I was well used to being over shadowed. Pushed out of crowd. Standing alone in the corner. But that didn't mean, I liked it.
When you are friends with the 2 most popular guys in the year, people tend not to notice you for who you are. You're just James and Sirius' quiet friend. You're not a person, you're not Remus.
Granted, I was a marauder, yet not in the same sense as the others. I was the clever, well behaved one. The prefect, who never got detention, never got into trouble in , they were good friends. I could laugh and joke with them and we had fun but they were with it. Everyone wanted them. I was just silent old Remus who people only put up with because he was friends with Potter and Black.
That I was sick of.
I was sitting alone in the common room. Somehow when I wasn't with either James or Sirius no one wanted to talk to me. Both were at quidditch practice so they hadn't left me alone purposely. They were good friends in that respect. Yet even Peter, who had no excuse, had abandoned me.
My transfiguration book was open in front of me, but the words just blurred. It was mainly an excuse to be alone.
Why did I even want an excuse? I sighed and shut the book. I stared outside the window and saw James flying high in the air mucking about with his team mates. I saw him charm a bludger to follow the captain around while his team mates shrieked in laughter.
Why couldn't I do that? I had to be good, so angelically good all the time. Why?
Its stupid to go depressing myself like this the whole time. They'll be back soon and I can laugh and joke with them to my hearts content.
Why did that make me so depressed?
I decided that staring out the window at people having fun was just sad and twisted, so I took out the book again. This time I tried to look at it more intently. We had a test coming up anyway. It couldn't hurt to study a bit.
"Hey, can you help me?"
I sat up startled. I saw a girl. She was about average height with dark blonde hair which came right down to her waist. Her eyes were warm brown and her nose was scattered with freckles, the small speckly kind which usually only cover ones nose.
"Yeah?" I said trying to compose myself.
"Can you help me with my transfiguration? I know its short notice but its just I completely forgot about the test until I saw you and you're so smart and if I fail my mum is gonna freak..."
Of course she wanted help. It was the only reason a girl like her would ever talk to me. Still, she needed help and it gave me something to do.
"Ok, relax. Its not until Wednesday, breathe!"
She exhaled loudly.
"Have you seen my transfiguration? Cause if you had, you'd know that it being on Wednesday is small comfort..."
"Then lets start. Oh, and I'm Remus... I reckon you knew that."
"Of course I did! Everyone knows you... you're prefect Remus, the smart guy, gets O's in every test, the guy who hangs out with those dingbats..."
She gestured out the window.
"Well anyway," she continued, "do you know me?"
I winced.
"Of course I do! You're, you're, you're..."
"You don't know, do you?"
"Sure I do! You are... Oh, your name has a J... Jill? Janice? Juniper? Ja... Ja..."
"Jade." she finished.
"Yeah... I knew that!"
"Of course you did."
"No I did really!"
"No, its fine, I wouldn't expect you to remember me. You're the popular kid you don't need to know me!"
"Popular? Really?
"Yeah! You're friends with them! Of course you are!"
"Ok but I'm quieter then them. I didn't think people paid any attention to me."
"So? No one pays any attention to me! Do I care? Not in the least! I just entertain myself!"
I want to pinch her to make sure she's real.
Then unfortunately 'them' decided to make an appearance.
"Hey Remus! Miss us?" greeted James in a voice so loud it could have shattered the windows.
Jade rolled her eyes in obvious disgust. Without asking I knew she was friends with Lily.
"So where's Sirius?" I asked.
"Oh Mc Gonagall caught him hexing Snivellus. Priceless, but I reckon he'll get detention."
"Here I'd better go," said Jade yawning, "Same time tomorrow Remus?"
"Yeah cool." I said calmly.
She walked away and James pounced.
"So, who is she? I've never seen her before."
"She's just a girl I'm helping with transfiguration. Jade. You know? She's in our year and in all our classes."
"Wait, yeah Jade... Oh God she's Lily's friend isn't she?"
He's about to go after her, but I stop him.
"Yes, and that in consideration do you think she's going to take too kindly to your companionship?"
"Well no..."
"Exactly. "
Then Sirius strolled in looking pissed.
"She get you?" said James.
"No, just a 'I'm warning you' and 'if this happens again.' "
"Sound." nodded James both being familiar terms.
"So, I caught Remus with a girl." he continued.
"What? No way! Who was she?" said Sirius his eyes wide.
"Hey! Tell it like it is James! I was just helping her with schoolwork. She's called Jade. She's ok."
"I don't think I know her," said Sirius," any distinguishing features?"
"She's friends with Lily..." said James and he went into a daze.
"Oh Lil-y!" Sirius and I bleated mocking him.
He grinned and punched us playfully. Yet, he didn't let go of the dazed expression which overcame his face when Lily was mentioned. Her could never seem to accept the fact that Lily hated him and that that wasn't going to change in the foreseeable future.
"Well come on guys, lets get some rest, I'm knackered!" said Sirius breaking the silence.
I silently consented and started to pack up my books. In the corner I saw Jade. She was with Lily and some other girls. She was laughing and joking so loudly I swore I could hear her smile. She turned to me and waved rapidly unconcerned by the masses of people who had turned to look at her. I lift my hand in return and smile. She was different but definitely in a good way!
"Help me, urgently!" Sirius practically yelled as he joined us at the breakfast. "Is there anyone of you, who has a pair of red socks with green and purple stripes?"
"Not your usual greeting but hey I'm open to improv!" grinned James.
"Shut up, I cannot find one pair of matching socks!"
"Which matters because..."
"I've got divination!"
"Still, not getting you..."
"Ok if you ever walk into divination with mis-matched socks do you know what Professor Trelawney says?"
"No, because you were the only one of us stupid enough to take it!"
"She walks up to you and says,' I sense something very queer in you today.'"
James begins to splutter and soon unable to control himself begins to laugh.
"Its not funny! How would you like your whole divination class to think you were gay?"
"I wouldn't care, everyone knows Trelawney is nuts."
"Nuh-Uh! My class is full of girls who hang on her every word!"
"Point taken," said Peter ,"Have my socks."
"Thanks Wormtail, I owe you one!" he said grabbing Peters socks and running off.
Peter rolled his eyes and gulped down his pumpkin juice and went off to muggle studies.
James yawned and stretched out.
"Coming?" I said, "We'll be late."
"Care of Magical Creatures! Remember?"
"Oh, sure coming!"
We were doing unicorns again. Again means for the fourteenth time this month. Professor Kettleburn didn't exactly have the best memory.
"If we have one more lesson on unicorns I swear I am going to blow it!" complained James as we passed around yet another unicorn hair.
"I know," I said sighing ,"why doesn't someone just tell him!"
"Dunno, I reckon its cause the girls seem to love them so much. And lets face it, in the girl vs. boys area of things we are hopelessly outnumbered!"
I looked around at girl filled room and agreed. James and I were the only boys in the whole class. Almost every boy had picked Muggle Studies as their elective and the others being pure bloods had picked Arithmancy or Anicent Runes, leaving Care of Magical Creatures and Divination virtually guy less. You had to pity Sirius though, he was the only guy in Divination, that and being trapped in a room with a woman who calls you queer, he had to be pitied.
"Ok!" Professor Kettleburn annouced, "Now we are going learn to use the unicorn hair as a bandage. Now I'll put you in pairs and give you each an otter. Its paw will be wounded and your job is to dress the wound. Ok?"
"Yes Professor." we chanted in unison.
"Good now pair up as I call your names, Abbot & Booth, Conefrey & Cadswadler, Davies & Edwards, Hudges & Jones, Lewis &Lupin, Morgan & Morris, Norman & Nicolson, Oliver & Price, Potter and... Oh dear Potter it seems we have no one for you, do you mind working alone?"
"No Professor." said James quietly.
"Good, now pair up and lets get working!"
I was paired with a small girl called Fiona Lewis with mousy hair and a mousy personality. I doubted she'd be much help, but at least I did better than James. He would cause havoc on his own. It was strange though, I had thought there was an even number in our class...
Then as if to prove me right someone began to approach the classroom (this I use in its loosest term because we were sitting outside on benches.) And lone behold who was it but Lily,
"Sorry I'm late Professor, I was in the hospital wing."
"Oh Evans! Nice of you to join us. Looks like you have someone after all Potter! Help her catch up, be a dear."
James' grin was so big it could barely fit on his face.
Lily looking seriously pissed off made her way slowly towards mine and James' bench.
I smiled, trying to suppress laughter.
"Hey gorgeous!" greeted James.
"Lay off, I'm warning you! Now what are we doing?"
"Emm... What are we doing Remus?
"The same exercise we did 2 weeks ago. We have to bandage up an otter with unicorn hair."
"Thanks Lupin," she said gratefully, then turning to James again said," Trust you not be paying attention!"
"What do you mean me? I always pay attention!"
"Oh really? That would explain why your average grade has never risen above Troll!"
"Grades mean nothing! I don't test well!"
"Oh whatever! Lets get on with it!" she said exasperated.
I proceeded picking up the hairs and checking for knots. Fiona obediently followed my lead. Meanwhile Lily yelled at James for knocking over their bundle of hairs and causing worse knots than ever.
"You idiot! Can you do anything right?"
"Sure I can! Watch me!"
James bent over to pick up the hairs and then with a flick of his wand the knots were gone.
"You idiot! You're not supposed to cast spells on unicorn hair! Do you not remember Helmots Law regarding magical substances? Oh of course you don't , you weren't paying attention!"
Then to prove her point the hair turned loose, stringy and brittle.
"Crap, forgive me?"
"No way! Now go and ask Professor Kettleburn for some more hair!"
He started to get up when Jade walked up to our table.
"Hey Lily! Oh, hi Remus! What's up?"
"Potter has just completely screwed up our unicorn hair!" moaned Lily.
"Relax take some of ours we're finished!" she replied cheerily
"Thank you so much Jade you are a life saver! James! James!"
"At your service!" panted James after running over.
"We've got some hair."
"Good so lets work!"
I smiled still weaving unicorn hair . Jade came up to me and perched herself on the edge of my bench.
"Hey, so how are things going with my transfiguration tutor?"
"Cool, I guess."
"God James Potter is such an idiot isn't he?"
"If you're looking for an agreement, it's Lily you want."
"I want your opinion."
"He's funny, good fun he's my friend what can I say?"
"Fine, he's your friend but does it not annoy you the way he always gets what he wants. He's popular sure but that doesn't mean life should be given to him on a plate!"
"I suppose... but you're forgetting Lily. The thing he wants most of all but doesn't have."
"The Only Exception as they say..."
Then she started singing and her sweet voice filled the air with a soft moving ballad.
When I was younger
I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it
And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love
If it does not exist
But darling,
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
She stopped.
"You know Remus, thats what you are, The Only Exception. The only great, popular guy who doesn't know it."
She smiled at me and walked off.