Alright, here's the chapter for all of you sick, perverts out there. I'm one of you guys, btw. Pervert club, let's do our chant. "We are perverts, through and through. We will do our yell for you. YEEEEE HAAAAW!". Anyway, this is a specific request from SANDMAN78308. This is my first X rated scene, so I'm allowed to screw some stuff up. I will also have my new OCs, Tux the penguin and Toby the tarantula. Btw, Toby looks abit like a black bear with long fangs, four extra arms and eight eyes. His eyes are not the red spider eyes you'd expect, but pacman style eyes like everybody else. He also has the ablity to spin webs and climb walls. I'll even have my OC, Prickly the porcubear. No, my characters are not gay, but *looks around at all the slash pairings and stuff* "When in Rome". Actually, Toby might be bi. I only came up with him this morning, so I haven't decided yet. Also, those of you who are still debating whether Flaky is a Boy or a Girl, I have a surprise for both groups. *holds up a beer* So, Cheers, let's get goin'.

Cuddles and Flippy grabbed each other and began to make out like crazy, tearing each others clothes off. [I don't care if they don't technicaly wear clothes. I'm the author, and I say they do]

Petunia grabbed onto Handy and pulled him to her. She then proceeded to, what seemed to be, force feed him her tongue.

Handy obviously wanted no part in it. "NO!", he yelled through Petunia's tongue, "DO NOT WANT! I DON'T LOVE YOU! I LOVE NUTTY!".

Nutty felt his heart melt like a chocolate bar in a heatwave. He ran to Handy and wrapped his arms around him and they started making out.

Petunia made an angry face and growled.

Giggles squeezed Petunia's ass and said, "Why don't we have some fun? No boys allowed".

Toothy grabbed Splendid's neck and pulled him to himself to makeout.

Lumpy started to make out with a cabbage.

Just then, Prickly, Tux and Toby walked in.

"We're here!", said Prickly.

Tux saw what was going on, frowned and said, "Awww man, the party already started".

Flaky suddenly ran up to Prickly and said, "I want you to fuck me".

"Come again?", said Prickly.

"I want you to strip me naked, bend me over, and fuck me", said Flaky.

"Sweeeeeeet", said Prickly as Flaky glomped him.

Toby looked at Tux with hungry eyes. Seeing this, Tux said, "Oh, just shut up and kiss me".

Toby grabbed Tux and started making out with him like there was no tomorrow.

Prickly pulled Flaky's clothes off and was shocked at what he saw. A pair of 38DDs, a tight, shaved pussy and a... dick? Yes, that was a dick. "Dude, you're a dude", said Prickly, "I don't know if that's awesome or creepy".

"Wanna see somethin' cool?", asked Flaky.

"Always", said Prickly.

[I think Flaky is a she, so I will continue to refer to her as a such]

Flaky bent her dick and stuck it into her pussy. She then began to push it in and pull it out, fucking herself.

[before you go to sleep tonite, I want that to be the last thing you think about. Transvestite Flaky fucking herself]

Prickly looked up and said, "Tux, should I be grossed out by this?".

"Can't talk now", said Tux, "Busy getting my dick sucked and my ass finger-fucked by Toby".

Cuddles got down on his knees and took Flippy's dick in his mouth and all the way into his throat.

Flippy moaned in pleasure. "Oh yeah. You could be in the movies", he said.

Cuddles smiled as he began to run his tongue around the end of Flippy's dick.

"Mmmmmmm", moaned Flippy, "If you're not careful, I'm gonna shoot my load down your throat".

Cuddles giggled as he began to fondle Flippy's balls.

Prickly did his best to preform oral on Flaky, but was having a little trouble. He had no idea which one to start with.

"Use your mouth on one and a hand on the other", said Flaky.

Prickly took Flaky into his mouth as he fingered her. [boy, this is fucked up. It's turning you on, isn't it? You're turned on by this, aren't you? Don't lie to me, SANDMAN78308. Gunslingers-White-Rose, I know you're enjoying this]

Flippy pulled his dick out of Cuddles' mouth and came all over his face.

Cuddles wiped his face and said, "My turn", as he stood up and Flippy got down on his knees.

Flippy took Cuddles' dick into his mouth. He also managed to stick his tongue out far enough to lick his balls, making Cuddles moan in pleasure.

Disco Bear jerked off as he watched Giggles and Petunia 69ing.

Lumpy started humping his cabbage.

Toothy began giving Splendid a rimjob and he was moaning for more.

Flaky came out of both her pussy and her dick, completely bathing Prickly in a mixture of bodily fluids. [I couldn't figure out what would come out of Flaky when she orgasmed]

Prickly swallowed as much of the goo as he possibly could. he then said, "My turn", as he stood up and Flaky got down for him.

Flaky took Prickly's dick all the way into her throat.

"Yeah", said Prickly, "Suck my cock like I sucked yours".

Flaky smirked slightly as she pushed a finger into Prickly's ass.

Prickly moaned and said, "Wasn't expecting that, but I like it".

"Can't... take... much... more... Aaaaaah!", Cuddles said as he came down Flippy's throat.

Flippy looked up at Cuddles and said, "Gulp. Now it's time for the main event". He turned around and put his elbows on the nearby table. "I'm ready", he said.

Cuddles slowly slid his dick into Flippy's ass and started thrusting.

"Fuck me, Cuddles, fuck me hard", said Flippy.

"You got it", said Cuddles as he started thrusting faster.

Nutty looked into Handy's eyes and said, "Hold on one second. I have just the thing to make it even more pleasurable for you", and he took out a small bag of sugar. He quickly emptied the bag and started shaking. Almost vibrating.

Handy realized what Nutty was doing. He was making himself into a giant, hugable, vibrator. [XD]

"Ohh... Ohh... Ohhhhhh!", said Prickly has he came down Flaky's throat.

Flaky licked her lips and said, "Ok, now that I got ya warmed up, it's time for some real fun", as she walked over too the table and bent herself over it. "Fuck me, Prickly. Fuck me like there's no tomorrow!".

Prickly smiled and said, "Ya don't gotta tell me twice", and he shoved his dick into Flaky's pussy.

Both Flaky and Prickly moaned in pleasure.

Toby said, "I always wanted to try bondage, never had the opportunity, until now", as he tied Tux up with his web.

Handy practically screamed in pleasure as Nutty penetrated him while viberating like crazy.

Cuddles pulled himself out of Flippy and said, "My turn".

Flippy straightened up as Cuddles bent himself over the table.

Flippy easily penetrated Cuddles' ass.

Cuddles moaned in pure exctasy. "Yeeeeeeeaah! Fuck my ass!", he said".

Flippy just continued to fuck Cuddles' ass.

Prickly pulled his dick out of Flaky's pussy and held it against the opening of her ass.

"Oh yeah", said Flaky, "Fuck my ass".

Prickly shoved his dick as far up Flaky's ass as he possibly could.

Flaky screamed in pleasure. "Yes! Harder! Harder! Yes! Yes! Prickly! PRICKLY! PRICKLY! YES!", she said.

"I'm gonna cum! I'M GONNA CUM! I'M CUMMING!", Cuddles and Flaky screamed together.

Cuddles shot a second load all over the floor.

Flaky bathed Prickly in her mixture of fluids again.

Prickly pulled his dick out of Flaky's ass and sprayed his cum all over her.

Flippy did the same thing to Cuddles.

Everybody collapsed, breathing hard.

That's all folks. What did you think? This is the last episode of this series. Once you do the sex scene, there's nowhere for the series to go, but down. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for reading. Bye.