Author's Note: Unfortunately, all good things must come to a close. I thought about extending this fic through JJ's recovery process, but I decided that I liked this better since I wrote a fic that covered the same subject a while back. Thank you to all of you who have read or reviewed, I am genuinely touched by the outstanding response I have had to this story.

Upcoming Stories: I'm currently working on an AU fic that I'm really excited about. I'm also developing a story requested by another author as a sequel to Needful Things. I decided, however, to delay posting these stories until I've finished all of my other CM fics. So if there is one you would like me to give priority to, I'm all ears.

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The worry that consumed him didn't lessen with time. In fact, it only grew stronger. But standing around with the team the next morning as they recounted in vague, and somewhat redacted, details of what had become of Will while JJ lay on the cold hospital bed at least reassured him.

Everything was going to be alright.

"So wait, you gave him a plane ticket, where did you send him?" JJ smiled, somehow managing to keep the small inkling of fear out of her voice. If her team said Will was gone, she believed them.

There weren't many people she could trust like that.

The others looked to Rossi, surprised that they themselves hadn't thought to ask the seasoned profiler. "Dave?" Emily prodded once it was clear that the older man wasn't going to answer of his own free will.

Dave chuckled, glancing down at his watch. "He should be getting off his flight to Moscow just about now."

"Moscow?" Derek snorted. "Serves the bastard right."

A second or two of silence passed as each person inwardly agreed.

Emily grinned suddenly, "Moscow is an awful place for an American that doesn't speak Russian." She could barely contain her giddiness at the thought.

"A buddy of mine lived over there and got beat up by the Russian Marines." Derek rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he smiled widely. "Guy almost died."

"Russians drink more vodka than water." Reid added with a small devilish smirk. "So maybe he'll fit right in."

"One thing's for sure." Garcia rubbed the back of JJ's hand carefully, mindful of the various tubes that stuck out of the ebony skin that was marred by bruises and cuts. "He's going to have a hell of a time straightening out his financials. I've reported every single one of his cards stolen, placed him on a terrorist watch list, and removed him from all of your joint accounts." She looked up to see JJ's eyes glistening slightly. "The only way that rat bastard is getting back into this country is with a raft and a paddle."

"You guys shouldn't have done all of this." JJ sighed, touched that her friends would go to such lengths for her protection, "You should have let the police handle it."

"Jayje, no offense? My only regret is that I waited this long." Penelope looked up at JJ before adding, "I would do anything for family." She repeated the words that her best friend had long ago spoken on a night very different from this one, grateful that no one else knew the importance of that phrase.

JJ had killed a man (albeit a crazy killer one) to protect her. Garcia was willing to do exactly the same.

JJ's eyes misted with tears at Penelope's words. "Thank you." She managed to choke out, hating how much her emotions seemed to have come to the surface.

Hotch waited for a moment before clearing his throat awkwardly, knowing that if he didn't do this soon he would completely lose his nerve. "JJ, can I have a moment alone with you?" He asked, more to the others than to her as she was still confined to her hospital bed.

She nodded, and the rest of the team slowly left the room. "Hotch, I'm so sorry. I should have..."

"Don't." He shook his head, smiling softly at her in a hope that she could feel everything he could never say. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"You've been so good to me, I don't know how I can repay you."

"I do." He sighed.

She smiled, expecting him to propose some romantic getaway, some galavanting trek where the pair could ride off into the respective sunset. And the butterflies in her stomach confirmed what she felt with her heart- - she couldn't wait.

But she should have known that Aaron Hotchner was full of surprises. "I want you to date someone else."

"What?" JJ asked incredulously, certain that she must have heard wrong.

Will was gone.

Their lives could be perfect.


"JJ, I love you. I've loved you for a long time."

"I love you to." She replied instantly.

"Do you?" He pressed, not angry but desperately wanting to challenge her automatic response. "JJ do you even know what you want anymore?"

She blinked, shocked by the question. "Well, I...Hotch, I want to be with you." She replied in a small voice, suddenly having to blink back tears that threatened to pool at the corner of her eyes.

He sat down in a swift motion at her bedside. "And I want to be with you." He agreed, "More than every fiber of my being."

"But you want me to date someone else?" She asked, still not comprehending.

"JJ, I want to let you find yourself again." He admitted, taking her hand. "I watched as Will stole a part of you. The happy spark in your eyes, the things that made you who you are, he took that from you." Hotch shook his head sadly. "And I can't be the re-bound that always makes you wonder what you could have had."


"No. Listen JJ." He squeezed her hand tightly as if he was afraid to let go. "I know that you might fall in love with someone else. That's okay. But I can't be with you until you're ready."


"I love you too much to ever let yourself wonder if the feelings between us were just you reaching out when you needed help. I'm here for you. I always will be. But when you're ready, when you're ready for it all, I will be here."

"So, it's like 'if you love her, let her go and see if she comes back'?" JJ snorted sarcastically.

"Something like that." He smiled sadly. "JJ, I just want you to be happy."

"And what if that involves me falling in love with someone else?" She asked, knowing deep down that it was impossible.

In fact, this very conversation was an example of everything she found attractive about Aaron Hotchner.

He may be a self-sacrificing idiot, but he loved her.

And if she thought about it, if she was really honest with herself, she had to admit that what he was saying was right.

She needed to learn to be herself again.

"I don't want lose you." She admitted.

"You won't." He promised, "Because I'll be waiting for you."

She did nothing to stop the tears that ran down her face now, overcome by the love she felt for the man at her side. "I can't let you put your life on hold while I sort through my issues." She shook her head. "I want you to be happy. I can't promise- -"

"Stop." He held up a finger to her mouth, stopping before he touched her cracked lips. "I don't need promises." He smiled sadly, "I just need you to be happy."


It took two years.

Two years from the day that Aaron Hotchner saved her from a fiery pit of hell, JJ found herself on his doorstep, her happy bright nine-year-old standing confidently beside her.

She knocked, struck by the familiarity of the gesture.

But that wasn't her anymore.

It almost felt like an alternate reality, one where she wanted to scream at her past self that she didn't do anything wrong. That she wasn't going crazy. That love wasn't supposed to feel like that.

She shook her head, sad for the woman she had been two years ago, but well acquainted with that grief. That woman had changed for the better.

And finally realized she deserved this chance of happiness.

He answered almost instantly. "JJ? Henry? What are you doing here?" He asked, brushing his hand through his thick dark hair that was only now beginning to shimmer with small flecks of silver.

Her heart sank for a moment at his surprise. "Sorry, do you have company?" She asked, nearly laughing to herself at the thought that Aaron Hotchner would just be waiting around for her. She shook that thought away, ready to face whatever obstacles were now in her way.

Because if she had learned anything, it was that she—Jennifer Jareau—was capable of overcoming anything.

"No, not at all." He smiled, gesturing for them to come in. "I was just taking a nap on the couch. Come in. Jack's upstairs Henry." He smiled as the boy bounded up the stairs, then glanced back behind JJ out the open door, "Is Greg coming?" He asked innocently, only JJ catching the soft lilt in his voice that betrayed how much he detested the man.

"No. I broke up with Greg three weeks ago." JJ smiled, somewhat sad at the end of a relationship with a good man.

But Greg was nothing like Hotch.

Gregory Miller was nothing like Aaron Hotchner.

Aaron Hotchner commanded respect with a quiet authority that was only surpassed by how much he truly loved his subordinates. Gregory Miller was a mid-level accountant that preferred numbers to people.

With Hotch, JJ felt like an equal, a partner as they made decisions from the most complicated issues of which serial killer to find next, to the most mundane of where to go for a Happy Meal. Greg was content to let JJ make each and every decision without reserve.

And for a while, JJ had needed Greg. She needed someone who would follow her blindly.

But three weeks ago she had lain in bed, startled by the realization that her relationship with Greg wasn't going to last. She didn't want to make all the decisions. She didn't want to have to control a relationship.

And then she realized something that made her face break out into a wide grin. She was ready.

Breaking up with Greg had been easy. What had been hard was waiting long enough to prove that this moment was not born out of emotional vulnerability.

She was making her choice.

"Why didn't you say anything at work?" Hotch asked, surprised. He saw JJ nearly every day at the BAU and considered her a close friend.

Despite the fact that they both knew he was still waiting.

"Because." She smiled shyly, "I wanted to see your face when I told you this."

"Oh?" Hotch closed the door, gesturing for JJ to enter the room. "Told me what? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I think it finally is." She smiled, disregarding his invitation and closing the gap between them before pulling him close as she pressed her soft plump lips to his own. "I'm ready."

"You're what?" He asked, pulling back so he could get a good look at her to make sure this was really happening.

"I'm ready." She smiled, certain that she had found her happy ending.

It had taken a while, there had been bumps in the road, and even times where she wondered how she had become so hopelessly lost in life.

But now, all she felt when she looked into the deep dark eyes of Aaron Hotchner was joy.

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself."

-Harvey S. Firestone