Clare's POV

We arrived to his house and I was completely shocked. His house was small and quaint but cute looking. "Come on Blue Eyes I'll show you around my kingdom!" He exclaimed He took my hand and we walked together hand in hand to his front door. He opened it and I walked in. Wow! It was not how I imagined it. It was very clean and the walls had a creamish color. The furniture was a light brown and it looked so soft and comfy. "I'm guessing you like my house?" He asked me with his eyebrows raised. "Yes it's very nice. It's not what I expected it to be though. I thought it would be dark and mysterious like you." I stated honestly. "Well I guess you like dark and mysterious if you're with me then." He told me.

"Would you like to watch a movie Clare?" He asked me. "Of course." I said to him. "Wait Eli where are your parents?" I asked him. "Oh they went out somewhere this morning. So it's just you and me." He stated while raising his eyebrows suggestively. "Elijah Goldsworthy you are not getting no more than a make out session with me!" I told him. "I'm just kidding Blue Eyes. So what movie would you like to watch with me to pass time?" He asked me. I went over to his DVD section to see what he has.

Eli's POV

"How about Final Destination 2?" She asked me. (BTW this was a really good movie! My first R-rated one.) "Sure." I said. I put it in for her and then we went on the couch. During the movie I secretly placed my arm around her shoulder to bring her closer towards me. When the movie ended I looked down at her to see her sleeping peacefully. She looked like an angel. I moved a bit slightly so that she could rest on the couch and I got up. Boy was she in for a surprise when she wakes up.

I know this is a short chapter and I know I haven't updated in over a month really sorry about that and I understand if this chapter doesn't get any reviews since it was so dull ugh! Sorry again if I disappointed with this . The next chapter is their full date which is a long chapter so I hope you like that one better