I have been receiving messages and reviews asking that this story be continued. So, here it is.

Fair Warning! This gets even more "M". I kind of blushed as I wrote it.

DISCLAIMER: If I had this kind of power, oh my. Clearly, I don't have any power. Just ask my kids!

CHEMISTRY – Chapter 4

"Emily? Are you ok?"

The smile grew even wider and brighter. How did this woman glow like that?

"Aaron, if I were any more ok, I would implode with it. What about you?"

He was just about to answer when something occurred to him. It was a sensation, actually. He could feel himself softening slowly and the flood of his desire bathing him. A condom. He pulled himself out quickly and sat up, stricken. How could he have been so irresponsible?

"Emily, I am sorry. I didn't bring anything. It never occurred to me to even travel with any protection."

When he sat up and held his head in between those large hands, Emily's heart dropped. He regretted it. He would never speak to her again. They would be awkward strangers at work. His words made her smile. Typical Hotch. They get carried away by their mutual passion and his worry is for her. Ever the gentleman.

"I don't normally travel with anything either, but I am on the pill anyway. It makes life easier with the schedule we maintain. You're…..you're not sorry this happened?"

She hated the needy sound in her voice. She had a few one night stands in her life. They were fun. Some were regrets she carried. But she was never the girl who asked that question. This time, the stakes were too high.

He turned and smiled at her ruefully. She was a picture out of one of his private fantasies. Her hair was mussed and a little sweaty. Those breasts that had tormented him for hears were peaking out of the covers. Regrets? No. He should regret. He should be worried about the ramifications of all this. All he could think about was lying down and pulling her sweet weight against him and sleeping.

"No, only that it took me this long to act on how I felt."

The worried lines in her forehead instantly eased at his words. She let out the breath she didn't even know she had been holding. She smiled slightly, a question still haunting those dark eyes. Aaron smiled truly at her. She was beautiful and glowing with his lovemaking. This still felt like a dream. He half expected to be woken by a shrilling cell or Jack's strident demands for pancakes. He reached a hand and smoothed her tousled hair. He trailed the back of his knuckles over her flushed cheeks gently.

"Emily, I know this is highly improper. I know there are rules against this for a reason. I know I should have slept on the floor. But right now, this minute, I don't care."

Emily took his large hand and pulled it back to her face. Turning it over, she looked at the palm and then pressed a kiss in the center. Aaron was watching her actions intently, with a light she hadn't seen in his eyes in years. His stern features looked younger somehow.

"Hotch, Aaron, I don't care right now either. This was well, magical. But honestly, I don't want my heart broken here. You will care when we leave here. You will care a lot. It's who you are. You care about the rules. Not because you don't care about people, you do. You believe the rules protect people and you are all about protecting. I know how I feel. I know I have felt this way for a long time. I should shut my mouth and just enjoy the moment. But you are not just a moment for me. I know that."

The room was lightening as she spoke. The clouds were parting for a moment and the dawn that had bravely tried to arrive in the gloom burst forth. They could see each other clearly in more ways than one.


She could see him struggling as he acknowledged the truth to her words. Part of her heart was singing because he wanted her as much as she wanted him. But that wouldn't be enough for him. He wouldn't flout the rules. He wouldn't be the man she loved if he did. It would eat at him.

"Emily, I wish I could be the man who doesn't care. Lord knows I want to be the kind of man who, well for lack of a better word, Rossi."

Her laughter surprised him at such a delicate moment. She was leaning back against the headboard. Her expressive face alight with laughter, her eyes were almost tearing.

"What? Why is that funny?"

"Oh, Aaron, really? Rossi? You want to be like Dave Rossi? Oh no, you are the Anti-Rossi"

"No, I don't want to be Dave Rossi. I mean I just want to be able to do this and not worry about the consequences."

As those words left his mouth he realized how they sounded. For a man who was this smart, he just said the stupidest thing possible. A quick glance at her falling face confirmed it.

"No, God no Emily I didn't mean that. I meant I didn't want to have to worry about the rules the way he doesn't ever seem to. Damn him anyway. Half those rules were written with him in mind. I can't believe I am in bed with you finally and discussing David Rossi. This is now how I imagined this moment."

Watching the normally eloquent and brilliant Aaron Hotchner babble took her by surprise. But what he said really caught her suddenly.

"Wait. You imagined this moment?"

Those elusive dimples flashed again briefly as he ducked his head. He might have known she would catch that. Well, there didn't seem to be any point on hiding it given what had just happened. He looked her straight in the eye and answered.

"Emily, I have imagined and fantasized about this more than I should probably admit. But I guess pretending otherwise would be foolish, since we're sitting on a bed naked. I don't want you to be uncomfortable about that. But yes, I noticed you. For a long time, I had wanted to be just here."

Her smile came back full wattage again. Those dimples did her in every time. Maybe it was because he was just so handsome. Maybe it was because he so rarely smiled fully. But when he even slightly smiled, she melted. A real smile that reached those intense eyes sent her over the edge.

"But Emily, to be fair, you were moaning my name. So maybe I am not out here alone?"

The slightly plaintive note in his voice was highly unusual for him. He was normally so sure. That serious deep voice of his was one of his sexiest features, and he didn't even know it. His face was uncertain as well. She did the only thing she could. Kneeling up next to him she slid her arms around his neck and pulled him back onto the bed. They had real issues to discuss, she knew. But a naked Aaron Hotchner in her bed, asking if she imagined him as he had imagined her was too good to pass up. Those problems could wait. Right now, she had a few more fantasies to live out.

He allowed himself to be drawn down over her again. Her hands slid up to cup his cheeks. His eyes were still asking the question. He deserved her truth.

"Aaron, this is better than anything I could have imagined. And yes, I did imagine you and this."

She pulled him down and kissed him, softly at first. This time, she took control. She had her fantasy in her bed in real life. She had no idea what would happen in the future, but for now, she was going to enjoy it. She pushed him over and swung her legs over him. Leaning down, she started exploring and kissing each long, lean inch. The rasp of his unshaven face abraded her hands and face. It gave her chills. As her hands roamed down the expanse of his chest, he moaned just a little. He was laying still, his hands on her hips, allowing her to take this where she would.

Aaron couldn't believe it. He was over 40. His body should be screaming for sleep but it was stirring back to life again. A naked smiling Emily Prentiss, perched on his chest raining kisses down his neck and torso would bring the dead to life. The first time they had both been half asleep and had let their bodies make the decision. This time, he thought, he was going to take his time and enjoy every moment.

In a move that left her shocked and breathless, he flipped her over again on the small bed. Her eyes were still smiling, but asking a question.

"I am taking my time this time, Emily. I have waited too long for this moment to rush."

At her speechless nod of assent, he began to slowly and carefully trace each feature of her lovely face. Her breathing hitched as he caressed her. When he leaned down and began to follow his hands with his mouth and tongue, she whimpered her pleasure. On hearing the sounds leaving her lips, Aaron smiled. It had been a long time for him, but it was nice to know he still knew what to do.

Emily opened her eyes to see a small smile hovering on the handsome face above her. She pulled it down and kissed him deeply. Their tongues danced and dueled, each one striving for supremacy. They could each taste themselves and each other. They tasted the passion, the need and the real feeling behind it.

It occurred briefly to Emily that she should register his lips and tongue as deadly weapon when they got back to HQ. The man was dangerous. She couldn't remember the last time just kissing had turned her on this much. She wrapped her arms around him and tried to get even closer, if that were possible.

What were possible were those little whimpers she was making as he kissed her. She was hanging onto him for dear life and kissing him back with equal fervor. He could hear and feel those sounds and they were traveling along his nerve endings to his cock. Her knees were spread wide and he was once again tucked into the cradle of her welcoming hips. His body was screaming at him to just take and claim her again.

But the little bit of rational Aaron that remained reminded him that this was a woman worth loving thoroughly and slowly. This was a time to be savored. He pulled back and looked a little. Her lips were swollen and reddened from their frantic kissing. She was gasping for air and their eyes met. Those lips curved in a smile at him.

His answering smile said it all. It was full of lust, passion and a little bit of male triumph. It said he knew he was making her crazy and loved it. He pulled a little further back and began to slowly trace every inch of skin with his lips, teeth and tongue. At first she just accepted this tribute, but soon he had her squirming. As he discovered areas of her skin that made her gasp or giggle, he went back and lavished them with more attention. The spot just below her ear that made her gasp and the one on her toned stomach beside her navel that made her jump and giggle were carefully explored. He could have spent an hour just on her breasts and how responsive they were to his caresses.

He was living the fantasies he had only privately entertained for a long time. But instead of himself and his wishful thinking, he had Emily in his hands.

"Aaron! Yesss!"

The sound hissed out of her as he slowly drew on finger along her dripping folds. It sounded so good he did it again several more times just to hear her gasp and moan his name. No matter what happened from here, he would etch that sound on his brain.

He was lying on his side slowly watching her face as she reveled in his careful attentions. She was gasping and writhing. Suddenly, her eyes, which had been closed as she savored the sensations he was pulling from her, popped open. Her hands, instead of clenching and unclenching reached over and grasped him. A smile curved her lips when he moaned suddenly. She had been delighting in his attentions but wanted to play a little too.

She slowly stroked her hand along his length. His slow loud exhalation told her she was on the right track. As she caressed it, she could have sworn it got harder and larger. By the time she got to very sensitive head, and spread the drops leaking out, his breathing has quickened. But it was the low groan he let out that really heated her. She had been only focusing on her explorations, but then she looked at his face. His normally controlled expression was gone. He was biting his lower lip and his eyes were closed. It was a face of pleasure and she didn't think she had ever seen anything so sexy in her life. Until he opened his eyes and looked right at her.

"Oh fuck yeah, Emily. Just like that. Touch me, stroke my cock. Yes, please Emily. I love how you do that. Do you know how fucking hot that is?"

Dirty talk spilled out of the mouth of a man who was known throughout the FBI for his control. And she was the one making him lose that control. And better yet, it was her name he was babbling. She was even more turned on. She wondered how he would react if she…

Aaron almost jumped when he felt the very tip of her tongue against him. Then her lips slowly circled his head and applied a soft sucking kiss. When her tongue teased that small opening he groaned her name again.

Oh, yeah, she felt a fresh flood of heat. His big hands caressed her head and she had to push it. She pushed just a little more of him into her mouth, aware that there was no way she could take him all.

Aaron was in heaven and hell. He honestly had no idea how long it had been since someone did this. It was past perfect. What she was doing to him with her tongue should be illegal. He would give her an hour to stop. But he wanted her with him. Just another moment, he promised himself. He could control himself. Then she groaned her approval at how he felt. That vibration all but set him off. He gently but insistently pulled her off him. Her reluctance to give up her position was evident in the last little kiss she gave him.

He had her on her back and under him before she could even breathe. He took a deep breath and forced himself to slide one hand along her. Her hips tipped up to meet his questing hand, and he could feel him drip onto her. Had she become more aroused by what she was doing? He slid just the very end into her, aware that she might be sore. Her little gasp stopped him.


"Oh my God. That is the most amazing feeling in the world. More, Now!"

Emily widened her hips and used her hands to grab the ass she had been watching for a long time. Sucking and tasting him had turned her on more than she thought possible. She wondered if he liked hearing the kinds of things he said?

"Aaron! Now! Fuck me now. Fuck me hard!"

Too much? She peeked at his face. It went from a mask of concentration and control to a smile of pure male pride. He obliged her. Instead of that careful and slow slide she had reveled in, he slammed into her.


She sounded so pleased; he did it again, and then again and again. The slow sweet lovemaking he had planned had been hijacked by the passionate woman of his dreams clutching and moving with him. He ran his hands up her long leg and pulled her knee wide and up against her. She almost screamed in delight at how much harder and deeper that new angle had him.

They kissed wildly. When they ran out of air, they kissed and licked whatever body part they could reach. Then he twisted ever so slightly and she did scream. He quickly covered her mouth with his to absorb the delicious sound. Her ecstasy sent him hurtling over the edge.

When he could form a coherent thought, it was that he wanted this and her forever. There had to be a way to make this work. She moved against him slowly and whispered his name.


He had pulled her into his arms when he rolled back against the bed. She felt perfect there. He smiled down at her. A real, slow happy smile that was as glowing as it was rare.

"Emily. I don't know how, but I can't let this and you go. I am going to make this happen…that is if you want?"

"Oh hells yes, Aaron, I want."

Too much? Thanks for the kind reviews. Would love to hear what you think of the ending.