Alex was laughing on the inside as he watched Blunt rant on about how immature he was and how childish Nat was in the same breath. Personally Alex didn't think there was much difference between the two but then he had never been too good in English class.

He enjoyed the view of Blunt's normally impassive face going red with anger and rage. He looked towards Nat who was standing beside him at attention but when he saw her expression, he unsuccessfully tried to force down a giggle.


Ah, so Alex has finally made Blunt yell. Now congratulations are in order!

"Alan I really don't get what's made you so upset! It's just some files and we simply rearranged them. We even put them in a special order so if you really need something, we'll be able to find them!"

Nat finished with an overly cheery tone. Alex burst into laughter simply looking at Blunt's face.

"Girl do you know how long it takes to rearrange all those files? You messed them all up and now we're taking days just to find one file! How the hell did you get in and mess them up and not get caught in the first place?"

Blunt was looking like a ticking bomb by the end, daring Nat to defy his order.

"Well, that's for me to know and you to find out."

Looks like Nat took that dare. Blunt looks like he wants to bash her head into the wall but Alex was pretty sure that he wouldn't. Then Blunt stood up and all of a sudden Alex wasn't so sure anymore, after all, they had just made the normally emotionless Blunt throw a rage, if he's ever going to lose control, it's going to be now.

Alex watched silently as Blunt took some deep calming breaths but the whole time Blunt was calming himself, Alex had been preparing himself for a fight. He kept his eyes trained on Blunt until a movement behind Blunt made him look straight into the Sergeant's eyes. Bad move, Alex silently told himself and unfortunately for him, Blunt took this exact moment to look at him instead of Nat and when he saw that the subject of his anger wasn't even paying attention to him, he pretty much exploded.


Alex froze and immediately his face turned ice cold and although he hadn't showed much emotion before, he was now looking downright terrifying with his frozen brown eyes and deadly posture. The room's temperature seemed to have dropped to below freezing in a matter of seconds and a deadly silence fell over the occupants of the room. For a second he thought he saw a flash of fear cross Blunt's face but it disappeared as quickly as it came.

"What did you just say?"

A cold, lethal, female voice echoed in the silent room and Alex could hear the Sergeant's quick intake of breath. Apparently he hadn't known that his cousin could be so cold and emotionless and deadly. If Alex hadn't seen Nat in mission mode, he would have been shocked too, the normally cheerful and fun Nat had disappeared and in her place was a professional that was the best at her job, which happens to involve killing lots and lots of people. Blunt must be peeing his pants by now, he didn't just have one deadly agent in front of him, no, he had two lethal operatives that were both the best their country had to offer. They could kill him as easily as one might kill a fly. He was so dead.

Alex felt like beating the hell out of Blunt and then asking him two weeks later if he wanted to have another beating. Alex was confident that their answers to each other would be the same: Hell no. Alex really didn't want to go, and he wasn't even healed yet!

"I said that Alex will go on a mission in Germany since we do not have any agents available right now."

Blunt's whole body visibly tensed when Alex reached for his gun at the back of his waistband. Resting his hand casually over the bump that Blunt could not see, he opened his mouth and the words that came out froze everything in its path.

"I would not send me on that mission if I were you. The doctor said at least one month and now I say at least two."

No one had to ask about what he was talking about, it was obviously about his rest period. Blunt's left hand was slightly shaking at the end of Alex's short speech and when he accidently looked into those two bottomless brown eyes that were daring at him to say otherwise, he shivered as a imaginary breeze blew over him.

Blunt looked at the young man in front of him that had once been an young boy, innocent and carefree, now he had been transformed into a lethal agent that had killed just as many people as the so called 'bad guys'. Blunt had no doubt that the man in front of him would shoot him if he pushes him too far, he also knows that this very man hidden in a boy's body could not only ruin MI6 but also turn the whole of England upside down if he makes one small wrong move.

The once powerless boy he had manipulated two years ago had died and now standing in front of him was a young man that while MI6 could threaten him, he could threaten MI6 back ten times better. They had destroyed the reluctant teenage spy and now they had a powerful operative that only worked with them for the people of the world. They knew that one wrong move and they'll be facing war from countries and terrorists; they weren't naïve enough to think that throughout these years Alex Rider hasn't made connections with those on the 'bad' side.

"I am sorry Alex I must have lost my temper. You will not be bothered by us for at least two month but I would appreciate it if you could restrain yourself from messing up the workings of MI6, our agents have had a very hard time getting everything back in the original order and it is very hard to find agents with a high enough clearance."

Alex knew that he had scared Blunt with the simple move of reaching behind his back, but to tell the truth, he probably wouldn't have shot Blunt even if he did make him go on that mission. Anyways, he doesn't even have a gun back there, but that's something he should probably keep to himself.

The Sergeant looked shocked to see the head of MI6 stand down to a mere boy when everyone knew that Blunt always got what he wanted, after all, he was a very powerful man. What the Sergeant didn't know was that the boy standing right in front of him was even more powerful than the Queen right now.

Alex seemed satisfied by Blunt's apology and request, although he didn't outwardly show it. He wanted Blunt to be nervous around him for as long as possible, sometimes he really despises the man.

Nat however, was glaring at Blunt and as if sensing someone was trying to kill him with a very intensive glare, Blunt turned his attention onto Nat. However, Alex watched with amusement, Blunt kept a wary eye on Alex and his hand that was now resting casually by his side. The man knew how quick he could draw his gun and he wanted to be ready in case he said or did something to push the boy over the edge.

"You think having a couple of your little agents reorganise a couple of files is 'hard', try saving the world every couple of months with hundreds of madmen trying to kill you and then you can tell me what 'hard' is."

Nat's voice was bitter and biting, baiting Blunt for a verbal spar and Alex nearly sighed with relief when Blunt simply gave her a look and turned away. The teenage spy didn't have enough energy to deal with the adult spy and head of MI6 trying to kill each other with words.

Blunt knew better than to use the words 'You are dismissed' with the two spies, he may have done so with many other agents, but he'll never do it to these two. He just knew that they'll make a fuss about him ordering them around if he ever used such words to them and he didn't dare try it now, not when both had just calmed down from their ice cold rage.

"If that is all then you could go back to your rooms and rest, I'm sure you'll need it."

Blunt was careful to say it as a suggestion and he could almost hear the normal sarcastic teenager retort with a 'No that's alright, I'm fine where I am' sometimes he'd even state that the chair he was in seemed very comfortable for a nap and then stay there just to piss them off. Of course, today he wasn't in a chair but it didn't seem like he wanted to stay anyways. Even as the young man walked through the door, Blunt was expecting something along the lines of 'Thank you, please don't come again another day' from the witty boy but all he got was a silence that still chilled him to the bone.

When Blunt had arrived at the 'bank', he went straight up to his office and asked for Mrs. Jones.

A few minutes later he heard a knock and without waiting for a reply, the door opened and instantly a minty breeze hit his face. His second in command strode confidently into the room, her heels clicking behind her on the wooden floor.

"How was your trip?"

She asked as pleasantly as how someone would ask their boss about a holiday aboard. Blunt's little visit to the not so little Alex Rider had been far from a holiday and he really needed to rant to someone about it.

"Well, it was interesting to say the least…"

Mrs. Jones listened as her boss recounted his visit to a special teenage spy and to say she was shocked by his response would be an understatement.

"And then when he walked out I saw that he didn't even have a gun at the back of his pants!"

Blunt hardly ever showed emotion but in front of his deputy, he allowed himself a little bit of ranting space. He had been and was still quite pissed off when Alex Rider walked out and he saw that the boy didn't even have a weapon at the back of his waistband. He really had been scared and to know that he had feared something that hadn't even been there just made him even madder at the turn of events.

Mrs. Jones was sucking intently on a peppermint and her hands fiddled nervously with the wrapper that she had not yet tossed in the bin. Her face was emotionless but you could see traces of worry and fear flickering here and there.

When the buzz from reception informed Blunt that his six o'clock appointment was here, Mrs. Jones left taking her minty breeze with her but what remained on both of their minds was one Alex Rider.

That night Mrs. Jones fell asleep thinking about the fourteen year old boy she had met two years ago and the sixteen year old weapon she had helped to create. She wondered when the day would come for she was sure one day Alex Rider was going to break free of MI6, she just hoped that he would not be doing this through his death.

On the other side of town, Mr. Blunt sat in his home office thinking of the fourteen year old boy he had blackmailed and the sixteen year old young man that he had caused to lose everything. He thought back to a time when he had had more power over the boy other than the other way round, and with a flick of a switch, he left the now dark room, leaving behind the thoughts of a boy who had lost too much, too fast.

Leaving behind the thoughts of a teenage boy's life he had destroyed.

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Ally =D