Random one-shot as a result of being wide awake at 4:30am.
NOTE - I had a serious problem with and the layout of this fic. Everytime I tried to sort out a seperation marker for each email (whether that be underscores, stars etc) it wouldn't save them atall. Sorry but I've had to use the underline thingy.
From: H. Pearce
To: R. Evershed
Hi Ruth,
I got a call last night from the HS asking me to attend a meeting early this morning before you or the team got onto the Grid. It's turned out to be a hell of a lot longer than I thought it would, and this is my first chance I've had to contact you.
I don't know when we'll finish, but if you could just tell the others I'll be back as soon as possible I'd really appreciate it, thanks.
From: R. Evershed
To: H. Pearce
Hi Harry,
Thank god! I was beginning to worry about you. Your phone's been off?
Ok will do. Is everything alright over there? A meeting critical to national security no doubt.
From: H. Pearce
To: R. Evershed
Phone's been on silent. Even if I'd heard it I wouldn't have been able to answer. Sorry.
Yes indeed it is a matter critical to national security. The man we picked up last month, William Homes, has turned out to be somewhat more of a problem than I first anticipated. You were right when you said we shouldn't have released him.
From: R. Evershed
To: H. Pearce
Harry when will you learn I'm ALWAYS right; I'm a woman.
What kind of problem?
From: H. Pearce
To: R. Evershed
You weren't right about the coffee the other day - I told you the pot was empty!
A problem that involves the Turkish government. Somewhere along the Turkish and Bulgarian border, Holmes has been organising illegal immigrant truck smuggling. And because I let him out of the country, I partly assume responsibility for that. Apparently.
From: R. Evershed
To: H. Pearce
Tea is better for you anyway, full of anti-oxidants. Or even better, green tea; helps lower your blood sugar and cholesterol etc.
Homes is involved in illegal immigration? How the hell did we miss that? I hope your neck's not on the line with this one Harry. I'm guessing you're shut in a room with a lot of angry people? What a way to start a Monday morning. I'll pray for you if you like.
From: H. Pearce
To. R. Evershed
Are you suggesting I need to watch my cholesterol? Been looking at my health review have you? Guessing things aren't too tense on the Grid today then!
My necks not on the line, no; most of these people don't know who I am, though that doesn't seem to be stopping the fact that they obviously feel compelled to shout at me. Never liked the bloody Turks anyway.
From: R. Evershed
To: H. Pearce
Well, as you've mentioned it - yes, I have had a quick browse through your health review as you're not here. Tut tut Harry.
So how long is this meeting going to go on for? You're obviously not in it now if you're emailing me.
From: H. Pearce
To: R. Evershed
How the hell did you get hold of my health review!
I don't know, sorry. Shouldn't be too long now though. The caffeine kick's stating to ebb on everyone I think.
From: R. Evershed
To: H. Pearce
If I can hack into foreign security systems I don't see how acquiring your health review is any more impressive. It's all on file I'm afraid. Bloody good job I did too - have you even read it yourself?
From: H. Pearce
To: R. Evershed
I probably glanced over it a few months ago, yes.
From: R. Evershed
To: H. Pearce
Well perhaps you should glance over it again unless you want to die next week.
R x
From: H. Pearce
To: R. Evershed
Can't help but notice you put a kiss at the end of that reply Ruth...
From: R. Evershed
To: H. Pearce
So? What's wrong with a friendly little kiss. Everyone does it.
From: H. Pearce
To: R. Evershed
I don't.
From: R. Evershed
To: H. Pearce
Maybe you should.
R x
From: H. Pearce
To: R. Evershed
I wouldn't kiss people in real life when I finished speaking to them.
As it's you.
H xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: R. Evershed
To: H. Pearce
No need to be sarcastic Harry.
Thank you anyway. This is an awfully long break you've had from the meeting..?
R x
From: H. Pearce
To: R. Evershed
I was wondering when you'd bring that up.
H xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: R. Evershed
To: H. Pearce
Harry? Where are you?
From: H. Pearce
To: R. Evershed
Turn around.
H xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
LOL what a load of nonesense. Reviews mean the world! :)