Chapter Title: Auspices of Capricornus' Ascendant Ophiucus by nagandsev
Chapter Twenty-Two: Summary: Amongst Ravenclaw revelry, Severus' personal dilemma regarding Nagini is intensified under the seeming auspices of Capricornus' ascendant Ophiucus, followed by a part of Nagini's recent past coming back to reclaim her.
* S *
Severus' eyes fluttered open to the feel of soft lips on his cheek.
As his vision focused, the distinct features of Narcissa became clear, looking down upon him. "I'm going now, don't wake her," he heard her saying as he gazed around in the early morning light, registering that all her trunks and baggage were gone.
"Don't get up. We'll see each other soon." The blonde witch had a sad expression on her face.
Registering the warmth and firmness of Nagini's body beside him, he carefully scooted away and slowly rose. He stared at Narcissa, momentarily not knowing what to say as for some incongruent reason the words of Sirius Black popped into his mind. 'But now, Lucius Malfoy? I can't congratulate you.', but he finally mustered, "I wish you all the best… on your wedding day."
"Oh, Severus." She gave him an impulsive hug, and looking at Nagini, said, "Take care of her. My father is waiting in Slughorn's office. I must hurry." And with that she left.
Severus blinked and sleepily looked back at Nagini snuggled in her bed and the flattened area of the mattress and covers where his body had lain beside her. He blinked again and slowly made his way to use the room's inner lavatory. Upon returning, he gazed down on her thinking, Just a bit more… Will she be startled to awake alone in the room? Startled that I'm here? What all does she remember from last night?
Carefully lowering himself back down in position, a thrill went through him as she nestled back into him. He relished the sensation of her, her body's heat and firmness, so much that he had barely slept the entire night, only to plunge into a deep sleep near dawn. He had held her when she awoke in fright, soothing her until she fell back into a restless slumber. Comforting her, he watched as she had gradually slept calmly from mid early-morn on, but he had been fluctuating between monitoring her objectively and being all too aware of his body responding to her nearness.
"Hello," he heard himself utter as she slowly opened her eyes. His Adam's apple bobbed as he searched her face to gage her reaction of waking up with him beside her.
Groggily, Nagini raised herself on one elbow, registering that Narcissa was not there.
"She had to leave very early and said not to wake you… but we'll see each other soon."
Nagini slowly lay down again; her features were soft and dreamy. She looked at Severus, giving him a small smile and replying, "Hello."
He reciprocated the smile. He was relieved she was calm and relaxed but still quite concerned. "How are you?" He instinctively moved an unruly lock of her hair away from her eyes.
"You stayed with me the whole night?"
He couldn't help himself and smirked, "Obviously."
He became aware that he was enjoying too keenly the way she was smiling at him and said aloud what he was thinking, "I should be going, now that you're alright. We can meet after our intern obligations—I have ingredients for Slughorn to itemize and take inventory on, and you—"
"Don't go. Stay a little while. Please."
She is so lovely... thought Severus. Lying so close, looking down into her golden orbs, he forced himself to repeat, "I should be going."
He noted her dilated pupils and flushed cheeks as she gazed at him with penetrating acuity. As he felt her touch his cheek, he softly asked, "What do you remember of our last Occlumency together?"
Her hand dropped but a bittersweet smile spread across her face as she softly answered, "Everything."
Severus whispered, "Everything?"
"Mostly." Her features became neutral, devoid of emotion. "Some of the memories of being attacked… beaten, raped…" She scrunched her brow as if a sharp pain went through her. "I'm sorry. So sorry."
"For what?" he asked in an aching whisper.
"That you experienced what I experienced… as if you were me. Vicarious suffering..."
Shoving the memory of the vicarious traumatisation aside, Severus gathered her into his arms. Her head was on his shoulder, and he felt her hold onto him as if she would never let go. He grasped her even tighter, whispering, "Lestrange'll never hurt you again. I've seen to that."
She didn't respond verbally, but clutched him even tighter.
They stayed like that in each other's arms, and he became aware of his heart beginning to beat harder and harder. Apparently, she sensed it too as he heard her comment softly, "Your heart…"
She raised her head, gazing up at him, and he cupped her face with a palm, their energy encompassing each other.
He heard her gasp softly as his lips ever-so-softly pressed hers. Severus raised his head up just enough to see her waiting in anticipation, waiting for him to continue. "I shouldn't have done that."
"I remember. I remember everything, Severus."
He clenched his eyes shut momentarily and gritted his teeth. "I'm sorry—"
"No, I remember everything between us—my memories of us, of you, have been flooding back." She touched his face. "You, me—a hodgepodge of recalls. From that very first evening, Lucius' engagement dance, the first time I met you outside Gringott's, how we touched under the Ravenclaw stairway…" Severus felt his body responding, tightening, as she placed a hand on his chest, "The last time you kissed me before our detention… before…"
Severus stared at her, a peculiar feeling washing over and coursing through him upon hearing this. He knew only that they instinctively were coiling and clinging on to each other, holding on as if they'd never let go. He felt his chest would burst from a mixture of pain and need, pulsating to be released.
* N *
Sitting across from one another at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, Severus and Nagini held each other's gaze.
As they sat in companionable silence slowly picking and nibbling at their food in between giving each other soft looks, he reflected on how they had held each other that morning, touched each other, and had drifted back to sleep entwined in each others' arms. Consequently, he had been late for his internship hours with Slughorn, and Nagini was late as well for completing her obligatory hours with Madam Pince in the library, causing neither to have had a break until now for the evening meal.
He had barely been able to concentrate in the Potions lab, being distracted by the membrance of how firm yet soft Nagini's skin was as he explored her body haptically that morning. At one specific point, he could not help himself and had slowly felt between her legs, her heat and wetness seeming to draw him to explore her innermost core. Her scent and fragrance could still be recalled strongly by him, causing his muscles to tense throughout his body as the thought of tasting her fully and losing himself deep inside her would not go away. He knew he shouldn't, perhaps, be pursuing this chain of thought further as he rationally observed that thinking of her purely sexually was the last thing she needed or wanted.
But she had softly smiled and guided his hand this morning—she had placed his palm on her Venus mound and kissed him lightly. She had parted open her thighs, wider and wider, and taken his wrist, steering it and inviting his hand and fingers to be free to go lower and inwardly, under her cotton knickers, between her folds, outlining her slickness, silently urging him to explore her.
And so he had.
Severus broke the silence. "Perhaps we could go for a long walk along the lake? I've missed..." Severus voice lowered as he pointed out, "I've missed you."
Nagini nodded, speechless. She looked around seeing Professors Slughorn, Flitwick, McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey and the groundskeeper, Hagrid, along with a scattered few students from the different houses. It seemed that only Severus and Nagini were left of their Slytherin class; however, the Ravenclaw table was curiously crowded in particular with sixth-years, thronging around one notable seventh year still amongst them, Xenophilius Lovegood. They all were participating in some sort of debate when Pandora cooed out excitedly, "Capricornus!" There was a cheer from the others.
Severus caustically replied, "The Ravenclaws are excited."
Nagini gave a wistful look over her shoulder to them, but then turned back to Severus and gave him a small smile. "They usually are. Always something new to be discovered."
"Hello, you two."
Both looked up to find an inquisitive Xenophilius and a dreamy looking Pandora gazing down upon them. "To celebrate our last night this year together, Xeno will be sharing some of his latest inventions to commemorate his finishing Hogwarts in the cylch y Tylwyth Teg tonight—"
"You mean the necrotic zone of dead grass beyond the lake near the Forbidden Forest?" asked Severus, immediately irritated by having anyone interrupt him and Nagini. For he found that he was relishing every moment they were together and had a pressing feeling that their time together was precious, unlike ever before.
"Exactly!" confirmed Xeno. "Come and celebrate the ending of another wondrous year of enlightenment with us."
Pandora continued eagerly, "We shall dance solstitial jigs and be one with the constellations in honour of all Capricornus'" She giggled in apparent inspired excitement. "You shall be our guest of honour, Severus—you shall be crowned he who exceeds his constellation, the ascending Ophiucus!"
"Divination is not a particular favorite area—" Severus began as a sudden wariness came over him at the Ravenclaws' implications.
"The formations of the heavens are not to be shunned or taken lightly," suggested Xenophilius good-naturedly.
"Exactly, Lovegood," hissed Severus.
Unflappable, Pandora pointed out, "Many a strong force has been bestowed upon those born within Capricornus' domain—modest and notorious alike—Dymphna Furmage, you—"
"Tom Riddle…," piped in Nagini faintly; all turned to her. "I was cataloging old alumni library records with birth dates by House for Madam Pince all day—M through R…" As her voiced faded, Nagini had a sad, faraway look as she thought upon something.
Pandora observed, "Yes, both notorious and great doers of magic are the Capricornus'. Regardless, as the dark and light create one, the magic must be celebrated with a dance—it's in the stars!"
Severus noted that Nagini still silently dwelt on something, and wishing for them to be left alone, he dismissed the vivacious Ravenclaws. "I think not; besides, neither Nagini nor I jig."
Undeterred, Pandora giggled again, and Nagini snapped out of her ruminating to look up and give him a curious smile. "It might be fun to try."
Frowning, he spelled it out, "I don't jig. Never have, never will."
Pandora gave an all-knowing look. "You say that now because you're preoccupied, but if a particular celestial force hits you, I have complete faith that you'll know what to do."
"We're going for a walk, perhaps we'll stop by—but only if Severus wants to—" offered Nagini, giving the brooding Slytherin a soft look.
Staring at her pensively, Severus countered, "If Nagini wishes—"
Xenophilius held up his hand, his forefinger pointed upwards, pedantically saying, "But you must carry her as you approach and enter the ring—the serpent bearer carrying his serpent—she who is half-creature, half human, the Sagittarius being borne by Capricornus' ascendant Ophiucus!"
Severus' forehead furrowed in incredulous perplexity at the Ravenclaw's nonsense, and as he scowled on the edge of offering a scathing retort, Nagini asked, "Will there be Billywigs?"
Pandora nodded enthusiastically, beaming. "Pixies. Budgies, Gernumbli gardensi, Imps and Fairies… All are welcome."
But something about the entire Ravenclaws' aura of carefreeness and liberty to express and enjoy speculating and creating such ludicrous folly about all things caused a deep resentment within Severus, and he could not let their glibness slide by. "Fools project their emotions and hopes on the elusive to cover the deep abysses in their existence, Lovegood, such as speculations on the formations of stars and planets."
"On the contrary, the heavenly bodies formulate and reveal the finite and concrete as set before time, allowing acceptance and peace, being one with all creation. That is, for those who choose not to be blind to see what is before them." Ignoring Severus' glare, Xenophilius cooed on, "The ecliptic is crossing through and intercepting with the constellation of Ophiucus, the Serpent Holder." He gave a pointed look to Nagini, "As it is rumoured that your Animagus is a serpent and your birth chart shows that the sun moves into Ophiucus and remains within your constellation's boundaries—we must defer to the heavens' mysteries, as tonight reveals the vortex culmination of each one's boundary touching—who knows how long Horologium will allow this phenomenon to last? Carpe diem, my dear Slytherins, carpe diem!"
As the Ravenclaws skipped back to their table triumphantly, Nagini gently took Severus by the hand and led him outside. As they strode down and along the shores of the lake, she broke the silence. "Point in fact, the sun spends more time traversing through Ophiucus than say Scorpius or Sagittarius, ascendant when combining with Capricornus, at its most powerful…"
Perhaps it was the mixture of Lovegood's Divination poppycock along with the fact that both he and Riddle had been so pointedly grouped together that deeply irked him. He found he was conflicted with having wanted to continue this morning's exploration of holding and touching each other and with feeling tormented by the inability to escape Voldemort's reach in all facets of his life.
He halted on the spot and gave Nagini a bereft look.
Seeing him in despair about something, she asked, "What is it, Severus? What is wrong?"
He shook his head glumly, unable to speak.
"Do you want to go back to the castle?"
"No," he said quietly.
She raised herself on her tiptoes and kissed him on the lips.
Taking his hand, they walked in silence, nearing closer and closer to the Forbidden Forest's edge. As Nagini led them into it, Severus confessed quietly, "With all of my skills and relentless learning, I am wary of that which cannot be explained by tangible magic."
Nagini gave him a thoughtful look and then sighed as the whispering wind whipped around them through the forest's trees and growth. She seemed to decide upon something in particular and gently tugged him to follow her further into the woods.
Thinking that going into the forest would cause her painful memories to surface, he tugged her back to him. "Let us go back—your Ravenclaws should surely be waiting."
"No. I love the forest. All forests. But especially this one. Shall we search for unicorns?"
"No. That would be unwise."
"It is beautiful," she whispered. "Full of mystery, ancient riddles… full of life—"
"It is treacherous."
"Its very soil and air is invigorating—"
"And overgrowth dangerous, let alone the various creatures dwelling—"
"Exactly! Are we not also a part of them? Are we not magical creatures as well? I want to experience the forest's vibrancy with you. Its pulse of life. Its rhythm."
She snuggled into him. Their lips met. Then, their body heat melded them closer and closer; each one's softness and hardness being felt.
Amidst their heated arousal, Severus pulled back, offering, "Given a choice between this excessive growth of formidable vegetation or let us say, your bed—"
"Am I giving you a choice at this moment?" As she kissed him, her fingers strummed lightly down his torso, his side, his hips, over his trouser's cloth covering his cock. He was torn between his mind and body and emotions—everything that he knew versus wanting to be freely, completely physical with her. He could not deny that he relished her touch and that her dilated pupils confirmed that regardless of everything she had been through, she desired him. She wanted him to make love to her. In the second, he decided. He reciprocated her intensity without any hesitation so much that as they kissed and clutched, their grappling had them soon make contact against a wide, ancient tree. Severus' back braced them against its rough surface, and soon they slowly slunk down to the earth, the cool and fern-covered firmness beneath them amongst the shrubs of the fertile, dense growth.
With a deep, dark spark, Severus noted that Nagini's body seemed almost crackling with pent up energy as she lay on her back, whispering, "Come to me." The heavily fragranced overgrowth of leaves and ferns covered them above as he pressed her down on the welcoming earth, clothing tugged and opened, allowing access to necessary flesh to be kissed and tasted and touched.
Suddenly, Severus froze. "I'm no better than him."
"I'm no better than him…," he repeated.
She caressed his cheekbone gently. "When you touch me it is out of affection, love; when he touched me it was out of hatred, violent domination."
Severus gulped and whispered, "I'm no better than him; I too desire to… dominate you…physically…" He took another gasp of breath. "But I want you to dominate me as well, equally… if you wish, completely." He felt her lips on his again, but still he asked, "Tell me what do. What do you want?"
Severus' facial muscles clenched in concern even as he stroked and touched her face and hair, gently brushing aside locks of her unruly hair away from her face.
She arched upward more assertively, placing a more ardent kiss on his lips. He found that he now hesitated to reciprocate fully back; he wanted to—very much so, but something continued to niggle him. Even as he welcomed her touch and attention, aware that his hard-on was very acute, he gently cupped her face in his hands and uttered gently, "Nagini?"
She gave him a curious look, waiting.
He whispered urgently, "I would never want to hurt you." He felt a pang in his chest as she gave him a knowing smile, replying, "Nor I you."
He pressed his point, "You have been hurt… in so many ways. Been through so much. And you haven't fully recovered."
"What is there to recover from? My past is my past…" She caressed his face. "I will reinvent myself; I will endure… But now," she smiled an inviting smile full of need and longing. "I wish to be embraced by my Ophiucus… fully…"
Severus pressed her body down again with his into the blanket of leaves and grass, allowing them to undulate and mold into one form again, feeling each others curves and angles, grooves and hardness. As she pleasurably moaned and encouraged him, trying to control himself, he pressed his lips on her sensitive neck, going lower to the nape. He tilted his head back, taking a breath and checking her response, pleased that her mouth had opened to a lovely 'O'. More urgently, he placed kisses across one breast until he reached her nipple, and once there he increased his suction pressure, eliciting gasps. Giving attention to her other breast, he lingered longer on that nipple while his fingertips felt the silky softness of her legs underneath her skirt.
As his fingertips traced upward to her inner thighs, he hesitated before he began to peel her knickers down.
Severus swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing, and hoarsely whispered, "I want to kiss you, taste you all over, Nagini." He felt up to her naval then underneath her loosely opened blouse and then slowly stroked downward to above her Venus mound where her skin was softer than anything he had ever felt before in his life.
He wanted to continue to watch her every expression as he explored her body, but she whispered, "Severus..." He felt her fingertips outlining his erection.
She pressed her body into his, inviting him; he groaned as she arched her pelvis against his, meeting his rhythmic slow thrusts as they both began undulating against each other in earnest, dry humping. He touched and felt the contours of her thighs spreading wider for him and the roundness of her arse. He kissed her in demanding circular movements as he shifted both of their body angles enough so he was able to release and place his cock at her slick entrance, pausing to savour her heat and wetness. Ever-so-slowly, he pressed and slid into her. As she whispered, "Yessss…", he captured her mouth making his tongue repeat what his cock was doing to her other orifice. He had to hold her tight around the waist, clasped in one spot as she had begun to writhe; he time to time watched her expression as he made love to her with his entire body and mind, relishing her sweet moaning of his name as she clenched her eyes tight and her vaginal muscles clenched him even tighter, and tighter—until her frame shook in orgasm.
As she came, Severus knew the imprint of her exquisite expression would be forever burned inside his memory; and as she coiled herself around him, clutching him tight and urging him even deeper inside her, he gave over to thrusting her steadily and deeply as she softly grunted in pleasure and carnal need for him to release himself inside her until he knew nothing else except his hot seed filling her, deeply, so very deep inside her.
In a post-coital haze, he managed to slowly gather her in his arms so that she laid her head on his shoulder. Nagini was breathing hard, trembling. Severus dully registered that he was as well. He knew not how long they stayed that way. But when he felt Nagini's finger strum over his waist to his cock again, he couldn't help inhale sharply and feel that all was right with the world and only they existed.
* N & S *
In the moonlit night, they made their way out of the forest and slowly came upon the Ravenclaws within their designated large arc of mushrooms, the fungus well grown and rooted deep.
Fairies were either sitting on the mushroom tops using them as dinner tables or dancing around the ring's edges; several seemed to be using them as parasols against the bright moonlight, curled as if taking naps. But Severus and Nagini's attention was drawn to the goings-on within the circle—levitating Ravenclaws apparently from the Billywigs' stings while others, giddy and swaying, were dancing around an ancient Hawthorne tree.
"Oh, look, some of them are floating from the Billywig's sting," noted Nagini softly.
"They're idiots. Poisonous substances, natural or wizard-made, are not to be trifled with. Even in sport," glowered Severus, but as he felt Nagini touch his chest in an adoring fashion, causing a thrum to trill through all the way to the tip of his cock, he more amiably conceded, "There's a reason why the Australian pests are rated XXX by the Ministry—uncontrollable hovering, severe allergic reactions—permanent levitating may ensue."
Her fingers were all too near his crotch; he felt raw with sexual awakening at the mere touch and look by her. It's unbearable! Capturing her roving hand in his, he huffed, "True, their dried stingers are useful in several potions…"
She gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "And it's said that they induce an elevated frame of mind."
I'm already elevated from your sweet ministrations, Nagini, he registered silently as they kissed and her other hand was felt being placed delicately on his trousers' crotch area, all too near the tip of his cock for him to be aware of anything else in the moment.
"Ave, Ophiucus! Bear your treasure and enter!" hailed Lovegood's voice from the enchanted circle.
Like a bridegroom carrying his bride, he swooped Nagini into his arms and carried her into the fairy ring. The Ravenclaws cheered as they entered the circle of mushrooms, and as he placed Nagini on her feet, Xenophilius pressed a chalice-like cup into his hand, "Expand your minds! A drink or a Billywing stinger? Perhaps both?"
"Neither," quipped Severus. "Our minds are already expanded enough for one evening, Lovegood."
Pandora had excitedly grabbed Nagini's hand, her protuberant orbs reflecting the moon's glow, asking, "Shall we not meet our obligations in this cylch y Tylwyth Teg?"
Nagini gave a glance to Severus before asking, "Being?"
"Awareness of the good fortune bestowed upon those who comprehend—we dance!" She pulled Nagini to the others already in rhythmic swaying in front of an aged Hawthorne tree.
"Ave, Ophiucus!" hailed Xeno again. "He who rises from the Capricornus constellation, bearing a treasure beyond gold's measure. Our Nagini! Come, come, Severus, let us toast the ladies and honour the noble Pixie and Gnome and fellow magical creatures in a celestial homage."
He handed Severus the chalice again, which this time Severus did not reject, but instead took a large gulp, registering the ingredients as his eyes watered and throat pleasantly burned. Gurdyroot, Dirigible Plums, and elf-made Cucurbita pepo whisky?
Sipping slowly at the remaining contents, Severus sat as Xenophilius demonstrated and cooed over his telescope-like invention, carrying on about its hybrid Billywig mind-enhancing abilities if one placed its diadem-like laurel on one's head. As the enthusiastic inventor droned on, Severus' gaze focused away from Xeno to watching Nagini dance with the other witches.
An incongruous thought painfully struck him, There is another born in Capricornus, an Ophiucus, another Serpent Bearer—Tom Riddle? Like a shard driven violently in his chest, he suddenly felt out of breath and discordant to the mirth and frivolity surrounding him, and as his left inner arm twinged with the dullest throb, the sentiment that Nagini would never be safe with me, the depths and complexity of this realizationstruck him hard and deep, momentarily overwhelming him. She would never be safe with me… nor either of us untouched by or free of Voldemort and his whims…
He grimaced, fleetingly and bitterly thinking of Lily. Indeed, what witch would be? My life and identity has become to rely on and comprise of such dubious associations for support… And Nagini is plagued with a past beyond her control, seeking hope through Dumbledore, a protection of sorts with the Ministry?
He looked around at the frivolity taking place. In another lifetime, perhaps this would be the normal pleasures of life, dancing in a fairy ring beneath the constellations with laughter and music and…
He took a deep breath in and sighed deeply, noting that Xeno had ceased to lecture him and rather had returned back to celebrating life in the here and now. Look at Pandora and Lovegood, they're basically making love in front of us as if it were the most natural thing to do in public, a joyous occasion to share with all, no doubts and fears, sans Dark Lord and repercussions…no worries of the past or the future…
As he contemplated matters, the others figures became a blur, and all he knew was that Nagini was flowing closer and closer to him. She gracefully slinked down beside him and uninhibitedly snuggled into him.
A dizzying sensation washed over him as he held her gaze with the others' giddy and frivolous goings-on swirling around them in the background. Someone spelled flying flowers to dance and flutter in the air only to land in everyone's hair, and laughing, Nagini took an Iris sanguinea's flower petals of reddish-violet and blue-purple shades and placed them in his hair. "There." She beamed at him. "Beautiful."
The realization that love could exist for more than one person in unfathomable, multiple ways struck him intensely. He had only had this uncontrollable feeling for two people in his life, his mother and Lily, manifested so differently but the feeling of deep affection and concern nevertheless was painfully profound and inseparable to his core. He trembled and whispered something unintelligible to Nagini. Their lips met. Pulling back their heads slightly, she asked, "Shall we go?"
Severus nodded. "If that is what you wish."
She smiled a Mona Lisa smile and took his hand, both of them helping the other up.
As they left, behind them the Ravenclaws were a blend of those who had let the Billywig wings prick them and hovered and floated about within the fairy circle and the others who lost themselves in each other and the rhythm of the universe.
Arriving back to the Slytherin basement, they stealthily made their way back to her chamber and bed. The night was filled with sporadic lovemaking: short bouts of resting, longer bouts of pleasuring one another fully. Deeply. Now that they had crossed the threshold of fleshly union, they touched at leisure, leaving no inch of either's body unexplored. Exhausted from their exertions, they drifted into a satiated repose, wrapped in each other's arms.
* S & N *
"Wakey, wakey, you two…"
Severus and Nagini awoke to the sound of an unexpected voice. Blurry-eyed, their focus made out one Bartemius Crouch, Jr leaning against a bedpost, looking down upon them.
"Crouch?" uttered Severus. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"I'd ask you the same thing, Sevy, but the answer seems pretty obvious…. I, on the other hand, am here on official matters—sent by good ol' Lucius himself, who is presently in Slughorn's office, dealing with bureaucratic parchments." As his tongue darted out, licking his lips, his wild eyes gleamed at Nagini. "You, Miss Malfoy, are needed at the Manor immediately."
"What? Why?" asked Nagini, pulling a sheet to cover her nudity, sitting up.
"That's for me to know, and you to find out…" Crouch's eyes gleamed with secrets.
Nagini demanded, "Does Dumbledore know?"
With a supercilious look on his face, Barty smirked, "Dumbles knows… Now, get your knickers on and dress yourself—you're lucky Lulu sent me down to fetch you instead of him coming here himself—"
Nagini and Bartemius stared at each other until he asked, "Shall I fetch Lucius, then?"
Her chest was heaving as her mind raced before giving Severus a troubled look and answering, "No."
"Why are you with Lucius in the first place?" asked Severus discerningly, watching Nagini slowly rise and gather clothing, laboriously making her way to the lavatory to dress.
As she shut the door, Bartemius licked his lips wickedly. "I brought a statement from me daddykins at the Ministry on behalf of the Malfoy family… Well, for vicious ol' Abraxas… Snape, dress yourself as well—be prepared for a Summoning…"
Attempting to keep his apprehension at bay, Severus asked smoothly, "When?"
Crouch, Jr gave him a crooked smile. "Soon… It's going to be a busy day for the Malfoys and the Dark Lord alike!"
"And you know this because…?"
Barny jerked up his shirt sleeve on his left arm, baring the Dark Lord's mark zealously. It was engorged and pulsating.
Severus was puzzled. "I haven't felt the Mark burning—"
"Probably because your blood has been busy burning and throbbing elsewhere," snarled Barny. An evil look crossed the disturbed youth's face as he jibed, "Quivering in a quim where you shouldn't have been, Sevy… My advice, get your knickers on—come with us."
Severus glowered at him viciously but complied, the unpleasant realization that something ominous was afoot—but even as Barny's darting eyes flitted from watching him dress to watching Nagini enter again and Accio her wand, he felt a different kind of pulsation throughout his body, as if he could pounce and slash any and all that wished to harm her. An overwhelming protectiveness of Nagini consumed him. No one's going to harm you!
"Ready, my lovey-dovey lovely?" crooned Barny at Nagini, motioning for her to pass by him and noting her wand with a malicious grin. "Don't worry about your other things, a house-elf'll be sent if so needed."
Severus and Nagini held hands as the three walked along the dark corridor, but he saw that she was pensive and unable to look at him at any time.
As they entered Slughorn's office, Nagini locked eyes with Lucius, who sat in a tense and grim manner. He did not appear as she thought he would for someone newly wed; he looked ill, his skin edged with a grey tone; the dark circles under his eyes and drawn facial muscles denoted someone under intense physical and mental pressure, not one associated with experiencing a pleasurable state.
Lucius glared at Severus and then followed Nagini with a dark, fixed gaze as she crossed over and addressed, "Professor Slughorn."
"My dear girl, Lucius has informed me of some rather unfortunate news. Your uncle Abraxas has taken a turn for the worse; you're to be given family leave. Your cousin is here to escort you home."
"Does the Headmaster know?"
Slughorn waffled on whether or how to answer, so Lucius jumped in, snapping, "Dumbledore knows—the Ministry verdict allows family matters in such circumstances as priority. Even Dumbledore can not refuse our request." He tossed a parchment on Slughorn's desk.
The Slytherin Head unrolled it, mumbling, "Yes, yes. Ministerial stamps and signatures approved of… Even Bartemius Crouch Sr has signed… Hmn, yes, right…" Mustering a shallow, forced smile, he instructed, "Well, dear, best that you fetch your things. I'm sure Abraxas is eager to see you."
Nagini gave Severus a fleeting glance before asking Slughorn, "I'll only be gone for a few days then? I'll return after… After—"
"Yes," hissed Lucius. "Leave your belongings here; you'll have everything you need at the Manor. Or we'll send a filthy house-elf for anything you might need that you've left behind, yes?"
Nagini saw the veins in his temple were throbbing and Lucius' jaw muscles clenched as he growled, "My father won't last long."
She gave a forlorn look to Severus and then to Slughorn, "It's not that, Lucius. It's just that I've accepted—"
This time it was Slughorn who interrupted abruptly, "We'll continue any school-related matters when you've returned, my girl." His eyes were sad as he said, "It's all right. Go, now." He waved to his fireplace. "The Floo is ready."
Nagini hesitated but Lucius jumped up and went directly to her, taking her by the arm. He threw Bartemius and Severus a surly look before telling her, "Shall we? You have your wand, what else does a witch need, cousin?"
As they made their way towards Slughorn's fireplace to Floo to the Manor, Lucius hissed as he passed by Severus, "Enjoyed your time together, have you, Snape?" He turned sharply to Horace and asked, "Could I trouble you once more, Professor Slughorn? The Black family has asked me to ask you if you could spare Snape this afternoon and evening—the nature of business they did not say. Only that they would be very grateful if you'd allow him leave to meet with Regulus in Hogsmeade immediately—they ask as a favour from one ancient Pureblood family to another. You know how moody Regulus can get, and Severus, as his close mate, seems to always help calm him down. Walburga would be especially grateful…"
Severus saw that Lucius gave their Head a tight smile, and Slughorn, flustered, consented. "Oh, yes, yes, by all means, bottle inventories and ingredients shall still be waiting unless they decide to walk off by themselves."
"Thank you, professor." Lucius then gave Severus a knowing look and nodded to Bartemius to follow him. Tugging Nagini to him tightly, he guided them into the Floo with Barny following after them.
Heart and mind racing, Severus blinked and then just as quickly excused himself from Slughorn, only to hurry to an Apparation spot outside Hogwarts' boundaries and Disapparate himself to the Hog's Head pub in Hogsmeade.
* N & S *
Flooing to Malfoy Manor, as soon as she stepped out of the fireplace, Nagini felt an immediate shove and found herself held by Lucius, only to have Barny flick his wand swiftly over her head and saw a handful of her hair fall into his hands.
"Will that be enough?" rasped Lucius.
"More than enough; the Polyjuices are ready—just need the final ingredient for who I'll be today," whispered a grinning Bartemius, his tongue flicking out excitedly.
Exasperated, Lucius released Nagini, yelling, "Cissy!"
A gaunt, fragile-looking Narcissa appeared in the dark parlor as Lucius ordered, "Take Nagini upstairs." Giving his bride a more gentler look, he struggled to say, "Remember?"
The pale, blonde witch's eyelashes fluttered as she said softly, "Yes, Lucius. Of course, Lucius."
His nostrils flared as he asked, "My father?"
"He wishes to speak to Nagini."
"I don't know how long we'll be, but…" Lucius' shoulders sagged momentarily as if in exhaustion. After several seconds of silence and giving darting glances to Narcissa and Barny, Lucius said, "Take her then to him." He had a nasty look on his face as he glared back at Nagini, only to then grab Bartemius by the arm and plunge both of them back into the Floo.
As the flames of the fireplace flicked and crackled, settling down after being disturbed, Nagini took a few steps to Narcissa and warily asked, "Polyjuice? What is happening?"
As if in mourning, Cissy only shook her head unable to speak.
"Where are they going? Bartemius will be me for what purpose? Why?" Nagini begged her, "Please, can't you tell me anything?"
"Where, I cannot say… And as to why they are going…" Narcissa gave her a small smile, even though her face was etched with pain and took a deep breath, whispering, "The why is… because of you."
Nagini shook her head in denial. "But I've been at Hogwarts; I haven't done anything—"
Narcissa's forced smile faded. "Not what you have done so much as what you are, what you mean to two very different loyalties the House of Malfoy has found itself in the midst of… either Lester Qualmsick or the Dark Lord… The decision is being made and dealt with as we speak…"
Incongruously, Nagini's mind raced not with thoughts of the horrid Qualmsick or Voldemort, or even what devious transactions were occurring as she stood there, but with the most profound thoughts of Severus and that not only she was in harm's way.
"Nagini!" called out Narcissa. "Abraxas awaits you—will you not come?" She gave an odd look to Nagini, revealing, "Severus will be with Lucius and the Dark Lord; the sooner they finish matters, the sooner they can return to us…"
Something was twisting and coiling deep inside her and Nagini felt as if her heart was a heavy, thudding weight with no relief to come. As she slowly began to follow Narcissa up the stairway, the tension was pressing and burning in her chest so much that she burst out, "Even Severus?"
"Yes, Nagini," soothed Narcissa, "Even Severus… For Qualmsick visited and has given us no choice this evening… And in the interim, Abraxas demands to speak with you."
Thinking upon Severus, Nagini felt a vague hope, giving her strength and fortitude to withstand whatever Abraxas was to say to her; and so, she continued to climb the stairs alongside the other witch, both trying not to lose themselves in maudlin and muddled thoughts.
* N & S *