ME: Helloooooo is anybody there?
Chaos: NO! Go away! No one likes you anymore after you ABANDONED us!
ME: I'm sorry! I had school and then my Internet is weird a-
Chaos: Pfft! Dont wanna hear it! I'm Katagan! I need to be loved and there you go off and leave me to fend for myself anf entertain all these wonderful readers alone! I can only juggle so many things!
ME: Gahhh you're right! I am a disgrace, why did you take me back? You should just kick me out right now!
Chaos: Yes..yes I should but I won't because you're after leaving me in some godforsaken cave on Caradhras and that is not on! So get writing and get grovelling because you gotta lot of making up to do missy!
ME: Yes Chaos...
So... yeah, himself isn't very happy with me and I'm not going to bother you with useless excuses, I just haven't been able to write much as I'm writing my own work but if you want to review just to give out to me that is all good! Go right ahead1 As Chaos said, I gotta lot of grovelling to do XD
I woke groggily the early the next morning with a creak in my neck and hair slightly wet from the damp cave floor. Sitting up against one of the cool cave walls, I wrapped my arms around myself as I adjusted to the cold around me again. A soft thump reverberated through the cave and I noticed the mossy coloured blanket in a pile to my right where it must have fallen off.
I frowned; I didn't remember taking my blanket out last night... I knew it would be a bad idea to go without it but I was just too damn tired. I looked over at the resigned hulking black form of Chaos as he lay a few feet away from me, he back turned.
Maybe it was him? Though he never was one for the details... guess he got that from me, I thought jokingly to myself.
Picking the blanket up, my frown returned at the soft mossy feel to it, like grass during spring when the sun had given it enough love to be alive and the rain enough for it to thrive. Running my hands over its apparent coarse form, as it looked no different to any of the other blankets brought; I knew without a doubt that this wasn't mine.
A fresh musk suddenly reached me as I wrapped the blanket in my hands, playing it into one of those fancy looking glove things that were really just a hoodie pocket without the actual hoodie and covered in furs. The smell was subtle, and it was gone as soon as I caught it but when I had smelled it, it was like limitless freedom... fresh life. It smelled like the summer and the winter. I don't know how I came to that realisation, surly seasons didn't have a smell but the blanket was rich with life, cinnamon and shy like snow, evergreen trees. Like the ones we would have every year at Christmas, going from park to park, inspecting each tree with a keen eye as the retailer watched impatiently before picking the tree that maybe we all didn't agree on but as soon as it was up and the decorations graced its humble branches, there was no mistaken that there was no tree more perfect.
I smiled sadly as I lay my head down on the blanket, consumed in the smell as it came and receded,
Sam always put the angel on the top of the tree... I thought sadly. Ever since he was little, he loved to be picked up by Phil and put on his shoulders as Sammy squealed with delight as I handed him the beautiful little angel and he took his time making sure she was just right on top, loving eyes looking down at the little black haired boy who picked her up when she had fallen from heaven...
'You know... we are not going to be leaving for another few hours. The sleep might do you some good.' A melodic voice chimed softly from near the cave entrance.
I looked up startled to see an angel in his own right looking back at me as he lounged on a nearby ledge in the cave. He even made slouching on a rock look graceful. Stupidhead...
Going down the childish route I decided to respond with, 'Because you would know...' Oh, absolutely brilliant comeback Freya, well done – can you hear that? Oh yes there's the sarcastic applaud I was waiting for.
A frown furrowed his flawless features as he burned me with his stare, which I returned and am quite proud of the fact that he was the one to look away first... so I may have practiced staring contests with Chaos once or twice but c'mon! It's not like we can all just rent a movie or go on the internet. Nope. I'm stuck having staring contests with a wolf on steroids. There's one for the CV...
'Fine then, don't sleep. But do not expect me to carry you if you are tired because of your own pride.' He snapped in a hushed tone.
My mouth dropped, in shock and almost laughter, at his obvious egotistical mind, 'As IF I would let you anywhere near me! Of course though, I'd HAVE to run to you for help, swooning like the damsel in distress just waiting for my sparkling knight in shining armour to come rescue me because obviously you are the only one I can go to right? I would pick you out of all the capable men here to look after me? Is that right? Oh, fairy-boy believe me, when if I look for help it would mean that I actually want saving,' I hissed, using what he had said to me before on him,
'I mean, I don't mean to be rude or anything but you make Edward Cullen look like frickin' Superman with your 'ohh look at me I can walk on snow' attitude!' I tried to keep my voice hushed but he got my blood boiling which frustrated me which made me even more frustrated!
He looked at me for a long time, heated feeling shadowing his clear eyes and I guess I can admit that it did unnerve me, how still he was but knowing that so much was going on in his head, when he simply replied, 'Elves do not wear shiny armour and I do not know nor want to know what an Edard Cullem is...'
OK... I'll be the first to admit that I let a laugh escape at that, but I composed myself again! Good, strong girl I am! So I looked away for a moment and focused on Chaos' steady breathing.
'Fine, whatever, you aren't even worth my very precious time.' Turning back, the blonde demon was nowhere to be seen, Ha! I win! Cue victory dance.
Yeah that was short-lived when all of a sudden he was crouched right in front of me, so close I could feel his breath on my face and notice, unfortunately that there was no sign of blemish or fault on his pale face, once again...stupidhead...
He remained there for a second, his eyes darting swiftly to my lips before catching my gaze again and now I really was scared over what he might do. Heat masked his eyes and I felt myself react to it... traitor body, traitor mind, traitor everything! He leaned forward as my heartbeat picked up and I felt myself struggling to lean back or forward when a cruel smirk plastered itself on his mug,
I guess you won't mind if I take my blanket back then?'
Oh, well that was a kick in the gut... emm just ignore him! Yep, fallback plan, ignore – works like a charm with jerks! But not before...
'Would you mind getting out of my face and just so you know, that blanket needs a wash – smells like you just left it in the middle of nowhere for years, let about a million insects crawl all over it and had it used as a nest for a load of Magpies.' I smiled sweetly.
'Who's to say I didn't?' He smirked.
I opened my mouth, insults at the ready but he was gone and a cold gust of wind left in his wake making me colder again!
Ok Freya... just stick to the plan... we descend Caradhras today... we'll push him off then.
Ah that was a nice thought, but then it wasn't either... well I did want him dead but not dead, dead... maybe thrown around a bit. Eaten by a rhino but survive kinda thing? I've got to work on my assassination skills... no doubt Mr. IHaveHairMostGirlsWouldDieFor has mastered those skills.
Just to spite him, I didn't go back to sleep but neither did I see Legolas for the remainder of the time I was awake alone so I doubt he even knew, but it still gave me a grim satisfaction.
The hike down Caradhras wasn't as bad as the hike up which meant that it was still pretty bad but not as bad. At least going down it was getting a little warmer step by step rather than a lot colder. I decided to 'partner off' I guess, with Aragorn and as we or I should say I trudged clumsily down the steep descent, I told him of different things from my home.
'So, you merely go up in the air in a carriage of sorts and rotate in a circle before going down in the exact same place only to go up again? That sounds absolutely ridiculous and a complete waste of time.' Aragorn pondered, flabbergasted at the mere thought of a Ferris Wheel. Ok not my most intelligent moment talking about rollercoaster's to a guy in full armour, carrying a sword and was basically raised by Elves, might have been smarter to start with I don't know... cars? Skyscrapers? What about my world was like his? Answer, Nothing!
'There is no logical reason to have them, what help to they bring to your land?'
'Yes, I know but – you're missing the point! They're not meant to give to the land-'
'Then why are they needed?'
'Bu- Because they're a bit of fun! There, that's what they give; they bring enjoyment and laughter to the faces of smiling children. Happy?'
'You make no sense at all, milady.' Aragorn laughed unbelievingly as he shook his head.
'Right then, I'm off!' I chirped as I ran down a bit of the dwindling snow and threw my arm over Gimli, earning a glare from a certain Elf as I rushed past him.
'Good afternoon, milady Freya!' Gimli chortled as we continued down towards the end of our trek. I was in a good mood after we made better time than anticipated, coming to an end for around late afternoon,
'I'm good Gimli, I am. Got a great night sleep, Chaos decided to wash and I won an argument with our dear Elf Prince so I'm just peachy.
Legolas was suddenly on Gimli's other side, 'No, I won our little disagreement or did you forget already?' he hissed.
Laughing I decided to go with it, 'Ehhh no! You ran away before I had a chance to retort hence I was the winner by default!' I laughed, I wasn't going to admit it, but I liked arguing with Legolas, it took my mind off things even if he was the most egotistical, insensitive sexist jerk I'd ever met.
Legolas struggled to keep his composure, I liked the way I actually could get under his skin, 'What? Says who? I got the last word, so I am the victor.'
'Well, in mine own humble opinion,' Gimli grunted sarcastically, 'I would have to agree with Freya, if you were too scared and ran away it automatically makes her the winner.'
'What! Stay out of this Dwarf, you know nothing. Why, you were snoring like a pig while we were having our...discussion.'
My ears pricked to the sounds of laughter and I turned to see the rest of the Fellowship breaking their hearts laughing. Even Gandalf had a smile on his face.
'Dear gods Legolas, you would swear it was life or death the way you were arguing with her.' Boromir choked as a booming rattled out of him.
Legolas opened his mouth to respond but as he spoke, his words came out laughing, and he, surprisingly was racked with laughter like the rest of them, running a hand through his blonde and brown hair as he struggled to contain himself.
Everyone was laughing now, at the bottom of Caradhras and it brought a smile to my face to see Frodo happy again, he had been looking drawn for days now but standing here with his friends, I saw a light in his eyes that I hadn't seen in months...
After walking for another hour or two away from Caradhras, we found ourselves walking through a forest trail with dense woods on both sides. It was almost like someone using a duster to rub out chalk, just like that the smiles on our faces that had kept us all in high spirits was gone. We stood alone on the deserted road in silence as the very trees themselves seemed to hold their breath, not a sound or whisper to be heard, the wind in the trees silent and songbirds' non-existent.
It was clear that despite everything we had been through and even more with the more experienced of our group, that no one was quite sure what to do. it was as if one wrong step and the doors to Hell would open. We were gathered in a huddle, pondering by ourselves, no one talking – the Hobbits glancing nervously around at the trees, warriors gently moving their hand over the hilt of their blades and axe, or the quiver of a bow.
Ah so I'm not the only one sensing it, I whispered, even though it was in my mind.
What are you talking about? Everything is fine! Why aren't we moving? Chaos put in.
I was slightly put off, it wasn't often that Chaos and I disagreed on things, usually we felt the same way instinctively and it was unnerving to think otherwise. I guess he had become a reassurance that what I was feeling was not all in my head and when he said everything was fine, I was lost.
Suddenly, Gandalf let out a gruff, 'What are you all doing, get moving you lazy house cats before I kick you into motion!' the sound of someone speaking jolted us all in shock and realisation to keep going. Having the push we needed, we started forward again, our walk confident, our thoughts restless.
I felt the cool tip of Forod where I had instinctively reached to make sure was still there. I could feel the warmth seeping out of Harad which was another reassurance.
Continuing on in this state for an hour was not the most fun experience I'd ever had and as it got dark that uncomfortable feeling intensified, the world just loves making everything I do just that little bit worse. But I wasn't as bad as when we first got to the forest – I'd at least worked with the angst and was burying it or trying to, or failing to... minor details.
So there I was, trying to be the brave little soldier girl when out of the blue Mr. Tall Blonde and "Independent" comes sprinting from the dark after scouting ahead since our mere mortal eyes were nothing to an Elves. He moved faster than a human but I knew that already, me being most observant in our travels when suddenly he whirls around just as one heck of an ugly mutt jumps out of the trees and was met with an arrow in the neck. A pained cry came from the beast as I stilled. Dead.
By now everyone was on their feet, weapons in hand, with a certain formally optimistic wolf prowling the borders, sniffing the trees. A strangled howl was heard close by and my heart dropped, for some reason, that sounded awfully like a nod to attack. And what happens? Yep, they attack and I'm left wondering why on earth I can't be right about other, important things like lottery numbers or the actual time the bus is going to come at. Of course, this was all within a split second, as four snarling dogs jumped through the trees, circling our little entourage.
Leoglas and Boromir were busy with one of the Wargs – yes, it had just clicked that they were in fact Wargs... clever Freya.
I ran to the Hobbits who were huddled together, small blades in hand, frozen in fear. I didn't blame them, they had faced the Ringwraiths but there was something to be said about giant rabid dogs... they just made you tick, appearance wise they were dead scarier to a child than some dude in a cloak! Not that it was going to make a difference but I drew out my boys basically in truth because they made me feel better about myself and all, and the fact that I might actually look like I was doing something.
The world was in a flurry of movement as everyone, bar myself and the Hobbits of course, fought off the heel hounds, and I struggled to try cover the Hobbits eyes as Chaos and a Warg fell in front of us in a tumble of roars and snarls, both ripping at each other but I could even see that the Warg was nothing to Chaos, his body moved like a shadow, black on black, wherever the Warg snapped, thinking he was there, the elusive black fur seemed to swiftly dodge like water before Chaos handed one fatal blow, catching the Warg by the neck and biting down ferociously, the dog pulling and jerking to get away, before there was a wincing crack as the Warg slumped under the weight, its head hanging grotesquely where Chaos had broken its neck. Bounding the other way, he went in aid of the others.
It looked as though all was well, despite my limited or lack of input as two more Wargs fell under the wrath of the Fellowship (the brave part, I just kinda stood there with the Hobbits and pretended to look cool with my swords) when a breath hitched behind me. Looking forward, all eyes were on me and wide with terror as I felt the humid, smelly exhale before turning to see the slobbery snout of the Warg a mere ten inches from where I was standing...
I didn't move, I couldn't. Even breathing became optional in my mind as I stared into the cold black eyes of the Warg and it growled low in its throat. I dropped my swords. I don't even know why, I hadn't lost my strength to hold them, but they just...fell.
All of a sudden a warmth went through me as I stared into the Wargs mutilated face, the cold dead eyes of a tortured soul. The growl caught in the beasts' throat and I heard a whispered, 'Wait...' from Gandalf and the sound of an arrow being taken off the bow startled me but I kept my gaze fixed on the Warg. me... a choking sob sounding faintly in my mind, a voice that sounded as if it had been starved of nurture and love, kindness and compassion.
My eyes widened,
'I can hear you...' I whispered and a look of what looked like shock came to his eyes, then a single droplet fell from his black eyes. I felt my hand reach up and gently pet his coarse and scarred neck, the fur matted and bloodied from past fights.
A warm tingle fell through me and I could see...
I saw a puppy, weeks old, just after getting his sight while he played with brothers and sisters, a mother and father wolf sitting regally in the shade of a willow tree, the size of the wolves astounded me; they were like Chaos albeit not as big but the pure strength emanating from them, unrivalled. As the puppies played, five of them in total, ranging from brown with a black tipped tail to a white cotton socks and a grey coat. It was a beautiful scene, the sun shining, there was a glistening lake like crystals on the clean blue world of water, ridges of mountains surrounding the plain and a peace that I had never felt, coursed through the very veins of the land. What is this place? I thought in awe.
My question was instantly forgotten as the heads of both adult wolves shot up, they looked at each other in an almost humane way and back over towards the pups, who, while pouty over their game being interrupted, went to their parents beckoning call.
He needs us, jewels. He needs our help. Stay near the willow, do not leave the valley and we shall be back soon, the haunting voice of the female wolf running through my head.
It was not long after they had left that my stomach dropped at the sight of three Orcs standing in wait, before walking into the sunshine, despite the obvious hatred of it. The pups instantly stopped playing at the sight of the monsters. Whines of fear echoed from the pups as the backed towards the willow tree, the biggest of the five, the brown pup with the black tip standing in front of his smaller siblings growling pathetically at the Orcs who stopped at the sight and laughed maliciously before grabbing the pup by the back of the neck with a yelp of pain, earning the Orc a bite on the neck as he dropped the pup again growling protectively.
The other Orcs laughed at the failure of the first, 'Gahh you let a little puppy get the best of you? Wait till the boys hear about this, you'll be a sitting maggot waiting to be squashed with the way things are gonna go for you!'
Growling, the Orc grabbed the pup again, a dagger in hand but he was stopped by the bigger of the other two Orcs,
'Wait! Don't kill it yet. Katagan wolves are hard to come by these days. Why don't we have a little fun with them, teach this mongrel a lesson. Kill the others.' The puppy yelled in fear and anger as one by one the puppies were cut down, each one giving a horrible cry of pain before silencing.
The image began to blur and I found myself looking into the eyes of the Warg again, a pain in its eyes as I saw the arrow jut out from its side. As it fell heavily to the ground I sat with it, tears running freely down my face.
w...wa...wait..ed the voice cried to me as the Warg looked at me with anguished eyes,
Shhh, I whispered, barely keeping my voice from breaking, there's nothing to forgive, just... just rest a moment, you'll be fine, you're gonna be fine. You're not alone anymore little one, not anymore.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I quietly hummed a lullaby to him, one my mother used to sing to me when I was afraid and couldn't sleep,
Toora, loora, loora
Toora, loora, li
Toora, loora, loora
Hush, now, don't you cry
Toora, loora, loora
Toora, loora, li
Toora, loora, loora
It's an Irish lullaby
Over in Killarney, many years ago
My mother sang this song to me in tones so sweet and low
Just a simple little ditty in her good old Irish way
And I'd give the world if she could sing that song to me this day
Toora, loora, loora
Toora, loora, li
Toora, loora, loora
Hush, now, don't you cry
Toora, loora, loora
Toora, loora, li
Toora, loora, loora
It's an Irish lullaby
I was crying as I finished but he was looking at me with softened eyes,
It just made me cry harder.
W...whisperer? I could hear the sob in his voice, you think...I see...mother again?
I sniffed, 'Of course you will, there's no more pain not, be free, be at peace...oh God I don't even know your name.'
That...that is al..right...
I can give you one, if you'd like? I asked, sniffling.
His eyes widened, Yes... yes please...
I thought for a moment, before choosing, 'Be at peace Donncha...'
Donncha... With that the Warg closed his eyes and as he did I saw one last flicker of light in those once dead eyes.
Thank you...
I don't know how long I sat there with him but at some point Aragorn crouched beside me, they had dug him a grave. I cried on his shoulder then as Donncha was put in his grave respectfully but not before I noticed the black tipped tail...
I kept to myself as we walked, keeping to the back and I loved them for giving me space but I couldn't think of that now. I could smell dark spices and then he was beside me,
'I am sorry, Freya.' Legolas said sadly, it was filled with so much meaning that I couldn't help but wonder if it was just for Donncha.
'It was wrong of me to kill him... but, it was if you were in a trance and I feared for you, I did.' He continued as we slowed out of earshot, 'I didn't know you could do that. That you could connect with one of those...'
I turned to him, 'One of those what, Legolas? Wargs? Beasts?'
'No! I meant... that you could talk to them. I don't know what I'm saying but I know, that- that what I said to you before, about whisperers,' His eyes met mine with a pained expression, 'I was wrong, and for that I am truly sorry. I guess it took for me to see you connect with a Warg of all things to understand that...'
'But he wasn't.' I whispered, knowing he could hear me, 'He was Katagan and he was tortured... and he became a Warg. What if that's what they all are?'
I looked back at him and he met my gaze with an unsure shake of the head with what was... pity?
Anger raged again as I took my hurt feeling out on him, 'What would you know anyway? What do you care about the Wargs or any of those lesser creatures you don't bother yourself with?' I knew I wasn't being fair and I turned and walked away before I said anything even worse that I knew I'd forget. Against my better judgement I looked back to see Legolas, looking at the ground as if Donncha was buried right there, the pain more evident on his face than I'd even seen on him before and I knew, deep down that maybe he did care...
Sooooooo? Am I possibly nearly almost half-way there forgiven? :)