An Awkward Christmas.

Part 5: New Years Eve (con.) and Explanations.

Where she saw the Doctor and Shareen.


Rose gasped, and one of the drinks glasses slipped and hit the floor, making everyone look over at her. The Doctor looked up, and saw Rose. Rose caught his eye, but turned away and left.

"Rose!" he called, and forced Shareen off of him. He made his way towards the door, but Jackie grabbed his arm.

"You've really done it now, haven't you? What did you go kissing Shareen for?"she hissed.

"I...I didn't...she...I've got to go after her." he concluded, and rushed off.

It was a cold night outside, the wind rustled through the trees and chilled Rose, but she wasn't going to go back in to get her coat. Not after that. 'Why are I so bothered?' she thought. 'It's not like we're together.' She sat down on a bench, and hugged her arms to her chest. 'Yeah, but I want it to be like that, don't I? It's not like I haven't thought about being...together. But that would never happen. And now I've just got the proof.'

She rocked slightly back and forth, the cold really starting to hurt. The tears began to run down her face slowly, and before too long she was crying properly, now not caring who heard. She was so absorbed in crying, she didn't notice the Doctor walking up behind her, and perching on the end of the bench.

"...Rose..?" he asked quietly.

She whipped around fast, and looked at him angrily.

"I don't want to you."

"Please Rose, listen to me. It wasn't what you thought it wa-"

"No, it definitely wasn't was it?" she shouted sarcastically. "I just go and get some drinks, and come back to find you snogging my best mate! But of course you weren't snogging her! It was just me imagining things, wasn't it? Or maybe an energy transfer. Not bloody likely!"

"Rose, please, I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. Or rather, forced herself on me, when I was staring after you when you left, watching you walk off in that sexy outfit of yours, and your blonde hair catching the light per..." he trailed off, aware of what he just said aloud, things he would usually just think.

Rose turned towards the Doctor, her eyes not so angry, and said softly "How..?"


"Catching the"

"...Perfectly..." he uttered.

She shivered, maybe because of the cold, maybe because of the words that were just said to her. The Doctor, picking up on this (with his superior Time Lord senses), took off his jacket, and put it over Rose's shoulders.

"Won't you get-" she began, turning towards the Doctor, but finding her face just a smidgen away from his. "...Cold."

"No." he said, and she could feel his breath on her face. "Time Lords, much warmer body temperature than humans..." he lied, and trailed off, also noticing the awkwardness of the situation. 'Although' he thought 'I've waited so long for this, but I don't know how to start this.'

"Ro-" he began, but Rose had seized the opportunity of his silence to lean forward and capture his lips with hers.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!" cries of joy came from the flats around them, and as they (finally) shared their first kiss under the fireworks celebrating a 'happy new year' they knew it would indeed be, a happy year.

The End! :D

The End? No more cliffhangers? D: But I may write a sequel to this, tell me if you think it would be a good idea :) Thanks for all your reviews and support, -Jess x