Well, here it is! The long.okay maybe not long. But the much anticipated
sequel to "Like or Love?" This takes place a year after "Like or Love?". It
would be wise to read that first, otherwise this won't make any sense. Now,
just to warn you: The chapters won't be updated as quickly as before, do to
many.many exams and projects my very evil teachers have bestowed upon me.
But I couldn't help but write this! Anywayz, sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)
Disclaimer: I don't "Newsies" * tear * I do however own Ally, her father, and Brittany.who is me. LOL.
17-year-old Allyson Lenox sat at the kitchen table of her fourth floor apartment sorting through the mail. There wasn't much.a few bills, a letter from her grandfather and a letter from.Ally stopped as wide grin spread across her face. She picked up the rectangular envelope and brought her hand up to her necklace, a silver chain with a star charm hanging from it. She quickly tore the envelope open. Rising to her feet, she read the contents and nearly fell over. Ally turned on her heal and dashed out the door. Paper in hand, she ran down the stairs and knocked frantically on apartment 3C. A small boy of 11 years old answered with a confused look on his face. "Ally? What's going on?" "Les! Where's David and Sarah? I have wonderful news!" Ally exclaimed. "Their at the lodging house.they had to talk to Jack." Ally grabbed his hand, cutting him off. "Well come on!" Hand in hand, they ran the few blocks to the lodging house. "Hi Mr. Kloppman!" Ally called as she ran passed him and up the steps to the bunkroom. Les sat down in a spare chair, catching his breath. Kloppman raised an eyebrow at him, an amused expression across his aging features. Ally stopped at the door and knocked quickly, "Hello? Everybody decent?" she laughed as she entered the room. A chorus of "Heya Ally's" greeted her as she scanned the room for David. He was by the window, speaking with Jack and Sarah. He looked up and smiled. "Hey Twink." He said, coming over and kissing her quickly. Ally took a second to smile at the nickname he had given her. Twinkle, (Twink for short.) because of her love of the stars. Ally could surpass her joy no longer and she flung her arms around David's neck. "Oh David! I have such wonderful news!" she said pulling away and waving the paper in front of his face. "What news?" he asked, playfully trying to snatch the paper from her hand. Ally giggled and pulled it away. "Well, remember when I mentioned my younger sister?" "Yer sista'?" Jack asked, "Oh, ya mean Britt, da one who's really intelligent." "But still down ta earth?" Sarah finished, giggilng "Da one who 'as an incredible singin' voice?" Blink asked, coming out of the washroom. "Da one who's a fast learna and loves card games?" Racetrack asked, jumping down fro his bunk. "Da one who loves sunsets and writes poetry?" Spot asked from out on the fire escape. David laughed as Ally crossed arms and rolled her eyes. "You have mentioned her once or twice." Ally threw her hands up in the air, "Alright, alright! So I talk about her a lot! That's not the point! The point is this!" she waved the paper again. "Well, tell us already!" David said. Ally laughed, "Okay! My sister is." she paused, looking around at all the expecting faces. "Coming to New York! She finished school early and my Aunt Caroline said she's ready to come to New York!" David wrapped his arms around her and twirled her around, he knew how important Ally's family was to her, and how much she loved her younger sister. "That's great Twink! I'm so happy for you!" "It really is wonderful news, Ally!" Sarah said, also hugging her friend. "When's she coming?" Ally stopped, "Oh my gosh! I was so excited I didn't finish reading the letter!" she quickly unfolded the paper and scanned to the end. Her eyes widened. "Well? When is she coming?" David asked. "Next week! Oh my gosh! I have to go tell, papa!" she stuffed the letter into her skirt pocket. "I'll see you tonight!" she gave him a brief kiss and ran back out the way she came. David watched her go and couldn't help but laugh; Ally was always so full of life.always happy. He loved that about her. Racetrack was laughing too as he walked over to him and leaned against the windowsill. "Well," he started, "If Brittany is anything like Ally, we'll all be in trouble." He said smiling as he walked out of the bunkhouse. David shook his head, (-- You're half right Race.because if Brittany is as much like Ally as she says she is. Your heart will be in major trouble.--) With that thought, he joined his friends outside the distribution center.
Well? How was it? Please review! I live for reviews! Luv Alwayz & 4ever, ~Britt aka AngelicOne~
Disclaimer: I don't "Newsies" * tear * I do however own Ally, her father, and Brittany.who is me. LOL.
17-year-old Allyson Lenox sat at the kitchen table of her fourth floor apartment sorting through the mail. There wasn't much.a few bills, a letter from her grandfather and a letter from.Ally stopped as wide grin spread across her face. She picked up the rectangular envelope and brought her hand up to her necklace, a silver chain with a star charm hanging from it. She quickly tore the envelope open. Rising to her feet, she read the contents and nearly fell over. Ally turned on her heal and dashed out the door. Paper in hand, she ran down the stairs and knocked frantically on apartment 3C. A small boy of 11 years old answered with a confused look on his face. "Ally? What's going on?" "Les! Where's David and Sarah? I have wonderful news!" Ally exclaimed. "Their at the lodging house.they had to talk to Jack." Ally grabbed his hand, cutting him off. "Well come on!" Hand in hand, they ran the few blocks to the lodging house. "Hi Mr. Kloppman!" Ally called as she ran passed him and up the steps to the bunkroom. Les sat down in a spare chair, catching his breath. Kloppman raised an eyebrow at him, an amused expression across his aging features. Ally stopped at the door and knocked quickly, "Hello? Everybody decent?" she laughed as she entered the room. A chorus of "Heya Ally's" greeted her as she scanned the room for David. He was by the window, speaking with Jack and Sarah. He looked up and smiled. "Hey Twink." He said, coming over and kissing her quickly. Ally took a second to smile at the nickname he had given her. Twinkle, (Twink for short.) because of her love of the stars. Ally could surpass her joy no longer and she flung her arms around David's neck. "Oh David! I have such wonderful news!" she said pulling away and waving the paper in front of his face. "What news?" he asked, playfully trying to snatch the paper from her hand. Ally giggled and pulled it away. "Well, remember when I mentioned my younger sister?" "Yer sista'?" Jack asked, "Oh, ya mean Britt, da one who's really intelligent." "But still down ta earth?" Sarah finished, giggilng "Da one who 'as an incredible singin' voice?" Blink asked, coming out of the washroom. "Da one who's a fast learna and loves card games?" Racetrack asked, jumping down fro his bunk. "Da one who loves sunsets and writes poetry?" Spot asked from out on the fire escape. David laughed as Ally crossed arms and rolled her eyes. "You have mentioned her once or twice." Ally threw her hands up in the air, "Alright, alright! So I talk about her a lot! That's not the point! The point is this!" she waved the paper again. "Well, tell us already!" David said. Ally laughed, "Okay! My sister is." she paused, looking around at all the expecting faces. "Coming to New York! She finished school early and my Aunt Caroline said she's ready to come to New York!" David wrapped his arms around her and twirled her around, he knew how important Ally's family was to her, and how much she loved her younger sister. "That's great Twink! I'm so happy for you!" "It really is wonderful news, Ally!" Sarah said, also hugging her friend. "When's she coming?" Ally stopped, "Oh my gosh! I was so excited I didn't finish reading the letter!" she quickly unfolded the paper and scanned to the end. Her eyes widened. "Well? When is she coming?" David asked. "Next week! Oh my gosh! I have to go tell, papa!" she stuffed the letter into her skirt pocket. "I'll see you tonight!" she gave him a brief kiss and ran back out the way she came. David watched her go and couldn't help but laugh; Ally was always so full of life.always happy. He loved that about her. Racetrack was laughing too as he walked over to him and leaned against the windowsill. "Well," he started, "If Brittany is anything like Ally, we'll all be in trouble." He said smiling as he walked out of the bunkhouse. David shook his head, (-- You're half right Race.because if Brittany is as much like Ally as she says she is. Your heart will be in major trouble.--) With that thought, he joined his friends outside the distribution center.
Well? How was it? Please review! I live for reviews! Luv Alwayz & 4ever, ~Britt aka AngelicOne~