A vile stench greeted my nose as I followed Jack into the hog house. What friend of his could possibly live in here? I mused. Mud, dirt and other things that were disgusting in nature lay strewn across the barn floor. In the corner was a man using a pig as a pillow and cuddling a sick looking stuffed bear.

"This is your friend?" I inquired in disbelief,

"Aye." Jack grunted lifting a pail of water. "Though I use the term friend loosely."

I gasped as he doused the man with water. Instantly the man was on his feet bellowing unintelligently.

"Blast ye who wake me!"

That voice was somewhat familiar to me. I began to examine the man's features more intensely. Strong build, round face, thick side burns, older in age. It was too hard to determine a hair colour through the wet muck that covered him.

"Oi stop your hollering!" Jack ordered.

I held back my cry of surprise. What on Earth had happened to this man since I saw him those years ago? He looked so unlike the proud sailor he had once been.

" ?" I questioned softly.

Gibbs turned to me examining my face as curiously as I did his. His sleepy eyes widened at last and he said. "Miss Dawson? What in the world are ye doing here? Ain't no place for a lady like-"

"Perhaps we should converse elsewhere." Jack suggested wrinkling his nose to the stink of the barn.

I was not entirely excited to be returning to the pub where I'd found Jack. I wondered in fear if the man that Jack had stolen from would still be there. Luck seemed to be on my side. As I sat with Jack and Gibbs at a grimy table I saw no sign of the vest man.

"Now what're doing here Miss Dawson?" Gibbs asked after swigging a bit of the rum Jack had purchased for us.

"I'm with Jack." I said firmly taking a small sip from my own cup. It took all my strength not to gag at the horrid taste. I made a note to avoid rum in the future.

"I can see that." Gibbs snorted looking back and forth between Jack and I. "I mean why? Don't think yer father would approve of ye running with a pirate."

"Technically we're sailing." I answered rudely. "And as to what my father thinks matters little to me. The cowardly fool."

Gibbs stared inquisitively at Jack who shrugged and said. "Never mind your reunion, Gibbs I need me a crew. And a ship as well."

"A crew ye can find anywhere around here." Gibbs replied casting a glance round the room. "But a ship, now that's hard to come by. How'd ye get here?"

"Commandeered one of old Eddie's boats when we left Destile. But I'm afraid that it will be useless for the task I wish to accomplish."

"Which is?"

I leaned in closer as Jack dropped his voice to a whisper. I was bursting with curiosity regarding my first adventure as a pirate.

"I'm after the Grail." Jack whispered simply.

"The Holy Grail! I thought that was an old legend!"

Both Jack and Gibbs shushed me causing me to turn a bit red. Embarrassed from my outburst.

"Not the actual cup." My captain explained. "There is an island said to be a trove for treasures. The Holy Grail of the Caribbean."

My mouth parted in silent wonder. I pictured an oasis of gold, silver, bronze works, and spectacular jewels. I had always been a sucker for treasure. Not common things but historical rare trinkets. That was the only plus in visiting Beckett's home with my Father and Anna when I was younger. He was something of a collector of old valuable things.

I came out of my reverie to hear Gibbs saying, "And how do you expect to find the place Jack?"

Smiling Jack pulled out the compass we'd taken from my Father and placed it on the table.

"Blazes Jack!" Gibbs exclaimed. "How'd ye get it back?"

"Got it with a little help." Jack said tipping a wink to me. "This'll show us our course as you know Gibbs. Look its already going!"

Sure enough the arrow of the compass was spinning madly. Once it'd stopped it pointed North Eastern.

"We've got our heading." Jack said with satisfaction. "Now what say you Gibbs? Care to lend a hand on this quest?"

Grinning greedily Gibbs nodded. "Aye captain. Let's get started."

The rest of the night was spent interviewing potential crew mates. The task of recruiting was left in hands while Jack entertained a gaggle of wenches. I rolled my eyes and tried to help Gibbs out the best that I could with interviewing all the while fighting the hunger that tore at my stomach. I contemplated stealing some money from one of the bar's occupants but one look around at the rough looking men told me that that idea wasn't the best.

In the end Gibbs and I gathered about 20 crewmen. None were too special in my opinion, just standard skilled sailors looking for some work and a nice bit of treasure. Of the 20 there were only 4 that stuck out to me. The first being the rather odd set of twins.

I was sitting there rocking back in my chair having a fantasy about full spread feast when the two fair haired and freckled men came forward. Both looked almost 18 and had the same hazel eyes. I concluded that they were twins.

"'Ello!" said the first one brightly eyes gleaming in excitement. "Names Colin and this here's me brother Warren!" the other grinned mischievously at the sound of his name. The other twin plowed on, "We're the Harris twins and sailing is in our hearts!"

"Aye." Said Gibbs airily. "Got any experience?"

"Used to help our dad fish and stuff when we were lads." Warren mumbled somewhat lamely. "But don't let that discourage you! Fine sailors we is! And eager to learn what is we don't know!"

You could practically taste the excitement from the pair in the air surrounding them. I smiled at Gibbs hoping he'd be kind enough to let them onto the crew.

"Ehhh.."Gibbs considered for a moment. "Not sure if that's enough experience to allow ye to sail with us."

Both twins shared a panic stricken glance then launched into reasons why they'd be good crewmen. I sat there listening to all they had to say and found myself wanting the spirited pair to join our crew more and more. They were amusing and sea voyages could be long and dull with the wrong people. They also seemed to possess a hell of a lot of bravery. Plus they were close to me in age, the only ones actually. Everyone else Gibbs hired was older by a lot of years.

"Come on!" They finished their rambling begging together.

Gibbs still appeared to be unconvinced of their usefulness. He wasn't going to refuse the lads that easily. I stepped harshly on Gibbs foot and cleared my throat hoping he'd get the message of my displeasure towards him at the moment. It seemed he had. Sighing he said "Allright allright make ye mark. But I'm not responsible for ye deaths!"

"Thank you sir!" Colin beamed as the youths scrawled their names on the list. "Promise not to let ye down!"

I gave them a wink before they scuttled away to discuss their new employment. The twins would definitely liven up the trip. The next interesting fellow was a man from Jamaica. He was tall, muscular, and dark and spoke in a heavily accented deep voice.

"My name is Bastian." He stated clearly. "Been sailing since I was a boy. Know my way round a ship. Also know how to use a firearm when required. And I've heard that I'm quite the cook."

"All fine qualities in a sailor!" Gibbs declared cheerfully. "Sign away."

It was interesting for me to be in a world in which skin colour didn't matter. There was a moment before Gibbs said yes that I feared that Gibbs would reject him due to the pigment of his skin. That's what I was accustomed to growing up. My father had a few slaves in our household and treated them like dirt. I took every opportunity to show them kindness. No one deserved to live that way, forced into labour unable to have freedom. I shuddered imaging that lifestyle and thanked God that I was away from that world now. I was now somewhere where anyone could be free and live peacefully together, well at least as peacefully as pirates and buccaneers could.

The final man to capture my interest came not till the end of the night at which time Jack had retired to a private room with a trollop and my belly was growling audibly in hunger. I had my head down on the table and was close to passing out when this man approached.

"Evening." He growled with a voice that immediately caused me to peer up at the speaker. The man was of average height and build but the main thing that caught my eye was three deep scars crossing his face diagonally. These scars distorted his figures gruesomely. This man who could've maybe been 25 at least now looked in his 50's. Realizing that I was staring too hard at the stranger I cast my eyes down.

"Hullo."Gibbs muttered dully seemingly unimpressed with the man's visage. "Just make your mark."

Over the hours Gibbs grew tired of interviewing the prospects and just took to signing anyone who came by up. Bad judgment on his part I believed. But then again my opinion didn't matter. Gibbs would no doubt be Jack's first mate. Where did that leave me? I had a decent knowledge of sailing from childhood experiences and secret studying. I could fight as well. Still where did that place me? My musings were interrupted by the scarred man.

"What're doing out here girly?" He asked leering down at me. "Not really a safe place for a lady to be."

Glaring up at him defiantly I crisply stated, "I am part of the crew. And I'm not worried about my safety. I can take care of myself."

"Can ye now?" The man questioned eyeing me with curiosity. He suddenly jumped at me causing me to topple out of my chair.

Sore and embarrassed I leapt to my feet both hands behind my back clutching the hilts of my swords ready to prove this man wrong. Gibbs placed a warning hand on my shoulder before I could unsheathe them. I knew causing a scene wasn't the brightest idea but this man had messed with my temper and I had a horrible temper. After a silent minute of glaring at the man while internally battling with myself I sat down.

The man laughed. "That's what I thought. Just a little girl. Eh maybe you could provide the crew with entertainment or mend our clothes. Oh or perhaps you can cook!"

I let his taunts wash over me fighting the urge to sink my blade into his gut. With a final laugh he departed. When he disappeared I rounded on Gibbs.

"Why'd you stop me?! I could've taken the ugly brute!"

"Aye but there's no need for a scene." Gibbs assured me. He then got to his feet and went to the back room where Jack was.

Jack returned with Gibbs in minutes looking thoroughly disheveled. I cringed at the thought of his activities with the harlot. Jack checked out the list of names grinning.

"Excellent!" He exclaimed folding the parchment up and pocketing it.

"All we need now is a ship." Gibbs said. He and I asked around while recruiting but found that there were no spare ships available and that no one was willing to loan one to Captain Jack Sparrow.

"No worries mate." Jack said waving his hand. "I gathered some information myself and found that there's a nice ship docked round here. We should be able to take it easily. It'll just require a bit of persuasion."