Okay so I am a huge Big Time Rush fan! I love all the boys. :)

Here is a story I wrote in the middle of the night.

Check me out on youtube!


Chapter 1

*katies POV*

I walked into my room feeling sick. I decided it would be a good idea to lie down.

Mom had decided to go on a mini vacation with her friends this weekend and wouldn't be back until tomorrow night.

I got in my bed and snuggled up under the covers. Since it was only 10am The boys were still asleep, so I had time to relax before I had to act not sick.

I tried falling asleep but I just couldn't. After 5 minutes of sitting in bed I began to shiver and Then my stomach felt uneasy. I made a mad dash for the bathroom. I made it just in time to have what I ate for breakfast come back up.

*kendalls POV*

I awoke to a weird noise, so I got up to investigate. As I walked out of my room I could hear the noise better and I figured out what it was, someone was getting sick. I walked towards the bathroom to find katie clinging to the toilet.

*katies POV*

How could I go from feeling okay to feeling so bad? I asked myself as I lunged towards the toilet again.

"Katie?" I heard my brother say.

I groaned in response, leaning against the tub. I then felt a hand on my forehead and it felt amazing on my hot head.

"your burning up!" he said panicked and removed his hand.

I opened my eyes and watched him get up and open the medicine cabinet to find the thermometer. When he found it he came back to me and held it to my lips. "open up," he said.

I was going to argue but I just didn't have the energy. so I slipped it under my tongue.

"I'll be right back, don't move." he stated.

*kendalls POV*

I left the bathroom and ran to mine and Logan's bedroom. I went over to Logan and shook him awake.

"Logan get up! I need your help, katies sick!" I said in a panic.

Logan stretched and rubbed his eyes. "what?" he asked sleepy.

"it's Kate she's sick. We all know you want to be a doctor so I though you could help."

*katies POV*

I heard Kendall wake up Logan. I really didn't want to be sick. I hated doctors. I hated feeling venerable.

'should I run?' I thought, but before I could even get up Kendall was back with Logan.

Logan bent down and took the thermometer out of my mouth. His expression turned to horror.

"101," he said softly.

"that's it we are going to the doctor Katie!" Kendall exclaimed, bending down to pick me up.

"no!" I yelled and fought him. I REALLY didn't want to go!

"doctors are meant to help," Logan stated.

"I don't care!" I made a mad dash out of the bathroom, only to run right into James.

The impacted sent me backwards onto my butt. "ow," I whispered.

"james grab her!" Kendall yelled.

James bent down to pick me up, but yet again I was much too fast. I ran towards the door only to yet again be blocked from freedom.

Carlos was standing in front of the front door dressed in his hockey outfit ready to take me down.

I sighed there was no getting out of going to the doctor...

Authors note:

Okay so I have more written, but I'd love to hear some feedback first. :)