Yo! I'm so happy to see that some people liked the first chapter! :D I would appreciate it if you reviewed, but you don't have to. Anyhow, please enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own these people! Except the ones you don't recognize!

Sephiroth stared blankly at the screen, he really didn't want to be seeing what was on it. It had previously occurred to him that the little girl who had disrupted his day had two shoes when she entered the building, and now she had one. Not only that, but she used the shoe she did have as a weapon, which could only mean that she had either dropped the other one or, well... Either way, after going through other security camera footage, he saw her methods of sneaking about past the other people. Unfortunately, he also saw her, chucking her right shoe at none other then, Genesis Rhapsodos. "Why are things never easy?" Sephiroth tried to think for a second before realizing that he didn't have a second, he quickly returned things to the way they were, lest Brandon go snooping around, and he left. He hurried down the halls as calmly as he could make himself seem. This situation doesn't need to be any worse. I need to make sure this is handled as quietly as possible, and can't have someone else do it because Valentine would have a fit... And now I have to deal with Genesis, this won't be easy... As he arrived at his office he was greeted by his assistant, Nina.

"Good morning, General." she said, smiling pleasantly at him as she always did.

"Is it? Could have fooled me."

"...are you being sarcastic, sir?"

"No..." he sighed, "Will you call Genesis up here?"

"No need, he's already in your office sir."

"What? He is?"

"Yes, sir. He got here just before you did."


"Are you alright, sir?"

"Yes, I suppose." He looked at the closed doors to his office and slowly walked to them, thinking about what he was going to do. As he placed his hand on the door handle, he heard a very unpleasant sound. He opened the doors and looked in to see something he never thought he would EVER see. Vincent holding a crying little girl, and Genesis holding a very small shoe in the most condescending way you can possibly hold a shoe. He sighed and wondered if he still had time to walk back out.

"Sephiroth, may I ask you a question?" Genesis said.

Shoot. "If that's it then, yes." he said walking in and closing the door.

"I believe I said not to be sarcastic." Vincent said, looking very ticked off for such a calm man. Sephiroth just looked at Genesis, trying to ignore Vincent.

"Though I have a guess as to what you want, what is your question?"

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to know why that child threw this shoe at me? Also maybe, why is there a child here, at Shin-freaking-Ra, of all places?" Sephiroth wasn't quite sure what to say, but he didn't really want to make the situation worse so he answered.

"Well, she followed me in, she sneeked past those soon-to-be-fired guards in front entrance. And as for why she threw that at you, how would I know that?"

Vincent spoke up, "What did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything! I was only walking by, but I noticed her so I stopped. Now I have a foot print on my jacket!" Genesis yelled. Vincent could tell he was more concerned about his jacket then the security breach.

"Stop yelling, you'll scare her!" Vincent said in almost a whisper. He looked to Sephiroth, who was staring at the little girl, trying to think. "What should we do about her?"

"We have to deal with this as descretely as possible. If too many people find out, then Hojo might find out, and he is the last thing an innocent child needs to be exposed to." He looked to Genesis, "Can you keep your mouth shut?"

Genesis put on a defiant face a said, "Of course I can! Who do you think you're talking to? Fair?" he laughed.

"Good." Sephiroth said with a slight smile. "Now, young lady, might I ask you a few questions?" he said turning to the little girl. She stared into his eyes for a second before answering.

"Like what?"

"Well, why don't we start with your name?" Vincent answered.

"It's Michal."

"Michal? What kind of name is that for a girl?" Genesis gasped.

"Well, I didn't pick it!" she yelled back at him. He pouted at her, but she stuck her tongue out at him. He did the same.

"Excuse me, young ladies! We have more important things to deal with!" Sephiroth interupted.

"She started it!" Genesis responded. But sephiroth didn't want to hear it and 'gently directed' (shoved) him over to the couch.

"Now, as you were saying, your name is Michal?" Sephiroth asked the girl to be sure.

"Yep, see!" she said and held out her arm. Sephiroth noticed she was wearing a bracelet and took a closer look. It was metal and looked rather heavy duty for something such a small child was to wear, but it did say 'Michal' on it. He made a mental of the bruises it was causing on her small wrist.

"This seems rather inconvenient for such a minuscule child." he mused.

"Why were you outside so early in the morning?" Vincent asked.

"Well, I was just walking around...I didn't know what time it was..."

"Who is Aunty Clarkson?" Sephiroth asked calmly, when he remembered Michal mentioning the name.

She responded by showing him the other side of her bracelet. He looked at the words inscribed on it, it read: "Please return this child if found to, the Clarkson's Forgotten Angels orphanage.".

"You're an orphan, then?" Sephiroth said with undefinable emotion in his voice.

"...Yeah." she began to look sad.

"Well, we should take her back then."

"That wouldn't be very responsible, would it?" Vincent said quietly to Sephiroth.

"Taking an orphan back to an orphanage isn't responsible?"

"She clearly ran away for a reason. Who are we to force her to go back?"


Genesis jumped up and yelled, "You can't seriously be thinking of agreeing with that!"

"Think about it, Genesis, should we really force an innocent child into staying someplace she's unhappy, right?" Vincent spoke softly, "If you were in her shoes, wouldn't you just run away again later? That would be incredibly dangerous for such a small child, wouldn't it?"
Genesis thought about it, he was right...and it would be a horrible thing to do, but why was he about to agree with Vincent? He tried to develope an argument, but all he came up with was "She isn't wearing any shoes, and I'm going to call somebody to deal with this properly." he marched towards the door, but Sephiroth, who agreed with Vincent, grabbed him and slammed him against the door. He spoke clearly and threateningly.

"You will tell no one about this. Do we really want Shin-Ra to know that a little girl got through security? They would tighten it so much we wouldn't have any peace around here; we would probably be stuck with guards following us everywhere. Do you want that?" Genesis would have spoken but Sephiroth had his hand over his mouth, so he shook his head 'no'. "Good. You are going to help me with this, right, friend?" Genesis shook his head 'yes'. "How generous." Sephiroth let go and moved him out of the way; he opened the door a little and poked his head out. "Nina, would you call Angeal up here for me?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Also don't let anyone else in here unless you ask me first."

"Yes, Sir. Will that be all?"

"Yes, thank you." he pulled his head back in and closed the door, locking it.

"How is telling more people going to help?" Genesis almost yelled.

"It's not 'more people', it's Angeal. He seems to be the most sensible, and I don't know what to do from here."

"I guess that makes sense..." he mumbled.

"Good, then we'll wait for him before we do anything else."

-To Be Continued-

AN: If Vincent is the voice of reason then Genesis is the voice of drama XD