon but my eyes were locked on the hyper pixie across from me. My mind was trying to calculate how many breaths a normal person would have taken during her speech. Minutes passed as Alice talked excitedly. The only sign that she had just been assaulted was the tensing of her muscles and lowering of her voice when someone passed by too closely. It may have made me a candidate for the nut house but I felt protective of the little psycho. It was in that frame of mind that I stood to block her from the path of a furious looking group who entered the bar.
There were three men and a woman. As I was about to inform Sam of a possible problem, Alice peeked over my shoulder,"Jazzy!"
The group made a line for our table and I just stood there, unsure of what to do. A Blonde man stood in front of me, running his hand through his messy golden curls,
"Excuse me, can I get to my wife please?"
A small hand held my forearm,"It's ok Bella, they won't hurt us." I simply nodded and hobbled back to my seat on the other side of the table and took a long drink of my amber friend.
Jasper wrapped Alice up in his arms and it took another mouthful of liquid comfort to stop me from scoffing at them. Must be newlyweds. The other woman stood next to them with her arms folded across her full chest. She was a stunning blonde bombshell, tall and statuesque. I'm sure the men in the room would be happy to stare all night, but the giant of the group came and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. I was relieved at his actions as it saved me from the death glare she was sending my way.
"What happened darlin?"Jasper asked before Alice launched into her story. She had been looking for a restroom since the one across the street at the grocery store was out of service. They must be new in town or she would have known not to walk through this area alone at night.
"...and then Bella came out." Alice motioned to me and I tried to melt into the barstool I was balanced on. After her telling of the story I glanced up and saw that at least Goldi-locks was no longer giving me the stink eye. She nodded appreciatively at me and I returned the gesture. The behemoth next to her was just flashing me a huge dimpled grin.
I finally looked at the third man and immediately regretted it. Standing in front of me was a sample of male beauty that someone like me should never be privy to. His strong jaw clenched and his full lips pursed slightly as if he was trying to solve a puzzle. His unkempt hair was like a dark penny, the light catching the bronze and copper tones in his dark tresses. Thick dark lashes surrounded stormy green eyes that were staring at me expectantly. I understood. Alice made me sound like some sort of hero. In reality I'm just a broken woman in a bar that went to the bathroom at the right time.
Everyone was talking at once, except myself and the beautiful man across from me. My discomfort with the situation reached it's limit so I stood up to leave." Well Alice now that I know you're going to be ok. I'm gonna get going. Nice to meet you all."
"Bella please, allow us to take you home."Jasper smiled at me,"I don't think you should be driving sugar."
The offer was tempting until I saw Mr Penny-hair bristle. I shook my head,"If I did that my normal taxi driver would get jealous. I really have to go. See you guys around."
Jasper called out his thanks and Alice kept talking at a speed I had no hope of understanding. I played up being drunk so I could just keep walking, back to my life. Until next week.