This was just complete and utter nonsense that came into my head. I thought it would be funny, for Eames moments.

Disclaimer: Christopher Nolan beat me to it.

It was just them in the warehouse. Arthur sat as far away from Eames as possible, trying to finish his work so he could go home. Eames was making this infuriating tapping sound on his desk and with ever tap, Arthur was getting closer and closer to punching him in the face.

"EAMES!" Eames looked up as innocent as a 5 year old.


"Can you please stop tapping? It's hard to concentrate."

"Oh my lord, now I can't even tap my fingers without ruining your life."

"You are the worst person it has ever been my displeasure to work with."

"Oh come on darling. Surly there must be something you admire about me?"

"I admire that you live in a different country. Now shut up."

Eames smiled. Oh it was the most pleasurable thing to piss Arthur off. 5 minutes went by and Eames gave a loud (just so Arthur could hear it) sigh.

"You know, you are probably the most boring person I have ever met. If I was you I would have a little fun for a change." Arthur slammed his pen down on the table and glared at Eames.

"If I was you I would kill myself." he said. "No, actually come to think of it, I was you, I would walk off and leave ME alone." He stood up and walked out of the door, leaving Eames to lock up.

"If you were me, you would be the luckiest git on earth."

Arthur woke up, feeling odd and uncomfortable. His bed felt strangely untidy, and his room smelt of cigarettes and alcohol.

"What the hell?" he asked himself, grabbing his head. He walked up and wondered into the bathroom, feeling disorientated and tired. He looked into the mirror.

"Eames? What the hell are you doing in my room?" he asked. Wait. He moved his hand across his face. Eames did the same. He looked left to right. Eames did the same….


He looked at himself in the mirror, slapping his face to wake up. Nothing happened, he stayed the same brown haired, hazel eyed forger that he hated. Was this a dream? He reached into his pocket, searching for his loaded die, instead he pulled out a poker chip.

"Damn it." he muttered to himself. He looked back up into the mirror and scowled into his appearance.

"God I feel disgusting." He walked over to what appeared to be the closet, revealing casual shirts and non dressy jackets. Arthur sighed and grabbed the best looking thing he could find and walked towards the door. As soon as he was about to leave, someone moved between the bed sheets. Arthur froze. The person rolled over and revealed a stunning blonde. Completely naked. Arthur felt his face redden.

"Where are you going?" she asked. Arthur didn't know what to do. Should he run for it?

"Urr…"he stuttered. "I'm just going to work. See you later sweetheart." He walked out the door feeling impressed. Eames's accent had not changed. He had to admit, Eames had a fine taste in women.