Prompt: Spock, Uhura - New addition

Value Beyond the Scientific

Spock was beginning to understand why his parents had ceased procreation after one child.

The entire birthing process was exhausting and uncomfortable and worrisome, and that only described his experiences with the process. He had it on good authority (Nurse Chapel, Doctor McCoy, and for some reason the Captain as well), however, that verbalizing his own dissatisfaction with the process would not be well received.

Spock suspected that they were correct.

Besides, Nyota was rather more distracted than he'd ever seen her before, even at the height of her efforts at the academy, and he did not believe that now was the appropriate time to compare notes, as it were, with her about their experiences.

Spock had been strongly urged (read: ordered) by his father to ensure his presence for the duration of Nyota's labor and delivery to ensure that she experienced the highest possible levels of satisfaction with the process. Though he did not choose to explain in more detail, Sarek had admitted during their last communication that this advice was that Spock's mother would have offered as well. In truth, it was not an experience he would desire to miss, even were he not to have received such advice.

And so Spock had remained at her side, offering support and reassurance and suggestions for different pain-relief methods as needed. Initially he had felt up to the task. He had performed copious amount of research and amassed a great deal of knowledge from a variety of verifiable sources, both Terran and Vulcan. Much of the data proved useful, as well. For a time.

Walking had proven extremely useful. Until it wasn't. Massage had engendered a very positive response from his wife. Until it didn't. When it was suspected that the child might be slightly malpositioned, counter pressure had been an effective strategy. Until it wasn't.

The constant need to change strategy and update his plan for caring for his family was beginning to wear on Spock, and according to Nurse Chapel, they were only halfway there.

Yes, Spock thought as he ran a cool washcloth across Nyota's shoulders and neck. He could definitely see why his parents had declared their family complete with one child. The entire process, though fascinating, was quite trying as well.


Thirteen hours later while holding his newborn daughter in his arms, he wondered why on earth they had not chosen to do this sooner. By the time she opened her eyes and stared into his own and then curled her finger around his, he'd long-since forgotten about the trials of labor.


Nyota hadn't, but then, she'd known it was worth it all along. And seeing her stoic husband turned into a figurative pile of goo by their daughter was a lovely bonus.