New Year's Resolution

It was the first New Year's that Al had his body back. He had been bragging to everyone that he knew, about how great it is to be able to feel, eat, sleep and do everything you couldn't do in a suit of armor. Now he is talking his new girlfriend, Winry, head's off.

On the other side of the room is Mustang and his team. As always Mustang is surrounded by women. Havoc had Riza now. Breda is at the buffet table. Falman and Fuery were somewhere in the room.

For me, I didn't really want to come. Winry and Al dragged me here. I mean what's the point of coming anyway, it's just another start of a new year, right? It happens every year. Sighing, I walk to the rooftop of Central HQ.

I leaned on the railing, back to the door. The sky so dark only twinkling stars and moon illuminated the night sky. There was also a breeze that made my bangs tickle my cheeks. Looking up I smiled.

Everything was the way I wanted to be. Al had his body back. Mustang is getting closer to becoming Fuhrer. He's now a Brigadier General, and has his eyesight back. Havoc can walk again.

"Beautiful night, isn't it, Fullmetal?"

"Yea" I simply said, still looking at the sky. I frowned. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the party?"

Mustang was next to me leaning on the railing. "Just getting a good spot to watch the light show." Mustang said. Why are you up here?"

"Just getting some fresh air, too stuffy in there." I replied. There was a silence, neither one knew what to say.

The silence was getting uncomfortable. So Mustang broke the quiet by saying, "how is your brother coping with being back in his body?"

I chuckled. "Al is well. He has been talking people's ears off about how great it is to be able to feel things."

Mustang laughed, "I saw him talking with Miss Winry and the others, she looked like she was going to give him a concussion. I think I saw a wrench too.

We both laughed at that. "I still wonder where that gear-head hides those wenches." I wondered, shrugging.

I felt Mustang staring at me. I looked at him, "What?"

"Just wondering why you still had automail.

I frowned. "I forgot"

"You forgot?" Mustang repeated, surprised. "How do you forget such a thing?"

"I was too focused on getting Al's body and I had it for a long time, it just felt like…like it was a part of my life…a part of me." I replied back, looking away.

"Really now." Mustang said, a smirk in his voice. I turned back to him.



His face was so close to mine.



I felt his breathe on my face. I felt myself heat up.



"M-Mustang, what are you doing?



"Let's make this a part of your life." He said in a seducing tone.


His hands on my cheeks. So warm.


The explosion of colorful lights filled the midnight sky as he placed his soft lips against mine. His hands were cold, but the touch was blazing hot.

My eyes widened in surprise, but slowly closed and melted into the kiss. My arms wrapped around his neck. His arms around my waist pulling me closer. I leaned in, arching a bit.

It was sweet and passionate. Gentle and kind. Loving and caring.

His tongue flicked out, licking my lip, asking to be let in. I parted my lips, letting him in. Our tongues explored each other's mouths. He tasted like sweet red wine.

We parted after a long while, gasping for air. We stared at each other. I could see my reflection in his onyx eyes. I felt hot tears rolling down my tan cheeks.

"What's wrong Ed?" He asked, softly, wiping away tears.

"Nothing. I'm just happy, that's all." I said, smiling. Tears of joy kept rolling down when he said my name.

He kissed my forehead and hugged me tight. I hugged him back burying my face into his chest.

"I love you, Edward."

"I love you too, cheeky bastard."