Author's note: Finally reached this chapter! There was a time I thought I wouldn't honestly, but alas perseverance paid off. Also I'd like to take this opportunity to all those that read then reviewed Sundrenched, this was my first fic here and I hope I did the characters justice.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sundrenched World by Joshua Radin

Integral stepped out of the bathroom her towel wrapped around her securely. The scar she'd gotten from Seras would be a painful remind of what had happened the past few weeks.

She hated what that woman had done to her with her heart yet a part of her also pitied her.

To have wanted a child so badly must have been a yearning Narsiska had to bear for centuries.

Looking back on her life now, Integral found having Draco and Vlad were the biggest accomplishes in her life.

She could not imagine her life any other way. If she'd burn in hell for eternity for it then it would be the cross she had to bear.

She resisted the urge to check on the twins again and instead walked to her full length mirror. Dropping the towel to her ankles she stood staring at her reflection.

Integral was not a person who took much consideration in her looks. She'd never had the leisure to spend countless hours fawning over her reflection thus the reason she didn't use make-up.

She knew she was plain but that didn't matter when you were chasing after the undead. She had always had a gangly shape with a young boy's figure, the reason why she'd had a cesarean section.

Yet miraculously after motherhood she'd suddenly developed hips, an added swell to her breast a more curvy stomach and an overall shapeliness to her. With a sigh she averted her gaze from the mirror and stared with a forlorn look at her bed.

I can't get to bed
But I'm really tired
The things in my head
You used to admire
In your sundrenched world

A chill fell into the room. She already knew who it was yet she refused to acknowledge his presence. With everything that had happened, things left unsaid Integral no longer knew where they stood.

It couldn't be worse
Don't bother asking
And here comes the nerves
While I'm trying to bask
In your sundrenched world

Alucard watched her from the shadows. He didn't know why he'd come to her, but something had pulled him to her, like a string on a violin. He'd already told her how he felt yet she was standing there and he was lurking in the shadows. Feet apart yet too much stood between them.

I'm talking to you
But you're not listening
I don't know what to do
My heart is blistering

"You've came this far Alucard; you should say what you came to say." Integral said still refusing to look at him.

He wanted so much to reach out and touch her but somewhere between the whole Narsiska debacle, he'd lost her again. The iron maiden was back.

"I simply came to see you." He replied smoothly. "You came you saw what's left?" she asked her voice calm betraying no emotion.

I close up my mouth
When you're around now
Suffocating in doubt
I can't make a sound
In your sundrenched world

How could he tell her he felt something only men who still had beating hearts felt? How could he explain something he didn't understand something he'd never felt before in his unlife? Could she sense his doubt?

"You, my wife and the mother of my children. My countess," he replied cutting through the silence.

I always wanted to be
The one you looked to
For the answers in me
I'm the one who took you
To your sundrenched world

There he'd said it, laying down everything for her to decide. She stood still saying nothing. Her nakedness obscured by shadows yet he could make out every curve, every scar and every dimple of her body without his supernatural abilities.

He knew Integral like an artist knew his art. In his unlife she was the only god he idolized, the only religion he cared to worship.

"I can never be like you." She said softly. There was so much sadness in her voice it touched emotions inside of him he'd thought dead.

I'm talking to you
But you're not listening
I don't know what to do
My heart is blistering
Writing this song
Tell me I belong

"I realize that." He answered his voice void of the inner conflict he was having.

"Yet you still love me," it was a statement not a question.

Alucard gave a shot bitter laugh.

"Integra love is not measured by the immortality of the lovers but rather the eternity of love itself," he said softly.

Another silence fell between them again.

"How then do you know it's simply not lust?" her voice was like a silver bullet through his chest.

It's all been said
Once before
We fucked around
On your bedroom floor

He materialized completely stepping into her world. He moved slowly to her side, standing just behind her. Integral felt cool hands on her shoulders as they slowly slid down her arm embracing her to him.

"I'd rather spend the rest of your mortal life figuring that out then the rest of my immortal life wandering what if," he said softly into her ear.


She had many reasons why they weren't suppose to be.

He was the dark she was the light. She was mortal he was immortal. She'd been the master and he'd been the servant. They would forever be a contradiction yet with his arms around her duty misted into shadows.

Yes, she'd never join him in his unlife yet she could have this, whatever it was that they had to her grave.

"I love you and because of that I hold you close. Deep in the pockets of my heart between our past and the memories we share," she said sincerely.

Alucard couldn't help a chuckle.

"Quoting from a book I see," he said with his trademark grin.

Integral rolled her eyes.

"Yes it's called, 'The trails and tribulations of a vampire's bride'," she said with sarcasm but couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips.

"Well let me introduce you to 'The many acts of seduction performed by a Nosferatu," he said with a wicked grin as he scooped Integral in his arms walking her to the bed.

"How about I teach the old dog some new tricks?" she asked grinning as he laid her tenderly on the bed.

Alucard took a moment to bask in her beauty. In his eye she was the optimal of perfection.

"Are you going to let me freeze here or will you get on with it already?" she demanded.

"What happened to teaching the old dog new tricks huh?" he asked slowly sinking over


"That's for midnights show I refuse to let you waltz right out of her, Birds of Hermes can wait," She said looping her arms around his neck.

Alucard displayed his Cheshire cat's grin as he caressed her face tenderly.

"I think it can go without me for a couple more weeks," he said. Integral raised an eyebrow.

"And where do you plan on sleeping then?"

Alucard pretended to think it over.

"This bed of course granted I'm treated like the King I am," he said smiling gleefully.

"No more talking," Integral said crushing her lips with his in a passionate lovers' duel. Their love may not seem perfect to most but to them it was the only love they knew, the only love they cared to give it all up for.

Tell me I belong
Tell me I
Tell me I belong

End Note: Finally finished. Thank you to all who took the time to ACTUALLY review.