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Elena woke up the next morning to an empty bed. She frowned and got up. She didn't hear anything as se walked into the hallway. Elena passed Damon's room to find him sleeping. Elena just shook her head as she headed downstairs and into the kitchen, thinking Stefan was in there. Stereotypically, there was a note on the fridge.

Out hunting. Be back later with lunch. Watch Damon.

Love Stefan xoxo

Elena just sighed and poured herself a cup of coffee. Thinking Damon needed his strength, Elena went down to the cellar to grab a blood bag. She headed upstairs to his room to find him in the same position as last night. She set her coffee on the night table and sat down on the bed. She placed the straw gently into his lips and started squeezing the bag. When it was finished, the color was starting to come back to Damon's face and Elena smiled. She is so worried about him and hopes he wakes up soon because they need to talk.

It was around three when Elena looked at the clock and Stefan had yet to return from hunting. Elena pulled out her phone and tried to call him. "You've reached Stefan. Leave a message. BEEP"

"Hey Stefan, it's Elena. I don't know where you are, wish you would call. Love you." She ended the call with a sad sigh and looked out the window to see clouds rolling in. "I hope it doesn't storm."

"You know, he is probably at the tomb." Elena gasped and looked to see Damon looking at her, smiling faintly.

"Damon! You're okay!" She jumped up and hugged him. "I was so worried about you!" Tears rolled down her face and she pressed Damon against her.

"Elena? Can't. Breathe." Elena pulled away giggling.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Damon." Damon chuckled.

"It is alright. Calm down." Elena nodded and stayed close to Damon.

"What happened?" Damon looked away.

"Nothing, I don't want to talk about it." Elena grabbed Damon's face and pulled it to look at her.

"Damon, tell me what happened. One minute I don't have my necklace, and then I do. And then you call me Katherine while in your vervain coma telling her to tell me you love me. So, please explain to me what is going on." Elena watched as Damon got up to lean against the head board.

"Well Elena, everything i said was true. I love you. The night I came over to give you your vervain necklace. I told you I loved you and compelled you to forget what I said. Then I came home, heartbroken and just drank a glass full of vervain poisoned blood. I don't remember the whole situation in thinking you were Katherine but I do love you Elena. But I can't, you have Stefan and that is how it is suppose to be." Elena shook her head with tears falling down her face.

"I love you too Damon but I can't just choose who I want to be with. I don't know what I am going to do but I am so glad you are okay!" Elena hugged him again before moving her head to kiss his cheek. At the same time, Damon moved his head and their lips locked in the most romantic way possible.

Thank you so much for reading! Please review! :D And here is my fansite: .com/pages/VampiroRachele24/118864538185178