Yes I know that this is coming out later then I originally said it would and I am sorry for that, I have been busy with writing various papers for my philosophy class. I hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer – I do not own Tenchi Muyo or any of the characters created within the series. The story line involving Volon and the characters derived from this story line such as Cordain are original creation created by myself and my friend Paul Vincent, whom I would like to thank as a excellent co-creator and one of the few people whom had faith that I could actually pull this story off. Warning this story contains scenes of graphic violence, some language, and suggestive themes recommend age is 16+. If you are offended by the above or are under age please stop reading or if you are underage seek parent's permission first, I will not take any responsibility for any actions you take as a result of reading this story. Now that I am finished with this disclaimer the majority of you are just going to ignore anyway on with the story.

Neo Tenchi Muyo – Episode 1 "Tears of a Prince"

Created by Karl Grava and Paul Vincent

Written by Karl Grava

Start main theme – Love Will Leave You Crying

"The world of Volon stood alone in the system of Altor 7. Only one sun and two moons surrounded the space within this system. The world of Volon shined like a bright blue diamond within the darkness of space. It was a world where the seas were clear and when you looked into them it was a reflection that returned your stare. The endless forests filled with wild life that brought a sense of awe and fondness to my self. Then thee were the cities the cities, which seemed like beautifully crated metallic fingers reaching for the heavens themselves. Out of all of things on my world though it was a single flower I remember the most, the Kashima, it grew only on Volon and even then only once every ten years did it bloom. I remember it was on my tenth year that I saw the Kashima in all of it's beauty, it shimmered in a light blue, with petals that were at times white or at times red depending on how the sunlight hit the petals. I remember how I picked out two that I had found one for my little sister, she instantly placed it in her hair and hugged me ass she went along dancing in the long fields of our home. The other was for my mother, I remember how she smiled when I gave it to her and just starred into it and smiled. It was a peace full world, once, yet that was all so very long ago."

From the Journal of the First Prince of Volon, Cordain Volon.

800 years ago.

Cordain sat on the ground; the blood from the cut on his he had was already beginning to flow into his eyes. He tried standing up but he could not maintain his balance, he kept seeing two of everything. Two of every building that only a few hours ago were standing now but ashes and ruble upon the oncoming attack. Two of every dead body that surrounded him mostly burned and black beyond recognition, yet he knew who they were, they were the men sworn to protect him. He remembered how his father once told him that for the Honor Guards to die while serving their lord is the greatest honor they could imagine to receive. Yet Cordain, this small child whose long silvery white hair was covered in the debris and ash of various buildings could not see any honor in death, his dark green eyes could see nothing but pain. He knew these men Jalta, Daro, Flex, Cerinese, and Hanver they had been his friends and guardians for as long as he could remember. All he wanted was for them to be safe, yet they died, all of them died to protect him.

Cordain continued to look around the area he was not far from the palace yet that itself was only a smoking heap of rubble. He knew he had to be strong, he had to be strong for his family, he had to. Cordain continued to try standing despite the shaking of the ground below him and the thunderous sounds of explosions that rung in the once blue now crimson sky. "Cordain!" the voice of his little sister Arlina shouted out. Cordain spun around to try and look in the direction from where he heard her voice. "Arlina where are you?" Cordain shouted back hoping she was close by, he knew more then likely the Honor Guards that were assigned to her were dead and he had to protect her. Yet he could see nothing but rubble and dead bodies before him. "Cordain I'm here I'm right in front of you." With that Cordain looked down at his feet and moved forward only a few more feet and then looked down at a pile of ruble at his feet. Frantically he started moving away pieces of metal until he could make out the face of his sister.

Her face once so light in color now covered black in ash. Her long black hair cut and tangles by the debris covering her small body. Her blue eyes once so filled with joy now were aged with the visions and atrocities of war. She looked through the wreckage that had pinned her to the ground and stared at her brother with tears streaming from her eyes. Cordain raced, even with the pain searing through his body, towards his sister. Then it happened the blinding flash and the deafening thunder, which surrounded Cordain and threw him back what felt like a mile to him yet was not even 200 feet. Cordain opened his eyes, it took a while yet his eyes finally began to work again as the whiteness that only a second ago consumed his vision began to fade. He saw the fire from where he was once standing, where his sister was trapped. "Arlina! Arlina where are you, Arlina!" Cordain screamed again and again, he knew where she was and he knew that once again there was nothing he could do yet he could not face the truth. "Arlina! Please answer me, God please answer me!" He continued shouting. He tried standing but every time he kept falling down. There was blood all along his arms and his face from various cuts injuries, which he could no longer even feel now.

The shadow loomed over Cordain he tried to turn around, expecting to see one of the enemy soldiers ready to kill him. He knew he would die and he knew that he could do nothing to stop it. Yet behind him was not the devil that he anticipated to find waiting for him in this war zone but instead his mother. She was tall and elegant even in her blackened, torn and burned blue dress. Her long flowing black hair reached down to her feet, her skin the same fairness that belonged to her son, and her deep green eyes the same that her son had. She looked at her son wounded and calling for his dead sister, she herself had seen the blast and could do nothing. It was her little girl her angel whom had just died yet she could not let herself cry she had to remain strong for her son and she knew this. She held back the tears as she knelt down to her son. " She's dead Cordain there is nothing that you can do now." She said in a slow voice devoid of emotion. "Mother…" Cordain was in shock he could not believe that his mother was still alive and that she showed no sympathy for his sister's death. "Cordain I want you to listen to me, this world does not have much time left nor do I but you still have much to do. Fate has chosen a different course for you one that you will have to wake without your family. It will be a hard road and you will face many challenges but I believe with all my heart you carry on." Delanna the queen of Volon looked at her son as she spoke these words. She then pulled from around her neck a necklace made of gold with an emerald attached to it. She unlocked the necklace and put it on her son. "This is the heart of our world and our people as long as you live we will never truly die, one day you will restore our world." Delanna said as she saw the tears in her son's eyes. "Mother please come with me." Cordain began to cry. "I can not go with you, but I will always be with you, I love you my son." And with that she place her hand on his head and he slumped over unconscious.

Delanna looked at her sleeping son, she knew this would be the last time she would ever see him. She wept as she began to stand up and raised her arms to the sky, her eyes flashing green with a strange energy. " De savara Del no toro Volon. Ana fe tinarin goun satchun vasintez compatus de Volon." She shouted to heaven. The necklace around Cordain's neck then began to radiate with the same energy as Delarra's eyes and it slowly entered into Cordain's chest then healed the wounded just made. "Mother of our planet hear my cry send forth this child to the land of Gaia, send forth this child from your care to land of beginning and protect him from the shadows of your foes. In the name of Delanna Volon queen of Volon I implore thee to send this child away!" with her last word a shout to the heavens a pillar of light surrounded Cordain and within seconds it was gone along with Cordain.

Delanna knew that the end was here. She could feel the tremors in the planet and knew that they had used the forbidden weapon on Volon. " May Tsunami save him." With the whisper came the wave of fire that would consume not only Delanna but also the entire planet. The wave continued until it reached full circle and it was then that the entire planet then shattered into a million pieces flying in various directions into the vastness of space. The enemy fleet watched the chaos of the planets destruction, at least a thousand ships where present. Each ship had a similar yet different design, each ship held the flag of Juria.

In a distant part of the universe D3 stares into the nothingness that encompasses the throne room of lady Tokemi. "They have already made their move my lady." He spoke aloud. The visage of Lady Tokemi then overshadowed him. "This action will serve them no advantage now, but it does serve me." She said in a curious tone. "Do you mean the boy my lady surely you do to mean to still use him?" D3 asked for once not sure of what his creator had planned. "I foresee a time when my sisters and I will wage war again over existence and I see a path which this boy may play a crucial part in my success." Tokemi said ominously. "Success or downfall my lady, both are but a thin line apart." D3 spoke cautiously. With that Lady Tokemi just grinned as she faded away.

Present Day - Earth

" It has already been one year since Ryoko and the others arrived. Since then life has been anything but quite. It was only after we had returned to Earth saving Ryoko, now combined with her counter part Zero, that we received a new visitor. She was a tall, slender woman in her mid-twenties with dark teal hair. She told use that she was a named Kiyone and that she was ordered to take Mihoshi back to the Galaxy Police command center. Yet her ship, the Yagami, as well as Mihoshi's ship were both repaired by Mihoshi and well, um, their still being repaired by Washu whom has been muttering something about how Mihoshi must have broken every scientific law in the universe to do the damage to those ships that she did. Regardless dad is allowing Kiyone to stay with us and is now bunking with Mihoshi, for some reason she did not seem overly pleased beginning in the same room as Mihoshi. As for everyone else Washu is still at work creating various inventions, all destroyed in some accidental way by Mihoshi. Sasami is still acting as the head chef of the family and is still the best cleaner as well. Ryo-Ohki still eats about as many carrots as I can grow. Dad is still working a six-day week for the architecture firm. Grandfather is still training me, at least now he is training me to use my powers so I stand some chance against him when we fight, but not much. Ryoko and Ayeka seem to have become friends with one another; there is only one major fight between them every month instead of every hour. This is partially due to Sasami whom they both love and who loves both of them and the fact that they knew I couldn't stand seeing either one of them fighting. Ryoko has become much more quite and reserved ever since she bonded with Zero. She has told me on numerous times when looking me right in the eyes that she loved me, and I know that I am falling in love with her. I haven't told her yet because I am still trying to find a way to kept Ayeka from going into orbit over the news, if that's even possible. I care about Ayeka, I always will care about her, but I cannot look at her and say that I feel the same way about as I do with Ryoko. It has nothing to do with their appearance, both of them are exceptionally beautiful, it has more to do with this feeling I have felt inside one of tenderness for Ryoko and the fact that I know she feels the same way if not even stronger for me. I know that I cannot put this off for much longer but I do not want to hurt Ayeka, I feel as if she and Sasami were both my younger sisters. Well I had better think of something soon, Ryoko please be patient with me."

With those words Tenchi set his pencil down and closed his journal. He had been writing in it since the girls had arrived, it was a good way of letting out some of his problems he was not ready or willing to talk about. Tenchi rose from his chair and proceeded to exit his room; he could already smell the Miso soup, which Sasami must have made for breakfast today. Upon entering the hallway Tenchi saw Ryo-Ohki sitting outside his door just starring at him with her big cute eyes. "Meow!" Ryo-Ohki chirped cheerfully at Tenchi. Tenchi starred down at her and patted her on the head. "Good morning Ryo-Ohki, I guess you've already eaten huh?" Tenchi asked. Ryo-Ohki just smiled "Meowww!" She replied happily and then ran of down stairs. Tenchi proceeded after the cabbit and turned into the kitchen to see Sasami already hard at work making everyone breakfast. She was wearing her favorite apron with a large carrot design on the front. Tenchi smiled while saying good morning to her and proceeded to sit down at the table.

Just like clockwork Ayeka and Ryoko both arrived in the kitchen. "Good morning Tenchi." They both said in unison. Tenchi had grown accustom to this, although it was quite strange to awake to this every day he thought. Ryoko sat on Tenchi's right side while Ayeka sat on his left side. It was at this time as was usual in the Masaki household that the sound of Mihoshi falling down the stairs could be heard (sweat drops over the heads of all who could hear.). Following in suite would be Kiyone mumbling about how her life was hell thanks to Mihoshi. Both of the officers would then take a seat at the opposite end of the table from Tenchi while Sasami sat next to Kiyone. Everyone ate quietly, with the exception of Ayeka whom was grumbling at Ryoko for cuddling against Tenchi while she ate. Yes it was just another ordinary day in the Masaki household.

Tenchi then felt it as he fell to the ground. "Tenchi!" Ryoko cried out catching him before he fell to the floor. "Lord Tenchi what's wrong?" Ayeka asked scared for the first time in well over a year. Tenchi did not respond to anyone his eyes fluttered as he fell into a state of unconsciousness. The last thing he heard was Ryoko voice screaming "Tenchi!"

Tenchi awoke in a wide-open space of nothing but mist. The sky hung around him like sorrow hangs over a troubled heart. Tenchi survived his surroundings. There was nothing but endless mist as far as he could see. It was then that he could hear a voice, it was a woman singing. Tenchi proceeded closer towards the voice as he walked closer he could begin to make out the words to the song. It was a gently tone in the woman's voice that was calm almost like the sound of a small stream of flowing water. Tenchi began to walk at a faster pace to find the source of the voice; he knew that this woman would probably know where and why he was in this place. Yet he did not call out for the woman, he could not bring himself to disturb the beauty of her singing and he could not even explain to himself why he was so transfixed by the song.

April roses, tiny sparrows,

Cornets bright and new

All belong together

With the myst'ry that is you

When I see your little face

I hear a song from long ago

I think you know

The many secrets I've forgotten

Generations through the ages

Joined as one somehow

Leading to the miracle

That I am holding now

From the sky and from the sea

Upon a breeze you came to me

You seem to see

A greater universe than I do

Sleep my baby, sleep my baby

Dream of somewhere far away

Do you remember still

How I hope you always will

Keep the mem'ry of the day

The world was born

When you wake up I'll be waiting

Eager for your smile

You've had quite a journey, Darling

You should rest a while

When you cry we still rejoice

To hear your voice - oh yes, it's true

My sweet Washu

Please understand how much we love you

Sleep my baby, sleep my baby

Later on perhaps you'll tell

The wondrous things you've seen

More miraculous than dreams

Tell me all about the day

The world was born


Sleep my baby, sleep my baby

Dream of somewhere far away

Do you remember still

How I hope you always will

Keep the mem'ry of the day

The world was born

As the song ended Tenchi found an end to mist. At the end of the mist stood an elaborate throne room carved of marble and other materials, which Tenchi did not know of. The throne was decorated with various trees on the right and left side of the throne. The sun shined through the vast skylight, which roofed the throne in a dome shape. There were statues of various people, none of whom Tenchi knew, around the trees. Yet it was in the center of the throne that a woman was standing in a long white dress. Her dress sparkled and shined, reflecting the light of the sun, her hair was a cyan colored and atop her head was a wooden headband, the crown of Juria.

Ryoko, Tenchi knew that this woman was Ryoko. Yet what surprised him even more then her sheer beauty within the sunlight of the throne room was what was held in her arms. Held tightly to her chest was a small child bundled in various blankets, the child fast asleep, comforted and secure in it's mother's arms. Tenchi saw Ryoko's face and the quite gentle smile that was there. It was a smile only a parent could have, a smile only the deepest love could bring out, Tenchi could just barely remember a similar smile on his mother's face. "Sleep tight little Achika." Ryoko whispered to her sleeping daughter. Tenchi then heard the footsteps of someone else, it was himself. Except this version of himself was dressed in the royal attire of Juria and on his forehead was the wooden crown of Juria. Tenchi watched as he saw himself come up behind Ryoko and hug her, giving her a gentle kiss on the neck.

Ryoko giggled at Tenchi's attention to her. "How is little Achika doing?" Tenchi asked Ryoko. Ryoko looked at her sleeping daughter and then around to Tenchi. "I almost thought she would not go to sleep until her father showed up. You know she generally never sleeps with out at least one song from you. But here she is fast asleep, I guess she just tired herself out today." Ryoko said quietly making sure not to wake her daughter. Tenchi looked at his child and smiled back at his wife. "I love you Ryoko, and I love you as well little Achika." Tenchi said in a whisper. It was then though that a smile appeared upon the small child' face as though she had just heard her father's voice.

Tenchi watched with a sense of awe the scene that was presented before him. He had been wondering what life with Ryoko would be like for sometime now, yet he never imagined something this wonderful, he never saw himself as a father. Tenchi knew this was the world he wanted for himself, this was the world he could live in and never leave a world where he, Ryoko and their children where always safe and happy. It was then that the throne slowly began to disappear and Tenchi found himself awakening inside Washu's lab.

"Tenchi are you alright?" Ryoko asked Tenchi even in his dazed state could see how terrified she had been. "I'm fine I just fainted that's all, I should probably get to work…" Tenchi said before Washu cut him off. "Your not going anywhere except to bed right now, from what I detected you just used about as much energy within the last hour as you would have used if you had summoned the Light Hawk Wings. What you need right now is rest and nothing more." Washu stated this so that there was no argument on the issue. "Mom what caused this?" Ryoko asked her voice shaking with the fear that had not yet passed over her completely. "From what I could tell Lord Tenchi just traveled to a parallel dimension via riding the current of the sub-space radiation waves emitted by the sun and redirected by the flux of his Juria power, understand?" Washu explained. Ryoko just gave a puzzled look. Washu sighed, "He just got flung into a possible future due to a cosmic phenomenon." Washu said explaining her past statement. "Will this happen again little Washu?" Tenchi asked while still keeping his eyes transfixed on Ryoko. "Well more then likely the odds of this ever happening again are about the same as Mihoshi not doing something to anger Kiyone in the course of a day, or 1 to 10 trillion." Washu stated.

Tenchi got up from the medical table he had been on and slowly walked out of the room. "Ryoko why don't you help Tenchi get in his bed." Washu said. Ryoko phased over to Tenchi's side and wrapped her right arm around him helping him stand. "By the way little Ryoko, that does not mean get into bed with him." Washu said with a grin on her face. Ryoko scowled at her mother and phased out of the lab with Tenchi. Washu stood watching the computers go over the data she had just collected on Tenchi yet it was not Tenchi she was thinking about now. "She actually called me mom." Washu thought.

In Tenchi's room Ayeka had already tended to making his bed and seeing that his clothes were already laid out for him. Ayeka saw Ryoko practically carry Tenchi to his bed where she helped his get under the covers and pulled them over him. Ayeka was about to speak but realized that Tenchi was already asleep, Ryoko phased over to Ayeka. "Can you watch him while I help Sasami make some soup for him?" Ryoko asked. Ayeka was stunned here was Ryoko here long time rival asking her to spend time with Tenchi alone, yet Ayeka could see that Ryoko had the look of a scared child in her eyes, a vulnerability that she could not take advantage of. "Yes I'll watch over him." Ayeka replied quietly. With that Ryoko phased out of the room.

Ayeka pulled up the chair from Tenchi's desk to sit. She looked on the desk where she saw the journal wide open and briefly skimmed the entry, the entry that revealed the truth Ayeka hoped she would never learn. Ayeka could not keep the tears back; she could not understand why he could not love her like she had loved him. She was furious with him, why did he allow her to keep loving him when he knew he could not return the love, why did he choose that demon (the same demon whom burned her home, forced her first fiancée to abandon her, and stole the affection of her second love)! Ayeka just cried as she covered her face with her hands. "Ryoko…" Ayeka heard Tenchi whisper the name in his sleep. Rage consumed her she hated that name, but she hated Tenchi even more; at least Ryoko never played any games with her heart. "Damn you Tenchi!" Ayeka softly cried as she stood up and quietly left the room.

Ayeka once outside Tenchi's room ran down the stairs and outside of the house into the forest. She did not know where exactly she was running to but she knew she was going to run as far from him as possible. She did not know how long she had been running when she stopped to catch her breath, she knew that she was fairly far since she could not see the house. "You know you can't runaway, and you know he didn't mean to hurt you, but damn it still hurts!" Ayeka thought angrily as she kept crying. "Princess Ayeka?" A voice asked. Ayeka turned to see a man dressed in a fine black suit, with a long red cape. His long silvery white hair flowing within the wind and his dark green eyes starring into her. "My name is Cordain Volon, last prince of Volon, I have come to kill you!" He said slowly and calmly yet with malice dripping from each word from his hand then formed a long bastard sword as he charged the princess. "Time to die!" Cordain yelled as he swung the sword at her hear the scream of Ayeka as the sword came down.

To be continued

Next Episode – "Love and Loss"

Please email all comment to [email protected]

Well what was your opinion of this story Emily? Please send me any comments, praises, or criticisms. Also I am currently making a soundtrack to Neo Tenchi Muyo featuring music from the OAV, as well as music by virtuoso Yoko Kanno (composer of "Macross Plus", "Escaflowne" and "Cowboy Bebop"). If you would like a copy I will need your mailing address so that I can send it to you, the same goes to you Paul (Sorry man I lost your mailing address when I moved.) Paul I would also like to know what your response this story is since I did some alterations to the original draft. Well I look forward to your responses and I will try and send out episode tow in a more timely fashion, sorry about the delay in sending out episode one and thank you for your patience.

Your friend
