Prompt: McCoy, Joanna - New baby

The Facts of Life

″Daddy?″ Joanna's voice was hushed and her eyes darted to where Jim sat with little David curled asleep on his chest.

″Yes, sweetheart?″ Leonard was pleased at how easily Joanna had appeared to adapt to her recent promotion to big sister and her care in interacting with her newborn brother, even from the first moment she'd met him.

″Mommy told me before about how babies are made, an' how when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much sometimes they can have a new baby.″ Joanna paused for a moment with her head cocked to one side in a stance oddly reminiscent of Spock at his most scientifically curious. His stomach dropped to somewhere in the vicinity of his feet and he swallowed convulsively as his daughter continued. ″But how does it work when a daddy and a daddy love each other very much like you and Jim?″

Clear blue eyes regarded him steadily and Leonard could swear that all he could hear was his own heartbeat rushing loudly in his ears. Until he heard the telltale sound of Jim's badly-muffled laughter, that is.

Leonard turned and glared at him. ″You wanna help me out here, Jim?″

Jim's eyes widened comically and he glanced down at their sleeping son, still asleep against his chest. ″I'd love to , Bones, but I think you're definitely more qualified in that particular area. Besides, I think David needs a change...″

And then the traitor escaped into the nursery like the coward he was.

Leonard sighed and returned his attention to his patiently waiting daughter. ″Well, honey, when a daddy and a daddy love each other very much, just like me and Jim...″