A/N: Alright, I worked long and hard on this chapter. It may seem cheesy or unrealistic, so tell me if it does. I wanted to just get things out of the way, I know that sounds lazy, I'm sorry. But, enjoy!

Someone was running their fingers along Murdock's hair. It was stringy and greasy, knotted and there were flecks of dirt in it. The Captain's eyes cracked open, head pounding against the light coming through the window. He waited a moment then opened them wider, glancing around. B.A. was snoring across the room, Hannibal was laying on the bench with closed eyes. The motion on his hair stopped and Murdock turned his head to the left and saw the crystal blue eyes peering back at him. He swore, shaking his head and swatting Face's hand away.

"Stop touchin' me." Murdock slurred. Face let his hand drop into his lap, his mouth forming a straight line. "Sorry. How're you feeling?"

Something on the IV machine beeped and Murdock groaned. "Why...do you care?"

"Because...Should I not?" Face reached out and straightened the sheets across Murdock's abdomen. The pilot glared at him. "You sure didn't before. What happened to, 'This is all your fault, Murdock. Why are you such an idiot?' Huh?"

Face shrugged, sighing helplessly and finding it hard to meet Murdock's eyes. "Yeah...yeah that's a good question. But I don't think I have a good answer-"

"So you're just gonn' tell me, that he was left behind in the jungle and that you're real sorry for bein' a jerk to me," Murdock tried to prop himself up on his elbows, flinching a little. "Then you're gonna think everything's alright because you apologized and maybe I said, 'I forgive you.' Which I don't. So don't waste your breathe on a lie."

There was a tense silence between them, Face stared guiltily at the blankets and Murdock glared at Face. The conman reached out again and took hold of Murdock's wrist, ignoring him as he tried to jerk away, and proceeded to untangle the IV cords, setting his arm back down softly.

He finally met Murdock's eyes. "I know words can't ever been taken back. And I know they hurt worse sometimes. I also know that I've hurt you with my words...and that's something I can't take back. I understand that you have every right to hate me for the rest of your life, and I would respect your thoughts. But I wouldn't agree with them. It was me who came down to make sure you weren't going to hurt yourself, by the river. I got you to come back with me, because if you had killed yourself..." He grimaced and shook his head.

"If I had killed myself?" Murdock hissed. "What would you have done? C'mon, tough guy, tell me. It's okay, no secrets here, right?" He tried to sit up but gasped when his head suddenly pounded. His vision blurred over with black spots and he fell back against the bed with a blank look.

Face came forwards, hands grasping Murdock's shoulders and he called his name quietly once before the Captain's eyes rolled back to him and he tried to push Face off.

"Stop! Just don't," Murdock was begging, shaking his head back and forth despite it only making the headache worse. Face pulled his hands back but remained standing. "Is that is then?" He asked Murdock. "You hate me, I keep away from you."

Murdock never moved. "Then you will have no reason to blame me for something later on."

"Why can't you just forgive me and we'll move on with life!" Face threw his arms out to the side, voice rising a little. Murdock's eyes widened furiously. "Forgive you! No, no, no, no NO! You said things, that hurt, okay? You're supposed to be my best friend...do those two words mean anything to you?"

Face didn't respond and Murdock barked a hysterical laugh. "Yeah! I thought so."

There was a small snore from B.A. and Face looked down then back at Murdock, then he turned and began walking to the door before he stopped and turned, reaching into his jacket pocket. Murdock watched with narrowed eyes as he pulled something red from it and chucked it none too softly at Murdock. It hit his forehead and fell into his lap. The conman threw the door open and left without another word.

Eyes still narrowed angrily, Murdock unrolled the red object. He could not help the widening of his eyes, the small gasp that escaped him as he looked at his hat.


Hannibal waited until he was sure the raft wasn't going to sink or flip over before crawling to where Face sat, holding Murdock in his lap. He sat beside the young man and put a hand on his shoulder, speaking softly. "We'll get out of here, kid."

"I know," Face uttered blankly. "Hannibal...I, I said some...really terrible things to him." Face looked up with wet eyes.

Hannibal nodded, trying to appear understanding. "Yes. We all were saying things to each other."

There was a large bump and B.A. bounced off, his hand still gripping the side of the raft. Hannibal and Face both shouted in unison, all but tossing Murdock aside and crawling quickly to Bosco.

"Dammit! I blame you, Hannibal! This was your idea!" B.A. was shouting as he held on tightly. Face held out his hand and flexed his fingers. "Take my hand, Bosco! Come on!"

The larger hand came forward and grabbed onto Face's smaller one. Hannibal took a hold of his forearm and they pulled. As B.A. got his top half on the edge of the raft, it began lifting upwards. The other two felt themselves sliding down towards the water and Face was about to slip into the water when the raft suddenly leveled out. They didn't look back, taking the opportunity to haul B.A. back onto the raft. They lay panting, B.A. soaked and looking extremely unhappy.

"Well. That could have been bad." Hannibal stated and looked around to see what had leveled the raft out.

Murdock was sitting cross-legged on the other end, eyes showing a milky cloudiness and face scarily pale. The dark circles under his eyes were more prominent. Face swallowed loudly and B.A. swore, shaking his head. "Looks like a dead man, Hannibal. No human's supposed to look like that." He was muttering.

Hannibal nodded at Murdock. "Thank you, Captain."

"I was being told not too," He whispered in a hoarse voice. "but I did it anyways."

Face opened his mouth but there was no sound. Hannibal raised his eyebrows at the unmoving pilot. "Well, I'm glad you did. We'd all be overboard, and in this current I don't think that's a very good idea."

Murdock nodded slowly, eyes looking just past Hannibal's head. He was particularly concerned over the milk-colored layer that had settled over his green eyes. It gave him a creepy, dead-looking appearance.

Face moved first, slowly crawling towards Murdock. He stopped and sat beside him, tapping his arm. Murdock's head gradually turned towards him and Face pursed his lips. "Are you alright?" He asked then mentally kicked himself for asking a dumb question.

"Does he looking alrigh'?" B.A. apparently had been thinking the same thing and made his way over. The raft threatened to tip under his weight but remained flat.

As soon as he got in front of Murdock, the pilot began leaning in towards Face, milky eyes set on him. Face's eyes flickered to B.A. quickly then back to Murdock. "What's he doing?" He asked nervously. Murdock began to bare his teeth and was about let his jaw drop when he gasped suddenly and sagged onto Face, eyes shut. The conman snapped his head up, eyes wide and set on B.A., who was behind Murdock.

"Had a bad feelin' there." B.A. claimed. "Pinched his neck. He should be out for awhile."

Hannibal had watched with a wary expression before turning to the front of the raft, watching the water push them on.

End flashback

Hannibal was awake before B.A was and before Face returned. He sat up, stretching and wincing then seeing Murdock siting up, looking at the hat in his hands. The Colonel got to his feet and went around to the bed, ducking his head to see into Murdock's eyes and sighing with relief when he saw they were normal again.

"You're looking better, Captain." Hannibal noted when Murdock looked up at him.

But Murdock had other problems. "What do I do about Face?"

Of all the things Hannibal knew, dealing with issues such as this was not on his top list of specialties. "Did you two talk?" He decided to ask first. Murdock shrugged. "Sorta...I kinda told him I wouldn't forgive him. But, I want to. I just don't think I should." Said the pilot as he twisted his hat around.

"Then you should. You two are close, don't just end your friendship now."

Murdock made a disgusted noise. "All you're thinking about is the team. If we don't make up, it will ruin this team."

Hannibal shook his head. "No, I wasn't. I don't know exactly what to tell you, but I believe you should make up. Or at least try."

The discussion was evidently over and Hannibal muttered something about the bathroom as he got to his feet and went to the door. He pulled it open, coming face-to-face with Faceman. He looked guilty almost, blue eyes troubled. The Colonel gave him a shrug and slipped by silently. Face let the door gently hit his shoulder, peering at Murdock. Murdock stared back.

"You can come in, I guess." He finally allowed and Face slowly stepped in as the door shut behind him. He got as far as the curtain and stopped. "If this is the way you want it, then it'll be that way. Don't worry about not getting your wish fulfilled." Face spat sourly.

"I'm actually going to forgive you, jackass." Murdock motioned him forwards and Face sat in the chair by the bed.

Another snore form B.A., they both ignored him. "What?"

Murdock shrugged. "You heard me. Now, isn't that what you wanted?" He demanded. Face shook his head. "Don't forgive me just because I want you too. Yes, I do, but if you won't mean it, then I don't want to hear it." He told Murdock, who quickly wiped at his eyes.

"No I...I really want...to." Now Murdock looked firmly into Face's eyes. "I forgive you. And the only reason why, is because we've had nearly ten years together of friendship. And I don't want to lose that, or you. You're my best friend, and that's the only reason I'm forgiving you." As an afterthought, he added, "If you'd been a stranger, than I'd probably tie you up and leave you for dead in the middle of the jungle."

Face nodded absently. "Harsh."


There was a silence only broken by more snoring then Face taking Murdock's wrist gently. He looked into the pilot's eyes."I am sorry."

Murdock nodded. "I know."

Face came forwards, pulling the smaller man into his arms and squeezing his eyes shut. Murdock hugged him back, gripping his jacket for a moment then they pulled back. "I know this don't drop very quickly," Face began and Murdock nodded, understanding what he meant. "Maybe one day, we can just forget about all of this. And you know, rebuild some walls...of trust..." Murdock hesitantly added, speaking not just of the two, but of the whole team.

Face wasn't too sure either, but he could hope so.

A/N: Ok about Murdock's eyes and all. He was just getting too sick and no one really knows what it was. Was this a good ending?