Edited-12th January 2011

He ran it was all he could do. They had betrayed him, after all he had done for them, they had betrayed him, hunted him like a damned dog, hunting him like he was more demon than human. Nero's breath came in harsh pants, Red Queen on his back and Blue Rose tucked snugly in to her holster but he hadn't used the weapons and he wouldn't, it would only make things so much worse. He could feel his ribs grinding together, blood trickling down over his lips from a punch to the face and he generally ached all over, cuts and bruises. But he had been lucky, he had lost them a while back however it was only a matter of time before they were back on him and attacking him. The hybrid forced himself to run faster despite the agonising smear of pain up his left side, he had to get away. He didn't want to die. Groaning softly, he darted around a corner, heading deeper in to the city, he had been running constantly now for over an hour and he was reaching the end of his endurance with broken ribs. Every breath felt like fire and he had to stop. Stumbling a little he slowed his pace and slumped against a damp brick wall, clutching the strap of his overall in his bringer, the other hand itching to draw Blue Rose from her holster but he couldn't bring himself to, maybe if he just explained things...his head jerked up hearing a noise far too close for his liking, the sound of feet pounding on to wet tarmac. Nero heaved himself off the wall and began to run again, praying for a miracle, he didn't want to die, not tonight at least.

Everything had been fine for a few months after the Saviour incident, people had smiled at him, been kind to him and actually treated him with respect like he was a fellow human being. But not that the city of Fortuna had rebuilt itself and the demon problems ceased to exist they had turned on him, calling him unholy, a blemish, something to be destroyed. Kyrie, oh dear sweet Kyrie, she had promised to accept him no matter what, to stay by his side but she had turned on him like a rabid wolf.

They came in the middle of the night, normally the door of his and Kyrie's apartment was locked and bolted, Nero checked it every night before slipping into bed beside his girlfriend but she had opened it. She had let them in and drag him from his bed, kicking at him, tearing at his skin throwing him down on to the cobbled street that was damp with recent rain. He looked up at the Order Knights surrounding him , eyes narrowed and Devil Bringer flaring with anger and confusion.

"What the fuck?" he yelled, getting to his feet, aware that he was in his sleeping clothes, a light pair of sweats and an old tee-shirt that was loose on his lithe frame, it made him feel vulnerable and he hated that feeling with a vengeance. He didn't have his weapons either leaving him defenceless, it was like he was naked to them, and he felt uncomfortable.

The Knights bristled and pointed their ornate swords at him, eyes narrowed with disgust and pure hate. It shocked Nero how quickly they had turned on him that the hate was back. It made him want to curl up in on himself and scream how unfair it was after all he had done for them, they were tossing him aside like a piece of rubbish.

"You have been exiled demon. You have an hour to leave the city of Fortuna so you can no longer sully it with your demonic presence." The largest of the Knights spoke to him, tone curt and cold and Nero looked at him wide eyed.

"What? Why? I don't under-" his words were cut off by a resounding back hand to his face. He let out a yelp, head snapping to the side eyes wide with shock more than pain. The abused flesh felt hot and was reddening. It would bruise until his demonic healing took care of it.

"Enough, you have one hour. If you return here again, we will not be so merciful," the knight sneered at Nero who growled, Devil Bringer flaring white as his hands curled in to fists.

"You're fucking with me right?" his teeth were bared and his sharp blue eyes narrowed to slits, his whole body tensing up. "This is fucking bullshit," his fist reared up, ready to punch the Order Knight right in the face, he would revel in the crunch of bone and the spurt of blood that was sure to accompany his fist meeting vulnerable flesh.

"Nero! Don't!" A sweet voice called out to him and his fist stopped midway, the Knight would have had no chance to dodge it, Nero was part demon and fast.

Nero turned, his arm dropping limply to his side, "Kyrie? What the hell is this?" he asked as she stepped in to the circle of knights. Nero's eyes were wide and spoke volumes. He was confused and although he would never admit this, a little frightened. The half demon had no idea what was happening, he hadn't done anything wrong, he had just done what he always did, protect Fortuna and love Kyrie, albeit he wasn't sure in what way, romantic and platonic. But he had figured that didn't matter so much, as long as he protected her no matter what, he had promised himself he wouldn't let any harm come to here, especially after what had happened with Saviour. A fluffy dressing gown was wrapped around Kyrie's slight form, waves of coppery brown hair tumbling down her shoulders and her big brown eyes were filled with tears and apprehension, even a hint of deep fear. Fear of him? Her eyes flickered to Nero's flaring Bringer and then back to his face, the fear seemed to swell to the surface and the tears ebbed away a little more. Nero scowled and fidgeted wishing he was wearing his hoodie so he could hide his Devil Bringer, he didn't want to believe it but he had a feeling that it was what this was all about. Stupid fuckers, were they still hung up over his glowing arm?

"Y-You have to go Nero, we don't want you here anymore. You are sullying the city with your demon arm this is a holy city. We don't want you," her voice gained in strength, ringing out in the dark silent street. Her eyes hardened and the promise of tears was broken, her sweet innocent face that made everything right in Nero's world was a picture of hate. This wasn't the sweet Kyrie he knew, no this was a cruel and hateful, spiteful bitch. She had been sucked back in to the Fortuna way of life, all its rules and traditions. It was so unyielding, so damn inflexible even to Nero, the one who had saved them all!

Nero couldn't believe it, his heart pounded in his chest against the bone chamber that protected it from harm but it didn't help much with this sort of hurt or danger, it just made things worse. His chest felt tight and his throat had a lump in it, making it hard to speak as rage and hurt built up, boiling and frothing like a kettle left too long to boil, water spitting angrily as it tried to escape its confines.

"K-Kyrie?" his voice was uncertain and he took a step forward but was blocked by a burly Knight who practically growled down at the lithe youth. Why was she doing this to him? She said she would accept him for everything he was, demonic arm included, she had promised him she would stick by his side and he had promised he would stick by her's.

"Go Nero, we don't want you here," the young woman crossed her arms under her breasts and glared at Nero, eyes leaden. When had she changed so much from the innocent songstress? Was it when Credo died? When she became leader of the Order in his stead? Was it because she blamed him for Credo's death? Probably, she had been distraught with her brother's death, wept for a few weeks afterwards even though he really got himself killed. Nero had comforted her and she had seemingly embraced that comfort but maybe she just couldn't get over it. She had harboured this hate for Nero until it had grown in to something like this.

"But why? I saved you, I saved all of you! You and your stupid beliefs, I saved you from them. Me and Dante and Trish! We saved you from yourselves," he was getting angry now, incredulous and hurt. His stance was rigid and all his muscles tensed. He bared his teeth in a snarl and his bringer flashed dangerously, the muscles flexing, desperately wanting to lash out. Kyrie flinched at his words, taking a step back, hiding behind the burly Knight as though she had been slapped before she rounded on Nero, hands clenched at her sides, no longer folded over her curved chest.

"Our beliefs are not stupid! This is why we don't want you Nero, you filthy demon! All of your kind should be wiped out, all of you! You taint what is good and what is holy. Finally the demons are gone from Fortuna but you still taint it! Your kind do not belong here half breed." Her face had gone red, Nero noted this with faint amusement, she didn't look pretty at all. The dirty scowl she wore twisted her normally fine features making her look power hungry and haggish. Fucking bitch.

Her words stung and Nero took a step back from her eyes narrowed and piercing, the Kyrie he knew was gone. In hindsight, he should have seen it coming but looking over the past mistakes pissed the kid off so he didn't do it much, it just would make him feel angrier than he already was. But still, he felt he should have seen the signs, she had been going out more often, always at the Order Head quarters and when she got home, she was cold and distant brushing him off like he was nothing, a mere inconvenience. The first few months Nero was allowed sweet kisses and hugs but nothing more and he had been content with that. He loved her with all his heart and would wait for her. But as things in the city improved and life was rebuilt she had grown colder, brushing off his touches, saying she was too tired from working but she still found every opportunity to escape from their apartment. Nero had been bored out his mind with no demons to hunt and no Kyrie to talk to. He sometimes dropped by the Order Headquarters to see her but was always told she was busy. People began to change; the cold shoulders were back as well as the dark glares at his Devil Bringer. He didn't use the sling anymore because he thought people had accepted him but he was wrong.

Looking at the ground Nero nodded before glancing back up a moment later, decision made, eyes hard and full of anger and hurt.

"Fine," he snapped, "I'll get my stuff and I'll be gone." The Knights stepped back and he pushed past Kyrie with a snarl, she stepped right back from him hurriedly, loathing touching him and frightened of him. He ignored the stab of pain in his chest and hurried up stairs, dressing as quickly as he could, stuffing what he could in an overall and slung it over one shoulder. He grabbed Blue Rose and Red Queen, holstering his gun and sheathed the one edged sword on his back. Making sure he had taken his ammo and whetstones he glanced around the apartment. This had been home for the past five months and now he had to leave it. Spotting Kyrie's purse he smirked and grabbed it, taking what was in it and then rootled under the mattress for their emergency stash. There was well over three thousand dollars and he shoved it deep in to his bag. Served the fucking whore right.

There was a bang as the front door was flung open and a Knight glared at Nero as he came out of the bed room.

"You will leave now," they were clearly impatient to get rid of him.

Nero sneered at him, pushing past him making sure to smack shoulders with him, making the Knight stumble.

"Yeah yeah, I'm glad to be getting out of this fucking dump asshole," he glanced back through the open door way and sighed internally before facing forwards, flipping the knight the bird and marching down the stairs, shoulders and back straight and proud. He glared at Kyrie with a look of absolute loathing and she visibly recoiled from it before straightening up.

"If you set foot back on this sacred city's soil, we will kill you," she said coldly, voice not as strong as she would have liked but Nero's sharp piercing eyes had filled her with terror. As if they could kill him, stupid fucking bitch, he hoped she got torn to pieces by some demon.

He shrugged a shoulder and then spat at the ground in front of her feet, "Fuck you bitch, rot in Hell," he snarled before pushing past the order Knights, his footsteps echoing on the damp cobbles, the sound bouncing off the buildings. People peered from their windows and doorways, all dressed in pyjamas and dressing gowns, eager to see the resident devil finally getting exiled. Nero kept his head up, he refused to be seen as weak by these scum, they were beneath the hybrid, they were the monsters not him. The Knights followed him, flanking him on either side, their armour clanking as they walked. Nero winced internally, did they have to make so much noise?

Kyrie bristled with rage, glaring at Nero's retreating back and she grabbed the Captain of the Knights, pulling him down to her height.

"I want him dead," she spat, "Follow him once he gets off the ferry, don't stop until he's dead." It would get rid of that problem once and for all. It had disgusted her for months to have to live with the demon but they had to wait until the city was rebuilt, until they were strong enough and all the demons were gone. A few had sprung up after the Saviour incident but Nero had killed them easily, defending the city alone as the Order was in shambles. But Kyrie had rebuilt that and she had made the Order great again. Fortuna would be holy once more, when they got rid of Nero. She didn't want him coming back and after he spat at her feet, she wanted him dead. How dare he disrespect the leader of the Order? The Leader of Fortuna?

The Captain nodded and straightened up, "Of course Ma'am, it will be done."

He hurt everywhere. He gave a strangled yell as a sword drove through his shoulder and then was brutally ripped out again. A desperate hand reached for Blue Rose, they were going to kill him if they kept this up, fuck not fighting back! But he was knocked back in to a wall, his whole body jarring as his back impacted hard. His head whipped back and he groaned, his skull cracking against the stone.

Nero crumpled to the ground as Knight strode up and wrenched Red Queen from his back, a sick smile playing on his lips before he drove the blade through Nero's chest, just below his heart, crunching through bone, slicing a lung, puncturing it. The half demon screamed before it was cut off by his own blood choking him. The Knight sneered down at him and twisted the blade cruelly making the boy cry out raggedly, blood dripping down the corners of his mouth. Nero's Bringer pulsed dimly as his demonic blood tried to heal him but he was losing much of the same precious blood and he was fading fast.

"We will destroy your kind demon," the Knight spat and twisted the blade a final time before leaving Nero impaled on his own sword. The other Knights smirked down at the faintly trembling boy.

He should have fought back, he knew he should have fought back but there was a part of him that hoped this was all a test, that if he didn't attack them back, they would leave him alone, they would let him goes back to Fortuna and everything would be right again. But they hadn't, they had followed him when he got off the ferry, waiting till he was in a secluded beat down part of town where no one would care if they saw the Knights attacking the boy and then they jumped him. He had managed to escape but they had already broken a few of his ribs so Nero didn't get very far, only able to hide out for a few hours before they found him and now they left him laying a pool of his own blood, eyes half lidded and dimmed.

Nero berated himself, he was so stupid, and of course they weren't going to just let him go like that. Kyrie, oh sweet Kyrie how could she do this to him? He thought she loved him like he loved her. Sure he wasn't sure if it was romantic or familial but still he had loved her and she had betrayed him. That hurt that any physical wound.

Tears trickled down his porcelain blood stained cheeks as he struggled to breathe, one of his lungs having collapsed. If he looked up, he could just see the sky. It was dark and muggy, promising more rain to fall on the dirty streets. Nero's devil bringer grasped weakly at the handle of Red Queen, numb talons trying to get a firm grip so he could pull it from his chest. But it was so hard. With a low moan he forced himself to do it and with a shuddering breath pulled the blade from himself with a wet sucking sound as though his body was reluctant to let go of his weapon. There, that felt better; there wasn't so much pain now, just numbness. Nero sighed and then snorted brokenly; he had fucked up big time. He felt like a small child, not a bad ass devil hunter. What would Dante say? He hadn't seen him since Saviour and Nero absently wondered how he was. He had a mild dislike for Dante, but that was just because of what was happening at the time. He saw him as a threat to saving Kyrie but now that he thought about it, he was actually pretty cool. He was bad ass and nice enough to let him keep Yamoto though Nero hadn't used that in a very long time. He could feel the blade humming in his dim Bringer and closed his eyes. He had so much power then but now he was lying dying in some godforsaken city had smelt like rat piss. A dry chuckled passed through bloodied lips, some way for a hero to die where no one would notice. All because of that bitch Kyrie. In his mind now, she was a bitch, a manipulative bitch. Did he want her dead? He couldn't decide yet but he felt a hatred for her now, stupid fucking religious bitch.

He changed his mind; he really hoped she got killed by the demons she hated so much.

He really wasn't sure how long he lay there, hovering on the edge of consciousness and a consuming darkness. The pain was numbing but he could still feel it, just at the edge of his mind, deep and throbbing as his wounds fought to close themselves.

His mind flickered and his head lolled to one side, eyes peering open as footsteps approached him, the sound muffled to him as he shut down. Black boots that started miles of legs clad in tight black leather. Sure his vision was blurred and black at the edges but he could appreciate a good pair of legs when he saw them.

"Poor kid," a decidedly feminine voice reached his muffled ears and his nose wrinkled in distaste, he wasn't a damn kid. Though, this voice was vaguely familiar and he felt himself being lifted up, a groan falling from his throat as he was slung over a slender shoulder. He could see lots of yellow and he wondered at it for a moment before he passed out.

Finally, no more pain.

Heeled boots clicked along the damp grimy pavement, approaching a sleek black Corvette which shone under the orange glow of a street lamp. The person stopped at the passenger door and flicked the locks open with the remote. A slender hand reached out and opened the door wide revealing leather seats and Nero was set down, his head lolling limply as his weapons were placed in his lap.

"Damn Kid getting blood on my seats. That bastard is going to be paying for this."

A car door slammed and then there was the sound of another opening and then closing. The Corvette's engine roared to life and tires squealed as they sought grip against the slick road and then the car was gone, tail lights fading in to the distance.

Rats crept from their hiding place to lap at the pool of cooling half demonic blood, noses quivering and beady eyes darting around as they drank their fill and then disappeared back in to the bowels of the city, squeaking and skittering.